Thread started by
coolassmike at 04.5.10 - 11:31 pm

Yeah! Im looking to bring on a variety of bike related and or friendly sponsors. Starting with a company like a FRS as a drink sponsor. Would'nt it be great to have free drinks provided at the start, mid, and final stop?
How about free bike tune-up and or discounted repais by bike shops?
Free helmets to those who cannot afford one?
Well RIDE sponsors bring this to the ride withou it costing you a dime ir heavilly discounted. There is power in numbers.
I'd like to know what types of sponsors you would like to see on a ride? All ideas are welcome!
"What Midnight Ridazz is NOT:
no sponsors plz.
slowrighthand04.5.10 - 11:42 pm
I'm not saying I agree with having sponsors, but not every ride posted or discussed here is a MR ride.
monovsstereo responding to a
comment by slowrighthand
04.5.10 - 11:46 pm
you might have more luck if you swap that FRS with PBR. just sayin
vigilAnthony04.5.10 - 11:49 pm

1. The ride is inted to bring out more riders of all ages and backgrounds. It's not a "party" ride where the spomsor is alcohol. A huge portion of the riders out there are underage. So to be handing out beers to a 16 year old is not a good look.
2. I dont want to be apart of some drunk rider smashing into the back of a car because I got them drunk.
3. These will be day rides, so people will need to be hydrated. A rehydrating drink would be best. I wont stop people from doing them.
4. Plus I'm not gonna hand out PBR's to anyone who ask for one. When there is a drink sponsor, they will hand them out to people whom they qualify.
5. It about creating a Coolass environment for the riders of MY ride. I'm not looking to change rides on MR, This is MY ride with MY vision! Open to all riders! Even haters!
coolassmike04.6.10 - 12:02 am
I'm not looking to change rides on MR, This is MY ride with MY vision! Open to all riders! Even haters!
not hating, but why are you taking advantage of a platform that was designed to NOT be commercialized in order to push your commercialized ride?
There is a difference between bringing in a local bikeshop to help with repairs (if thats their interest). But what does Yahoo, Reebok and others have to do with Midnight Ridazz?
You're essentially allowing companies who had/have nothing to do with MR assign their name/brand, so as to generate profit for themselves. They have no interest in MR. Their bottom line is $$$.
A brand will invest some dollars in free marketing, but they'll want to know the return benefits (as any proposal to a company/brand will require). In your mind, they will offer free crap (waste) and in turn your ride will help drive their business to new heights by promoting their crap, correct?
In my opinion, and not everyone who disagrees is a hater (but I am a hater), you had a nice idea by focusing on the local bike shops to help with repairs. I do think its important to encourage learning to work on your own bike, rather than furnishing an option to keep riders from caring about having a good working bike beforehand.
If all your argument against the commercialized aspect of your ride versus MR is not commercialized boils down to -- this is MY ride not an MR ride -- They why not do YOUR OWN email blast, and again, not take advantage of a site that aims to stay away from this type of thing???
fair question, right?
markd responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.6.10 - 7:39 am
Hey at least if you give the kids free stuff maybe they wont steal from the stores (not likely and yeah its a bad idea. Hater #3 here)
Foldie responding to a
comment by markd
04.6.10 - 9:39 am
BTW it's not exactly a good idea to be loading up on ride suplements without actually riding... Just saying... (hater #4)
TK421 responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.6.10 - 9:48 am
MR has survived for years without the need for this...
Roadblock04.6.10 - 11:09 am
but it's gonna be like a " warm snuggie" or some bullshiznit!!!
TK421 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
04.6.10 - 11:12 am
TOTD!!!! Pleeeeeezzz
TK42104.6.10 - 11:13 am
I mean I don't know... there is a way to do it, throw a race or have a gallery show... but really? on the rides?... is there going to be a bunch of marketers rolling up to rides now? I don't know. maybe throw an event where the stuff is given out at the destination?
Roadblock04.6.10 - 11:14 am
I just did a keyword search in Google Analytics for a good match of sponsorships:
here are a few:
Wolfpack Hustle sponsored by PETA
MOM Ridazz sponsored by Pampers
The Ride with No Name sponsored by Generic brand products
Valley Girl ride sponsored by Massengill
Taco Tuesday sponsored by King Taco
The ride formerly know as the silverlake ride Sponsored by American Apparel
Foldie04.6.10 - 11:24 am
This is pure fail.
Maybe not everything needs to be an advertising opportunity.
You want snacks and drinks? You have plenty of opportunity to contribute to local businesses by patronizing local mini-marts and liquor stores. Food is pretty cheap, and if you're having trouble affording booze, you're doing it wrong.
Bike tune-ups? There are at least 4 bike co-ops in town (Bike Kitchen, Bike Oven, Bikerowave, Valley Bikery) that can help you tune up / repair your bike for a few bucks per hour.
Helmets? They're about $15 for a CPSC certified helmet at Target.
This is a solution in search of a problem.
One of the best things about MR is that the rides are FREE and NONCOMMERCIAL. It's a nice way to escape from the overly commoditized/branded/prepackaged existence that's already such a huge part of living in L.A.
There are plenty of corporate sponsored cycling events, but IMHO, MR shouldn't be one of them.
Don't get me wrong, there's definitely a market for corporate branding/advertising events, and Roadblock could probably retire if he decided to transition MR.com into a focused strategic guerilla marketing venue, but I don't think that's what this is about.
