10% for bikes and peds- LA City Council Meeting

Thread started by
gohomedorothy at 04.19.10 - 1:06 am
Hi everyone!
The meeting we’ve been waiting for- one of the last steps to ensuring that 10% of Measure R Local Return Funds are allocated for bicycle and pedestrian projects. We need people to actively attend this meeting, speak up and show LA City Council that we want dedicated funding for bicycle and pedestrian projects!
When: Monday, April 19th, 1pm
Where: LA City Hall, 200 N. Spring St, Room 340
What’s being discussed tomorrow?
Read the full report here: http://clkrep.lacity.org/onlinedocs/2009/09-0600-S48_rpt_cao_4-9-10.pdf
On page 5-
“RECOMMENDATIONS: That the City Council approve the following actions:
1. Approve a plan for the expenditure of the City’s Measure R local return funds that includes:
c. An annual allocation of a ten percent set-aside for bicycle and pedestrian programs (five percent each) and direction to LADOT to prepare a pedestrian and bicycle project work plan for the expenditure of these funds;
….. “
Some talking points, so you’re prepared for tomorrow’s meeting:
* The LA Bike and Pedestrian Count Project counted over 14,000 cyclists and 60,000 pedestrians in the City of LA- as more and more people bicycle and walk, we need more dedicated funding streams for bicycle and pedestrian projects
* There are thousands of shovel-ready projects that will be able to immediately use this funding, such as LA River Bike Path, bike lane projects, streetscape improvements
* Once the LA Bicycle Plan is approved, there will be thousands more projects that will be able to use this funding
* Approve the 10% for bikes and peds today!
RSVP to Dorothy@la-bike.org if you plan to attend. We hope to mobilize a significant amount of people to this meeting. It’s been a long campaign, but we’re on the tail end of it and we hope that you all come out to keep it the final push it needs to pass through FULL City Council after this meeting.