Can you explain why you posted this?
md204.16.10 - 1:50 pm
Thought that this was in relation to the turd-dettes that have fucked MR rides into submission.
bentstrider04.16.10 - 2:13 pm
Um, the Nazi parade starts tomorrow.
Joe Borfo04.16.10 - 2:47 pm
So its cool to rag on some people?
Will the world really be a better place if Jared stuck with sports cars?
Are only certain people cool to ride fixies, or any other bike?
When will you get out of junior high?
Creative Thing04.16.10 - 2:49 pm
Although the term "fag" can be offensive the author of the blog explains here:
Everybody fucking hates hipsters, and everybody fucking hates fixies. Put ‘em together and you have the most loathsome combination ever conceived. Wheeled hipsters with no brakes and barely any control. Wheeled hipsters who sucked at skateboarding, sucked at BMX, and are now creating their own sport that can only be described as the new rollerblading.
Oh yeah, and as for the term ‘fag’…I just liked the alliteration in ‘fags on fixies’. It’s catchy, it’s ‘hip’.
We’re not out here to cause sexual preference disharmony, we’re stricly ’bout knockin’ the fags on fixies.
Foldie04.16.10 - 2:51 pm
The more people on bikes and out of cars the better.
I don't care what you look like, how old you are or who your boyfriend is.
If you're on a bike and can hold you line, I'll ride with you.
Creative Thing04.16.10 - 2:56 pm
The internet is filled with many sites that poke fun of almost anything. I think it is in fashion right now to make fun of hipsters. Does this site bring negativity to cycling? Do hipsters give cycling a bad name? Who cares should we all just ride?
You can come to the conclusion that sites like this are bad for cycling in general and should not be promoted here, but in tern you can say it is just fun internet shenanigans.
I can't answer any of this for anyone but myself....and thats all I got to say about that.
Foldie responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
04.16.10 - 3:04 pm
hey, i found some familiar faces!
tortuga_veloce04.16.10 - 3:04 pm
I read that... but a disclaimer does little to take away from the intended negative view of the person(s) pictured on the site. If alliteration is an excuse for laziness, then maybe we can give the site guy a break. So then, his use of "fag" must be a sign of his sites worthlessness (using "fag" to draw attention because its a stupid site) and topped off with an inability to find a different word.
The site is based on a negative view of those pictured, right? At the same time calling the people "fags", which appears to just continue the childish and stupid perception that being a homosexual is something negative or way to "make fun" of someone.
Queer community deals with enough as it is, I think the least MR could do is NOT encourage this stuff.
Or unless we can figure out why being homosexual is so god damn funny. I leave that to others to explain.
md2 responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.16.10 - 3:11 pm
ok guys, im working on a site so we can be one step ahead of the trend. check back next week for:
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by md2
04.16.10 - 3:38 pm
haha that site is hilarious.
some ppl have no life's
Pancakes04.16.10 - 3:43 pm
I dunno, Brandon also does BMX as well, so this is just another territory he branches out into.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
04.16.10 - 3:52 pm
I cant believe everyone got suckered into looking at this ... T.O.T.D ...
OsnapsonJC04.16.10 - 4:50 pm
1. He's hardly old.
2. He's not a 'fag'.
3. He's one of the hottest men alive!
Girl Power responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.16.10 - 4:57 pm
oMG i thought i was gonna see some SAUSAGES or something..*sadface
speedy0904.16.10 - 5:44 pm

oh yeah he is real dreamy....
Foldie responding to a
comment by Girl Power
04.16.10 - 6:39 pm
LOL he sure looks dreamy there
Huey555 responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.16.10 - 7:39 pm
she doesn't know your history with this man .... you should fill her in ....
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.16.10 - 7:51 pm
I agree with GP. he's NOT a fixie fag! He's a
Gizzard responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.16.10 - 7:59 pm
Yeah I every time I see a leto pic it brings back some deep wounds.
Foldie responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
04.16.10 - 8:02 pm
< a href="">Pershing Square?
toweliesbong responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
04.16.10 - 8:08 pm
< a href="">Pershing Square?
Close tags for ya
Foldie responding to a
comment by toweliesbong
04.16.10 - 8:09 pm
Thanks, I had closed the tag. Was it the space between < and a that borkened it?
toweliesbong responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.16.10 - 8:16 pm

That's all I got to say about that
Foldie responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
04.16.10 - 8:18 pm
most of this thread tl;dr
but after looking at FOF gotta say the site creator rides a fixie and is probably gay. chill the fuck out
larsenf04.18.10 - 1:18 pm