There IS strength in numbers, but those numbers exist because this is a nice way to spend time WITHOUT anybody trying to sell you anything.
Again, though, this is just my opinion. You're more than welcome to start marketingridazz.com, and see how well that works out, but since commercialized is one of the things midnight ridazz ISN'T, it would be sweet to keep it that way.
JB04.6.10 - 11:41 am
i'll tune up your bike with the tools i have
66604.6.10 - 11:42 am
Apparently I just repeated markd's post. Oops. Well said markd.
JB04.6.10 - 11:43 am
Didn't Nike already try to do this?
Foldie04.6.10 - 11:48 am
thanks for putting it in to words....
basically, we've found the happy medium with the sponsorship thing.... and that is to throw an event or a race and sponsors can come out and help with expenses and provide schwag and prizes... but on the everyday gatherings and rides I ENJOY IMMENSELY the fact that it's a community of people doing things for themselves, it's an ESCAPE from marketing and TV and all the crap that reminds me that I'm being lied to more often than not by money interests.... giving our business to local shops and stores is what makes Midnight Ridazz special. eh, can we just leave this can of worms unopened for as long as possible and continue the escape?
Roadblock responding to a
comment by JB
04.6.10 - 11:56 am
PRESIDENT OBAMA04.6.10 - 12:07 pm
i think the difference is that Nike didnt (apparently) start from the MR forum and solicit information to do their ride. People are free to do what they want. As i noted in another thread, "keep your soul intact"... CAM replied his "soul is just fine, son". But thats what worries me.
I can careless if companies want to do a ride of their OWN, as CAM wants to do, but it shouldn't be aligned with MR, not should it be encouraged here.
Dont sell MR to companies. Let companies come to MR and support the vision of MR, not the reverse. Thats essentially what free marketing/sponsorship is. They would (if they accepted) hope by partnering that the ridazz would associate their brand with the vision of MR. So that when you think "Yahoo", you think "oh, yeah, they're down with MR". But they're not.
Good examples: Orange20 and Scoops. They are very supportive of local cycling. they are a part of the local cycling community. If Orange20 or Echo Park Cycles wants to help a ride (which O20 does), then it makes sense.
I think sponsorships are best for races (and even here there is debate). I think the SWARM events are some of the best rides Ive been on... and without Reebok or performance enhancing soda.
Again, not hating... maybe just take a second to see where some of us are coming from on this. It is very unique to have something like MR, and it not be aligned with selling ad space just to making RB rich (or however much ad space is worth). I respect him for keeping it that way, where many of us would have justified our livelihood, for the reason you see a link to Bikes Direct.
Sorry... coolassmike, but dont take it as hate... honestly... i like some of your ideas and passion, but just keep it under the umbrella of what MR tries to uphold -- which really makes for a CoolAssRide
markd responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.6.10 - 12:14 pm
i agree with all the counterpoints but then what's the real difference between a race and a once-a-month group ride? this can be considered "a special event". i mean, there are races every week and rides every week... and isn't "donations" for spoke cards also commercializing?
tfunk408 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
04.6.10 - 12:18 pm
there's nothing wrong with doing business and making money.... and you have to pay the bills.... I get requests to put ads on here and sometimes I think I'm going to do it... especially when times are tough like for the last 8 months... but then something about this family we have puts it into perspective and I lose the desire to see that commercialized. but like MD2 says, local biz like orange 20 and echo park cycles are one of us... so to see a homegrown biz that has put in time into the community is another thing... and I say special events and races because events do take financing to happen and people go to an event and expect there to be sponsorship.... it's not a cut and dry issue though... for example I'm trying to get a major sponsor for the next Wolfpack race simply because they are too big to do underground style without permits and not get broken up by the cops....
think of MR as China. mostly communist but with a commercial zone in Hong Kong. hahah I kid.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by tfunk408
04.6.10 - 12:38 pm
i support the sponsorship from local businesses ONLY. corporate sponsorships not needed
_iJunes04.6.10 - 12:46 pm
Unfortunateley I am having a very busy and late running day. I have read and value all responses for concerns here. I DO! I will take the time this evening to prepare a detailed reply.
BUT I will tell you that mu intentions are abnout providing a safe, friendly, and fun environment. This is not about anuthing other than a monthly ride with the people in mind. NOT CHANGING MR in ANYWAY!
Please give me some time to get back to everyone!
And above and beyond everything. THESE ARE JUST DISCUSSIONS! I am coming to the community to see what the people want and need. RELAX!
Ill be back!
coolassmike04.6.10 - 12:51 pm
i agree. and usually sponsors = entry fees, and that's definitely not something i want to see in MR's future.
jw, i heard that the law enforcement basically knew about the marathon crash race and were cool about it; have they spoken to you at all regarding the all city race (either past or future)? MR and wph.com aren't exactly "underground" and i'm sure the law enforcement knew of all the all city races..
tfunk408 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
04.6.10 - 12:55 pm
i don't think LAPD hires trools. though they should
_iJunes responding to a
comment by tfunk408
04.6.10 - 2:20 pm
These are all fair questions and thoughts. This is the forum for this type of discussion. I welcome it. I understand your immediate reservations. I proposed the idea to see what people would think. And as a RIDER I treat this idea with extreme care.
