Claremont Tourney

Thread started by
Alfredo at 04.11.10 - 3:38 am
And that was only the first day ^___^
I really came on here to say, that.
Ya'll have some very very attractive polo ladies on your field.
Serio Holmes.
Yeah, the IE foothills are capable of bringing it to the table as well.
bentstrider04.11.10 - 4:40 am
from iefixed:
in case anyone is wondering, after scores were tallied up, claremont bike polo(my team) is ranked number one! one more day of polo though. so we'll see.
we'll see alright!! 818 domin8.
shotgunBOOMBOOM04.11.10 - 12:09 pm
when is the next game.........
SONNY04.11.10 - 12:41 pm
fuck that! I'm 951! (yes - I know it used to be 909 - I lived there when it was 714)
I may be from the IE, but I played my first game of polo in the
. don't hate!
mad love and much respect for the valley.
shotgunBOOMBOOM responding to a
comment by bentstrider
04.11.10 - 2:45 pm
Thanks to phone companies and politicians caving to some posh residents upbringing.
Anytime someone from 44boo ventures into our neck of the 76no!! woods, eggs thrown at their BMW's will be the least of their picket-fence worries!!
Yeah, but Great18 still dominates over all the rest of this slice of other-America known as SoCal, when it comes to polo.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by shotgunBOOMBOOM
04.11.10 - 2:52 pm
Yeah, but Great18 still dominates over all the rest of this slice of other-America known as SoCal, when it comes to polo pretty much everything.
Fixed that for you.
shotgunBOOMBOOM responding to a
comment by bentstrider
04.11.10 - 2:58 pm
Thanks ACE the IE Tournament was crazy fun had a GREAT GREAT time you guys know whats up. From the NELA POLO team big thanks for letting us crash at your pad on friday. Love to see you out in LA sometime...
SET2STUN04.11.10 - 6:34 pm
And people wonder why my stance on homecooked drugs has gone soft over the last few years.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by shotgunBOOMBOOM
04.11.10 - 8:11 pm