ride tonight?

Thread started by
Drooby420 at 04.9.10 - 4:07 pm
wanna ride but don't wanna go to the valley anyone down?
You caved in 24 minutes? hahaha...cya there drooby..
barleye responding to a
comment by Drooby420
04.9.10 - 4:37 pm
ha ha... so what?
i don't really wanna split up the city, i just hate the valley
Drooby42004.9.10 - 4:41 pm
any mom's going that don't want to ride cauhenga?
Drooby42004.9.10 - 4:42 pm
theres a group of us meeting at Pan Pacific Park
some taking the red line.. some taking the pass over
see everyone tonight!
Thegirlinglass04.9.10 - 4:52 pm
drooby tomorrow moms should go to bipsycho ride..... it's gonna be good. the leader rick is a fucking sick guy
superblueman304.9.10 - 5:58 pm
Cahuenga Pass, WAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
I'm gonna be expending ammo and droppin' armor plating through the Cajones Pass!!!
See ya there, pilgrims.
bentstrider04.9.10 - 6:04 pm
What time are you going to be at hollywood and highland?
buckchin responding to a
comment by Thegirlinglass
04.9.10 - 6:39 pm
we're meeting at Pan Pacific at 8, leaving at 8:30...so gauge by that. You have my #? Do you want to meet up w/us @ H&H?
sinaphile responding to a
comment by buckchin
04.9.10 - 6:48 pm
Ill already be on the train, I was just going to try and time it right to meet up. I dont have your number, send it to my facebook.
buckchin responding to a
comment by sinaphile
04.9.10 - 7:19 pm
us BMX Chromies are riding the 4130 "Subway Series" mane!! ALL BMX'RS WELCOME!! Hollywood to Downtown!! stopping at the Calbi truck for grub!! hope to see some ridaz there!!
mayor of hollywood04.10.10 - 6:06 pm
hope you guys make it out to bipsycho tonight!
Jeff Yess responding to a
comment by superblueman3
04.10.10 - 6:30 pm
damnit sinaphile ! i didnt meet ya last night! totally forgot!
Jeff Yess responding to a
comment by sinaphile
04.10.10 - 6:31 pm