"not hating, but why are you taking advantage of a platform that was designed to NOT be commercialized in order to push your commercialized ride? "
---> I am not pushing ANYTHING. This is a discussion. An idea. To have an event where people come out and a 500 people balloon fight and have 10,000 balloons provided by MySpace or Twitter with nothing in return is a problem?
"You're essentially allowing companies who had/have nothing to do with MR assign their name/brand, so as to generate profit for themselves. They have no interest in MR. Their bottom line is $$$"
---> #REAL TALK. <--- LOL Use of HASH TAG
But for realz, Every decision you make is based on some ad you've seen somewhere. Whatever frame, T-shirt, or lock you rock is as a result of an ad somewhere, Me being Me I would only responsible "advertisers" RESPONSIBLE access to the attendees of the 1 monthly ride that I create. IF I choose to allow.
"A brand will invest some dollars in free marketing, but they'll want to know the return benefits (as any proposal to a company/brand will require). In your mind, they will offer free crap (waste) and in turn your ride will help drive their business to new heights by promoting their crap, correct? "
--->O yee of little faith! Have you seen my videos? I only promote the one that promote US. I am a RIDER. I am apart of US! RELAX SON! Im not gonna have products, services, and or brands that arent relevant to us RIDERS. Like FREE HELMETS, TIRES, INNER-TUBES, RIDER GEAR, RIDER INFORMATION in general. NOT Credit Card applications and TimeShare sales or Tobacco Companies,
I"n my opinion, and not everyone who disagrees is a hater (but I am a hater) <---FIRST STEP TOWARDS GROWTH, you had a nice idea by focusing on the local bike shops to help with repairs. I do think its important to encourage learning to work on your own bike, rather than furnishing an option to keep riders from caring about having a good working bike beforehand. "
---> Not everyone is ready to change an inner-tube. I dare to say more ARENT than there are those that CAN. So to have an entity dedicated to service and education is a good thing. This ride is about encouraging new riders and riders that just HAVE bikes and the experienced PIT CREW SPEED ability to change a tube while bunny hopping<--- I'd actually like to see this! GROWTH
"If all your argument against the commercialized aspect of your ride versus MR is not commercialized boils down to -- this is MY ride not an MR ride -- They why not do YOUR OWN email blast, and again, not take advantage of a site that aims to stay away from this type of thing??? "
----> The " this is MY ride not an MR ride" is reffering to the statement people often make when they dont like your feedback about there ride. "Create your own ride". Well I am with the feedback and input of my fellow riders to find out what they want. This is the first step. Engagement!
"fair question, right? "
coolassmike responding to a
comment by markd
04.7.10 - 12:47 am
"To have an event where people come out and a 500 people balloon fight and have 10,000 balloons provided by MySpace or Twitter with nothing in return is a problem? "
Because it's not NOTHING that they get in return.
It's that those companies get to trade in on the goodwill that MR has built up over a period of years, through the voluntary hard work of countless individuals, and co-op that for their own marketing purposes.
That's really shitty.
If you want to do it, it'd be better to do it on your own website or on facebook.
Commercial is one of the the things MR is not.
This is pure fail.
---> I dont think so. Allow me to explain BJ
Maybe not everything needs to be an advertising opportunity.
----> Not everything is. And everything is at the same time.
You want snacks and drinks? You have plenty of opportunity to contribute to local businesses by patronizing local mini-marts and liquor stores. Food is pretty cheap, and if you're having trouble affording booze, you're doing it wrong.
---> Don't be such a JERK. Not everyone can afford a $500+ bike and afford to ride around time eating and drinking as they please. That does not mean that they are doing anything "wrong". For some the bike is there food outlet. These group rides feed some people because of the community.
And to not have money or choose to accept a free drink/meal/set of tires/ or helmet is not a crime.
I attend bike events all the time. I am being exposed to at least 5 brands at every event. Sometimes thats the only way I found out about a particular product and or service. When it's a RACE it's ok? What kind of double standard is that? CmonSon! Let's keep it real.
Bike tune-ups? There are at least 4 bike co-ops in town (Bike Kitchen, Bike Oven, Bikerowave, Valley Bikery) that can help you tune up / repair your bike for a few bucks per hour.
Helmets? They're about $15 for a CPSC certified helmet at Target.
This is a solution in search of a problem.
One of the best things about MR is that the rides are FREE and NONCOMMERCIAL. It's a nice way to escape from the overly commoditized/branded/prepackaged existence that's already such a huge part of living in L.A.
There are plenty of corporate sponsored cycling events, but IMHO, MR shouldn't be one of them.
Don't get me wrong, there's definitely a market for corporate branding/advertising events, and Roadblock could probably retire if he decided to transition MR.com into a focused strategic guerilla marketing venue, but I don't think that's what this is about.
There IS strength in numbers, but those numbers exist because this is a nice way to spend time WITHOUT anybody trying to sell you anything.
Again, though, this is just my opinion. You're more than welcome to start marketingridazz.com, and see how well that works out, but since commercialized is one of the things midnight ridazz ISN'T, it would be sweet to keep it that way.
"One of the best things about MR is that the rides are FREE and NONCOMMERCIAL. It's a nice way to escape from the overly commoditized/branded/prepackaged existence that's already such a huge part of living in L.A."
---> Im not buying or MidnightRidazz.com. I'm not even changing a single aspect of it. I'm offering the Coolass version of the ride. Relax and either come out to a ride. Or not. It's really that simple. If this is not the ride for you. Thats cool. But can I do my thang here? Whatever that turns out to be! Remember this is a discussion. This is a FORUM.
