Hands Free Law to cover cyclist

Thread started by
BWiize at 04.9.10 - 1:57 pm
I saw this shit on the news today and was wondering what everyone else thinks. State Senator Joe Simitian wants to tax cyclist for using their cell phones while riding. I think its bullshit and just another way for the state to tackle the deficit and for more cops to harass us when they already do a magnificent job of that even when we don't do shit. Should I throw out 10 cop cars for one Batman? Do they really believe they are doing it for our safety or is it all about the money? I mean, I think they really want the police to think they are doing it for our safety but I doubt the senator believes it, all he sees is dollar signs.
Tax, you mean fine. Either way, seems like a solution searching for a problem. What idiot talks on the cell while riding?
0gravity04.9.10 - 2:10 pm
several studies have shown that talking on your phone while driving is more dangerous than driving with a 0.08 BAC. So of course i think this is a good idea, increase the fine for driver and make it apply to cyclists too. You know unless you think they should just legalize BUI's and halve the cost of getting a DUI.
larsenf04.9.10 - 4:26 pm
They don't even enforce fining drivers for gabbing and texting on their phones (which I see EVERYWHERE), I can see them wanting to fine cyclists cause cyclists are freaking slower/easier to catch.
dusky04.9.10 - 4:52 pm
don't be ignorant. how do you know law enforcement doesn't enforce this? do you drive around on your phone constantly and not get pulled over? just because you see people talking on their phones while driving doesn't mean the law isn't enforced. cops enforce DUI laws but don't you think if getting a DUI was only a 20$ fine wayyy more people would drink and drive?
larsenf responding to a
comment by dusky
04.9.10 - 5:07 pm
my friend just got ticked for talking on his cell phone two weeks ago while driving. Burbank and Lankershim area. so yeah, they actually enforce this.
vigilAnthony responding to a
comment by dusky
04.9.10 - 7:50 pm
I don't even drive- don't jump all over my back on this, I'm all for ticketing people (motorist or cyclist) who aren't paying attention to the road they're on and the people around them. It scares me to think that someone could plow into me from behind because they're too focused on texting. I'm just commenting on all the people I see daily on their phones while they're driving. If they're enforcing the law, clearly they don't do it enough to scare people into not talking on their phone because they're not afraid of getting caught.
dusky04.9.10 - 8:27 pm
the real question is not, how dangerous is X, but is that danger significant enough that you'll give up some freedom to achieve it?
it's a politician's job to enact laws, but laws are just little methods of controlling all our lives. how many ways do you want to have your life controlled before you feel safe? will it finally be worth it? personally I'd rather be free and in danger of some jackass on a cell phone than willingly relinquish control over my own life. the cops already have a tome's worth of reasons to fuck with you, why give them any more?
Eric Hair04.9.10 - 9:06 pm
Yeah d-bags riding w/ no hands while texting on group rides are a little lame.
Nothing like maintaining control of your vehicle and keeping aware of your surroundings while in the middle of a group.
It's unsafe and it should be illegal.
JB04.10.10 - 1:22 am
that's what this law is trying to do by doubling the fines for drivers.
larsenf responding to a
comment by dusky
04.10.10 - 1:20 pm