The most expensive spoke card.

Thread started by
Huey555 at 04.13.10 - 1:17 am

post the most of anything here.bored@work entertain me.
most lame posts:Huesy555....
ahhhhh just playin !!
i got more than you do
Jet-son04.13.10 - 1:30 am
good one though made laugh.
Huey555 responding to a
comment by Jet-son
04.13.10 - 1:33 am
I turn my expired credit and debit cards into spoke cards when I'm issued new ones.
bentstrider04.13.10 - 2:38 am

the most expensive car. Can anyone tell me the most expensive bicycle?
Huey55504.13.10 - 4:10 am
This is the biggest waste of money .. it cost just as much to fuel a jet ...
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Huey555
04.13.10 - 8:01 am

I'll take a shot at most expensive bike (production): my guess would be the beryllium bikes made by either American or BeYond in the mid-90s. American frame was supposed to retail for $26,000, the bike in the photo was worth about 50k. Failed since working with Be is toxic and manufacturing costs are ridiculous. If you've never heard of Be, it's on the table of elements, lighter than Ti or magnesium.
supersano responding to a
comment by Huey555
04.13.10 - 8:35 am
but how? he's been know to cure narco epilepsy just by walking into a room.
Huey555 responding to a
comment by shotgunBOOMBOOM
04.13.10 - 10:04 am

If this isn't the most expensive bike, it's got to be pretty close.
"Take this fixed-gear bicycle by Aurumania for instance. It’s made of 24K gold and 600 Swarovski crystals on each one. There’s only 10 of them so don’t be too slow in trying to get a hold of one. The total cost for the bicycle is $102,418.60 USD."
JB04.13.10 - 10:24 am
You got me...was hoping the most expensive would be based on tech but I shoulda known better. Factor 001 is another one - mid $20k's, carbon roadie.
supersano responding to a
comment by JB
04.13.10 - 11:40 am
Why would you need something like this? This is like a bike thief's dream ...
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by JB
04.13.10 - 11:41 am
TopGear had this bugatti race an f-16... Look it up, it was sick!
sancho1 responding to a
comment by shotgunBOOMBOOM
04.13.10 - 11:49 am
if im ever rich, im gonna build me a gold plated boron carbide bike or maybe just carbon, idk.. it'd be kinda cool to have a bullet proof bike
godmode responding to a
comment by sancho1
04.13.10 - 1:30 pm
That show is so full of WIN ~ and I've only seen like 2 episodes. I'd kill to have the host's job.
I've seen one bugati in real life......I was afraid to breathe near it. sick fuckin car dude....siiick fuckin car.
shotgunBOOMBOOM responding to a
comment by sancho1
04.13.10 - 1:39 pm
Actually, I'd say the most expensive car is the Bugati Type 45 (or something like that) sold for $10M.
But now I'm wonderin' what's the most expensive penny...
BICYKILLER responding to a
comment by shotgunBOOMBOOM
04.13.10 - 4:10 pm
No.. it was sick when they hit 256 in it .. it wasnt so sick when the Stig took it around the track and it was the worst car ever ....
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by sancho1
04.13.10 - 4:13 pm
10 MILLION DOLLARS?! sweet fancy moses what a fucking waste of money. there's people starving out there.
shotgunBOOMBOOM responding to a
comment by BICYKILLER
04.13.10 - 4:20 pm
I'd still take the F-16, use it as my flight-trainer, store it in a rundown barn.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by sancho1
04.13.10 - 5:05 pm
The total cost for the bicycle is $102,418.60 USD." WOW
Huey555 responding to a
comment by JB
04.15.10 - 6:58 pm

The most expensive house.The Antilla in Mumbai, India. Price: $1 billion.Rumor is it has around 600 servants and staff.
Huey55504.15.10 - 7:06 pm
looks like a palace to me..but is listed as a house.
Huey55504.15.10 - 7:06 pm
do auctions count? the bikes Lance Armstrong rode last year were auctioned to raise money for his foundation:
adrian responding to a
comment by Huey555
04.16.10 - 10:05 am
wow those are some expensive bikes.
Huey555 responding to a
comment by adrian
04.16.10 - 6:07 pm