"There are plenty of corporate sponsored cycling events, but IMHO, MR shouldn't be one of them."
--->This is 1 ride out of over 100. RELAX!
"Don't get me wrong, there's definitely a market for corporate branding/advertising events, and Roadblock could probably retire if he decided to transition MR.com into a focused strategic guerilla marketing venue, but I don't think that's what this is about."
---> Dont fear change. Im not retiring nor making money from this. Im developing a charity for and around bikes. Which you will see soon?
"There IS strength in numbers, but those numbers exist because this is a nice way to spend time WITHOUT anybody trying to sell you anything.
Again, though, this is just my opinion. You're more than welcome to start marketingridazz.com, and see how well that works out, but since commercialized is one of the things midnight ridazz ISN'T, it would be sweet to keep it that way."
--->I've said enough to these concerns.
coolassmike responding to a
comment by JB
04.7.10 - 1:06 am

"On to the next one"
coolassmike responding to a
comment by JB
04.7.10 - 1:10 am
Entry Fees? Why on earth would I suggest something like that. Im trying to get GROUP DISCOUNTS WHEN WE VISIT PRE DETERMINED LOCALES WITH FOOD TYPES FPR EVERYONE. This is a form of sponsorship. If I promise to bring 500 people to a an area where people can hydrate and get something to eat for a discounted rate. That's a sponsorship. Especially of they step it up and offer FREE FRUIT AND WATER just for stopping by! SPONSORSHIP! SMH
coolassmike responding to a
comment by tfunk408
04.7.10 - 1:25 am
Again, this idea is still PURE FAIL.
Allow me to explain.
You are free to sell out any time you want to, just don't drag the community into it.
MR is NOT FUCKING COMMERCIAL. How hard is that to understand?
>Maybe not everything needs to be an advertising opportunity.
----> Not everything is. And everything is at the same time.
No, no it isn't. Not everything is an advertising opportunity, so STFU with that BS argument, that's just garbage.
---> Don't be such a JERK.
I'm not the jackass trying to commercialize the bike rides.
>Not everyone can afford a $500+ bike and afford to ride around time eating and drinking as they please.
Nobody ever claimed they did, but if you're a rider, by definition you have some sort of bike, and you can get 2 little packs of peanuts for a buck at any convenience store, and they have enough fat and calories to get you through any ride. If any rider's that hard up, I'll buy them snacks. If you can't afford to keep your bike in rideable condition, a brief corporate sponsored tuneup isn't going to fix that.
>When it's a RACE it's ok? What kind of double standard is that? CmonSon! Let's keep it real.
It's not a double standard. MR is NOT COMMERCIAL, some races seek commercial sponsors. There are separate standards, but that doesn't make them double standards. Come on son, Midnight Ridazz is NOT COMMERCIAL, let's keep it real and not let it get co-opted by people who see dollar signs.
---> Im not buying or MidnightRidazz.com. I'm not even changing a single aspect of it.
Wrong. Sponsored rides fundamentally changes the free and non-commercial nature of MR.
>I'm offering the Coolass version of the ride. Relax and either come out to a ride. Or not. It's really that simple.
Then do it on your own site on your own time. It's that simple. Asking how to commercialize a ride on a form that has already said it's NOT COMMERCIAL seems more than a little disingenuous.
>Remember this is a discussion. This is a FORUM.
It is, and you're getting my input. Enjoy.
JB04.7.10 - 1:25 am
i think it would be great to get some free water or energy supplement at a ride.. FOR FREE..
... i wouldnt see it as getting commercialized.. i'd see it as getting something free to drink. a lot of companies arent ALL ABOUT the $$$$$$.. pepsi does this thing where every month they sponsor programs. pretty fucking nice of them
godmode responding to a
comment by JB
04.7.10 - 10:29 am
tsk tsk tsk, silly godmode
free is an illusion
_iJunes responding to a
comment by godmode
04.7.10 - 10:31 am
a green piece of paper determining whether i will eat today is an illusion
godmode responding to a
comment by _iJunes
04.7.10 - 10:34 am
You are ripping off my style.
I am the only one who is allowed to deliver a whole page of one liners.
Did you ask permission?
Are you gonna pay royalties?
(I hope you understand that I am joking)
(I am pretty sure nobody takes me seriously anyway, let's not start now.)
TheDude responding to a
comment by JB
04.7.10 - 10:34 am
no those don't work no more :(
godmode responding to a
comment by _iJunes
04.7.10 - 10:40 am
Dude, I sent you paypal back in October, so we should be good. :)
Did you ever get it? I never heard anything back.
Hope you're doing well.
JB responding to a
comment by TheDude
04.7.10 - 10:46 am
Mike the point is that the rides have survived and grown for 6 years now without this. Plenty of broke kids show up and have a great time without marketers peddling their products. It's working just fine. A LOT of people have worked for YEARS to keep the rides safe from marketers. We don't need it.
Throw a party and have the marketers show up at the end if you must.
and Fuck myspace it's owNed by Rupert MuRderock one of the turncoats complicit in the push to bomb innocent human beings and destroy their countries. The man is an international war crimminal.
"Despise the free gift. That which has worth is worth paying for."
Mike if you really want to do something to promote cycling, get involved with BIKE TOWN BETA on May 29th.
