Thread started by
TheDude at 04.14.10 - 12:11 pm
Anyone have one for sale before I go to teh intarnets to purchase a *good* megaphone?
Don’t recall if I gave my old one away or if it’s still around. If I find it, it is yours for free you just gotta pick it up. I thiiiiiiink I already gave it away though. I’ll check and get back to you sometime tonight but yes, Harbor Freight has good deals I think you can find coupons online for their megaphones.
Kakihara04.14.10 - 1:40 pm
I'm going down the street right now, it's practically right next door.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
04.14.10 - 1:43 pm
by "sometime tonight" I meant 2 days later when I went home... sorry I don't haz it anymore.
Kakihara04.16.10 - 9:46 am
I have one I never use.It's yours for a six back of some cold cheap beer.Just come out to polo and I'll bring it with me.It's kind of ghetto but it's loud and it works
blackout_blacklung04.18.10 - 8:05 am