Roadblock04.7.10 - 10:48 am

I have to admit the pure resistance hurts my head. I am seeing a lot of small thought here. ESPECIALLY since this is a discussion forum here.
For everyone to HATE on a concept before a single step has been taken is small minded and I dontt think that small. I travel the world with my bike. I bring ideas I collect back to my local watering hole. I will do my ride. If not with the support of MR, so be it! I will not be punked into a hole like the last time i went through this with another community http:PBNation.com!
Im a dynamic person with big ideas. I live big! And DO BIG.
I will continue these discussions and let people know what I have to offer. If they choose not to attend then the rides will have fewer people. But this will grow organically. I have enough people who believe in me and my intentions. Which are ALWAYS PURE!
Ride with me or without. I'll be out there! And so will the CoolassRIDE!
I suppose you guys would be opposed to Charity events too? Or is it ok if I just pass out to beers to whomever ask for one. I dont think so!
Get out of your box people. REALLY!
coolassmike responding to a
comment by Roadblock
04.7.10 - 1:36 pm
well my friend you can insult me and call me small minded.... so be it... but I'm just asking that you look out and see what grew organically before you...
I think you have good intentions but I just think you aren't seeing the big picture. Free stuff is not always good. in fact it's usually bad because it teaches the wrong lesson... that you have to acquire "stuff" to enjoy yourself and be happy. Midnight Ridazz teaches you that you don't need much to have a good time. Quite literally you can show up on any old piece of shit bike that you bought for $25 and the community accepts you out right as you are. it teaches broke kids that you dont need to have stuff to be happy. a value-able lesson especially for people in this country who tend to focus on wealth more than mental enrichment..
I've seen hundreds even thousands of people over the years develop long lasting relationships between all classes all races without the aid or incentive of getting free shit. THAT is what is truly amazing about what we have here. When I see people at the rides, I know they are there because they want to meet people and ride not because they want free schwag. I hope it stays that way for a long time until one day the REAL revolution of the mind will happen and people realize that possessions are not what makes a life worth living. lasting friendships and experiences are.
there are some places in the world that we can gather and feel safe from having marketers give us "free" shit and the rides happen to be one of those precious few places... it's kind of an unstated compromise that was worked out years before you became involved.... the rides are a personal gathering of friends to experience and be dependent on each other... THAT is so empowering.... events like bike polo, gallery shows and races are the area in which marketers traditionally have access because it sometimes requires their participation to make things happen. IE money for permits, flyers etc.
but tell me what would be better, having these big time corps pedaling free crap at bike rides OR having them commit money to bicycle lobby groups that can affect REAL CHANGE on the streets that will help broke kids ride their bikes on safer streets? lets steer these companies into the right space. guess what? I bet if you ask them to donate money or resources to bicycle lobby groups the usual will happen.... no response.
again, when it comes to sponsors... it's Really It's all about the time and place...
The bike rides? lets save them from having marketers showing up and pretending to like us for the cheap advertising opportunity. IT ALREADY WORKS WITHOUT THEM.
I FREEKING LOVE THAT OVER 4000 rides have happened in just the 3 years this site has been up without the incentive of free crap. I hope we can keep it this way... forever.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 2:46 pm
and for the record, I was approached by FRS more than a year ago. They sent me a whole box of free samples to give out. The ingredients didnt appear to be bad.... but when I engaged them about putting money into getting a permit for the next wolfpack drag race I never heard from them again....
Roadblock04.7.10 - 2:51 pm
Get out of your box. You are trying to push a corporate model on something that is organized organically. Roadblock has some good ideas, your ideas just sound like all the other money hungry corporations that want to take something, add no value and use it for promotion until it is not cool anymore.
I don't think most companies are going for the Funemployment biking demographic.
Foldie responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 3:00 pm
honestly I dont think Mike has money hungry intentions. I think his intentions are pure but just not quite understanding of the value of the ethic of the rides. Eventually I'm sure if this zeppelin of love continues to grow, it will be invaded by marketers.... it's just the way this country is arranged...... the desire to acquire wealth is too strong.... and truthfully, if small companies and companies that could verify-ably be proven to have an honest interest in growing cycling and supporting more bike friendly streets got involved, then it wouldnt be such a hard resistance on at least my part....
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.7.10 - 3:10 pm

So you can engage them in in funding for a race, but not a ride?
Is the issue rejection?
I'm hearing a hurt individual rather than someone someone looking to build and expand. If you present people / companies with a decent proposal, they will get back to you. But JUST BECAUSE you have rides doesn warrant money.
MR is not designed well at all. It may fork for free, but its too difficult to truly engage with people. A MAJOR UPGRADE is in order. People come and then leave. Its too difficult to find what you want. Its just TOO BASIC. I once considered developing a better MR type of site, (Xhaled.com) but decided against because I did not want to create a competition within the community. My intentions are to grow the community. Not split it.
Build it and they will come!
Lets grow!
coolassmike responding to a
comment by Roadblock
04.7.10 - 3:14 pm
You have no idea Foldie what the possibilities are. There are PLENTY of bike-centric companies who NEED the exposure to these communities to survive! Not all companies are RICH!
Business does not equal evil! Lighten up ALOT!
coolassmike responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.7.10 - 3:16 pm
if you want sponsors, start a club. have some sort of organization laid out, constitution, expenses you will incur, etc.
what you are asking for still sounds like an investment/partnership request.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 3:24 pm
im not too proud to take free shit... if some one wants to give me a drink or some gear...cool
Jet-son04.7.10 - 3:25 pm
Big Mike. I was here from the start.... I've been leading rides FOR FREE every week for 4 years STRAIGHT not to mention the 2nd friday rides I've been leading and supporting for another 2 years behind that. I will continue to lead rides FOR FREE until I cant ride any longer because I believe 110% in what we have in Los Angeles and because it's beneficial to excercise and train with 20-30 like minded individuals. It's a win for myself and it's a win for others. all without the free shit.
This site, as suck ass as it is, was built using my own personal resources with the help of the community and hours of time from people like Snowcone and BenHardy, and it continues to live thanks to the generous donations of the community. as other sites come and go, this old creaky ass site still lives on (knocks on wood) because it has SOUL and HEART and that is worth more than money can buy.
I would LOVE to see this site upgraded.... it's a huge undertaking and people have talked about it before...... maybe it needs it, maybe it doesnt.... but it still rides on for now.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 3:27 pm
i think being a usa cycling club gives you that non-profit status (not 100% sure on this), that will make more companies willing to hand out cash for expenses or free products. however just holding out your hand and hoping someone drops off a crate of juice for you and your friends doesn't seem to be a good tradeoff for those companies. i mean shit i wish i could call the red bull car anytime i want, but they don't work for me.
_iJunes04.7.10 - 3:29 pm
you totally can.... they sent red bulls to a friend of mine's crib when he threw a political party.... they live for the opportunity to pass out drinks. I've seen the Monster truck pull up to WP rides and give away monsters... you could prolly hit them up for the Rehab ride.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by _iJunes
04.7.10 - 3:38 pm

Im not attacking your site. Im trying to get you to inderstanc the process for which companies get involved with entities like yours. Dont be so defensive. I tried to reach out to you multipple times prior to meeting you and getting your number recently at the
Art Cycle. Im here to help. Not hurt! REALLY!
Use me. Dont combat me!
coolassmike responding to a
comment by Roadblock
04.7.10 - 3:52 pm
Youre here to help... MR is not well designed, its basic... okay, okay, okay.... yes its needs more...umm to be like everything else... great... cant wait.
couldnt we call you small-minded because you seem to be unable to think outside of the "shit needs to be bigger, expand, sponsors, free shit, water balloons, myspace, twitter!!!
our small mindedness that allows us to enjoy MR--AS IS
your need for (aspects of) MR to be logo filled, free "made in china" trash in our bags, and needless energy drinks in a teenager's system
In my opinion, on this free thinking forum -- remember, its just a discussion -- your coolassride reminds of all the name brand filled environment many of us try to escape from. I'll take a local donation sponsored ride over a sanctioned-major-sponsored ride any day.
You call it small minded... I think many of us broke out of the box, and you're actually STILL thinking from inside it.
MR rides --> new to Los Angeles, dope, and on the right "outside the box" track. You cant create the coolassride, cause Ive already been on the CoolAssride(s).
We have different perspectives, but you're not gonna win the argument suggesting we're the people being small minded or stuck in a box.
Xhaled.com would not create competition. Thats evidence of where your mind is at. There is no competition with MR. The fact you think that way, shows that you're not thinking outside of the box.
Can we at least agree that maybe you're just not on the page? Maybe you think your vision is needed or better, but does that mean we're haters and small minded and such?? (outside of the fact i called myself a hater).
"If I don't like it, I don't like it, that don't mean that I'm hating"
markd responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 3:57 pm
There is a community based service that does not have the nicest website but does very well for itself. You should take time to read the article and understand what it means to build a community without trying to monetize it.
The story of
Foldie responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 4:00 pm
but you're mixing up small shops donating prizes to get exposure, with building a long lasting relationship with a company to provide goods and services in exchange for brand awareness. there's a place for all that but its definitely not here. i remember when trying to put together our cycling club, finding coporate sponsors was a tedious task that required organization, presentation, and action from our end. you have to market yourself to THEM and tell them why their brand should be tied to your event/organization/club. if you are willing to go through all that work, that's great, but personally i think that you should spend that effort elsewhere where people care enough to pitch in. or at least be close enough with companies that are willing and searching for investment opportunities and have a good plan for them
_iJunes responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 4:00 pm

Im inviting RAST MONSTA out! LOL
coolassmike responding to a
comment by Roadblock
04.7.10 - 4:00 pm
Craigslist is much more evolved than MR. And Craiglist charges for a slew of services. TRUST ME, as a business owner, I have paid them. They are not as "innocent" as the design makes them look!
And they GROW!
coolassmike responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.7.10 - 4:02 pm
Xhaled.com would not create competition. Thats evidence of where your mind is at. There is no competition with MR. The fact you think that way, shows that you're not thinking outside of the box.
this would be like saying lafixed and TOLA and MR are all in direct competition with each other and that is absolutely not the case. i think each community has its independent base of followers and a few haters, and a few ambiguous types
_iJunes responding to a
comment by markd
04.7.10 - 4:03 pm
thats not exactly being sponsored though, they're just out doing their job and handing out drinks. just so happens that there is a large gathering of people at this location.
_iJunes responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 4:04 pm

I havent mixed up anything yet. All I did was pose a question to the collective. Most dont even seem to recognize what a sponsor is as they come on many forms.
The process should not stop the progress. Most dont know how to speak to sponsors. I do!
There is always a line at the "FREE STUFF" booth. Especially cool shit people want. They only complain when there isnt the flavor or size or model they want.
Double standard...
Like the image? ART SON!
coolassmike responding to a
comment by _iJunes
04.7.10 - 4:06 pm
i agree with Roadblock.. keep sponsors and money out of it.
SnapperS04.7.10 - 4:07 pm
Whats the differance between showing up and being invited. They are there right? Peple still flock to the truck with there hands out. They got a mention in this forum. Job done for them!
coolassmike responding to a
comment by _iJunes
04.7.10 - 4:08 pm
I'm not combating you Mike. Believe me I understand the process for companies getting involved... I've worked in marketing for 12 years now... I've worked for Red Bull, Nissan Infiniti, Pepsi, all kinds of big companies developing websites, training manuals for street teams blah blah... I know what they want... they want you to buy their shit. they arent interested in anything other than that...
and I'm not opposed to doing business or having sponsors at all.... as long as it's in the right context... to me the RIDES are a personal island from outside marketers... races and events are where the marketers can get involved... I remember being a youngster and getting excited about getting free shit. now that I know the game, not so much anymore. I've come to value gatherings that occur despite the lack of free shit.... maybe I'm just being an old man about it.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 4:09 pm
at least out of MR, on the side, i do ride for a sponsored club, and use their products and give them my money. however i can see why a company would want to give such a club their money, versus i can't picture why anyone would give anyone here any kind of money to start anything
_iJunes responding to a
comment by SnapperS
04.7.10 - 4:09 pm
You obviously are missing the point. But that is ok. Your ideas and your rides will prosper. Just be cognizant of the fact when you put something out there for comments don't expect a flood of affirmation. Solid feedback has been given and you can choose what you do with that input.
Foldie responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 4:11 pm
I disagree. If a site where you can get the same information and find a better community existed with more information and resources for riders existed. They'd go. I speak to countless people who visited MR a few times and ONLY get ride info from here. I didnt know about the forums till I looked to start these discussions. And it's still difficult to find stuff.
coolassmike responding to a
comment by _iJunes
04.7.10 - 4:12 pm
wow now thats talking with some sense
_iJunes responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.7.10 - 4:13 pm
it was NOT ok it just felt weird. like someone was watching us. only a couple people walked over to the truck and grabbed a monster even after they told us we could get free monsters... they kind of introduced themselves and I asked how they knew about the ride. they just said management put it on their list of events to hand out shit at.... they never came back and I never cared that they didn't. our ride continues to roll regardless. that's because my ride is my blood and I will continue until I am the last person riding all by myself on Monday nights. the bond I share with the group is ancient and tribal and it goes back millenium.... whether there is free shit or not.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 4:15 pm
Where is Jared Leto when you need him....Has anyone seen him since he used the community to make the video? ...oh never mind
Like my man Shock G said: "Do whacha like"
Foldie responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 4:22 pm
coolassmike, the problem here is the group that you present this to. i think in your mind you have more the idea of the younger crowd for your ride, the kids that get into bike riding for the culture around it in LA (mostly hipsters....) that just want to have fun, hang out with their friends, and of course, get free stuff. most people here are adults......who understand the capitalist system and advertising.
we live all of our lives being persuaded in every place. ads on buses. radio.tv.billboards. product placement in media. flyers. promotion. in this economic system, the goal is money and profit, and in the end, that is what the desire will always be. the poor shop that needs you just to stay alive? also is doing it for the money. whether or not they are evil, the fact is, in this city, we never can get away from business and promotion and BUY MY STUFF and *persuasive ads*. we just want to keep that stuff out of midnight rides.
races are completely different from rides....one you do for social, nighttime fun, adventuring aspect and one you do as a competition in the daytime. plus races in any category usually offer some kind of prize to winners. not that i want sponsors for races either, but there's money that goes into these events.... sometimes BIG money, that just cant be individually funded. MR rides are free to create and be a part of.
i'm just stating these as facts..... i think you should do your ride anyway and it will be really successful. most people here just wont be supportive if it's business-involved. that's all.
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 4:41 pm
wow my faith in MR goes +1 with this thread
_iJunes04.7.10 - 4:43 pm
Southern California Linux Expo has had sponsors for their annual events for the last 8 years, and there is still an awesome community feel to it, that's the reason I've been going the last 4 years.
braydon04.7.10 - 4:49 pm
and besides..... free stuff promotes consumerism and the pursuit of material wealth.
we should be teaching kids that that stuff is BAD...... which is what MR rides have usually done a good job at
superblueman304.7.10 - 4:49 pm
As romantic as all that SF hippie community love for craigslist is, the bottom line is that craigslist is a business that supports a community portal.
They charge money for job listings and that powers their entire site.
So yeah, that allows them to be a "commercial free" community portal, but in a way, all of craigslst is an advertisement for the "craigslist brand" and they do have a product for sale.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.7.10 - 4:50 pm
Bob was nice enough to dj @ my ALC benefit last Thursday. They've been traveling.
mattspeed responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.7.10 - 4:54 pm
BY THE WAY.... how the hell are you gonna suggest MR is not growing?
Over 5 years ago there was ONE fucking ride a month. Do you know what it was like back then when you had to wait a whole month for a ride???
No MR website... we used to get email blasts... and yet... god damn it grew
When it rained on a 2nd friday then, you had way more inner turmoil about showing up to an MR ride then today. Now you can skip a rainy ride because tomorrow there is another ride.
Take pride in the WAY MR grew. It has moved in directions that has turned some away, but not because of HOW it grew, but because of mentalities that joined.
BUT god damn did MR grow....
and with no sponsors involved. Thats outside the box.... most of us are just jealous we didn't think of something so simple first.
markd responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 5:01 pm
drinking and smoking on rides isn't?
666 responding to a
comment by superblueman3
04.7.10 - 5:02 pm
I am coming to the community to see what the people want and need.
So now that you've seen it, perhaps you should push this commercialized stuff on your own site.
PC responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 5:26 pm
The charm and beauty of Midnight Ridazz is that you don't have to worry about someone pushing products on you. You can take in the beauty of the people around you without worrying that they're going to try to sell you something.
That said, do the CoolAssRide. I'm on your facebook group. just don't post it here--->
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by Roadblock
04.7.10 - 5:31 pm
or post it here ---->
and get troooled here ^
_iJunes responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
04.7.10 - 5:35 pm
MR site need to step up its game a la Xhaled.com style... because look at how Xhaled is doing with its hyped layout:
(note 24 members are Demo1 -24)
Total Members: 77
Total Groups: 1
Total Discussion: 0
Total Albums: 1
Total Photos: 0
Total Videos: 0
Total Bulletins: 0
Total Activities: 26
Total Wall Posts: 0
Total Males: 2
Total Females: 0
Total Unspecified: 75
Not hating.... but the "stock" photos on that site versus real rida photos on MR
Its not competition, its about a better Los Angeles and beyond.... MR inspired your...oh shit, I was going to abreviate your ride and i just realized....
Cool Ass Ride = CAR!!!
sorry.. working late.
markd responding to a
comment by PC
04.7.10 - 5:39 pm
I was going to say it this way:
I haven't updated the graph since I made it last year, but it's based on real data (number of ride postings per time period). There are more rides on MR now than there have ever been, and all these rides have happened and will
continue to happen without the lure of free marketing junk. It seems that donations from the community have kept the website running just fine, too. So if anyone thinks that we need sponsorship to keep this culture growing, that person could maybe use a little perspective, I guess is what I'm saying.
nathansnider responding to a
comment by markd
04.7.10 - 5:51 pm
That's him. Will he be on Friday's ride?
Foldie responding to a
comment by mattspeed
04.7.10 - 6:08 pm
that is fucking insane, sad, funny, disgusting and ironic all at the same time.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by nathansnider
04.7.10 - 6:09 pm

I sponsor events with music, art, and beverages.. I am currentlly working with Skinny Water and would be down to sponsor a ride..
Please contact me via email eddie.everyday@gmail.com
EDGOLDonaBIKE04.7.10 - 6:29 pm
Skinny Water gives away free gas......not so bike friendly
Foldie04.7.10 - 6:39 pm
Im glad to see the discussion. Keep it going!
coolassmike responding to a
comment by EDGOLDonaBIKE
04.7.10 - 6:41 pm

Xhaled.com was never launched and wont be. This is the first announcement of since it was a well known Paintball Video Site I created and developed shows and programs for back in 2006. I have taken over 1000 photos and created a shit load of videos. Let's not go there!
coolassmike04.7.10 - 6:46 pm
the nerve to only give away medium fries... clearly, a tragedy of the magnitude of 911 deserves large fries....
Roadblock responding to a
comment by nathansnider
04.7.10 - 6:53 pm
Commercialized MR rides
Let's not go there!
I agree.
Shit, CoolAssMike, has your question been answered? How much more do you need?
It seems like many have voiced their stance.
Bring Ride Sponsors to MR?
(from posts, Im guessing)
CoolAssMike - Yes
(your other thread co-signers disappeared as soon as RB voiced his opinion; weird)
Roadblock - No
markd - No
Foldie - No
ijunes - No
PC - No
Nathansnider - no
tortugaveloce - no
and...others i dont recall
Im guessing the answer is -- Nah!
markd responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 7:04 pm
wait what do you mean you got punked into a hole by the community at http:PBNation.com? what happened? what does paint ball have to do with Midnight Ridazz?
Roadblock responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 7:18 pm
what flavor is PURPLE DRANK????
TK421 responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.7.10 - 7:55 pm
Vitamin enriched ass water.
Foldie responding to a
comment by TK421
04.7.10 - 8:29 pm
PBNation was afraid of growth. They missed there oppourtunity. When I stood up they banned me! I cant change the world. Nor do i try. I do however influence people!
Im done feeding the negative energy here. Moving on...
coolassmike responding to a
comment by Roadblock
04.7.10 - 9:10 pm
i don't enjoy being surrounded by a consumer-based culture. i don't enjoy being at events that celebrate conspicuous consumption and celebrate brand images are as unpleasant to me as going to the mall.
im totally in favor of free shit, but i believe that there is a place for it and place to be apart from it.
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.7.10 - 9:56 pm
daaayum son you takin' a beating
sancho104.7.10 - 10:02 pm
and besides..... free stuff promotes consumerism and the pursuit of material wealth.
we should be teaching kids that that stuff is BAD...... which is what MR rides have usually done a good job at
thats what i was referencing
666 responding to a
comment by superblueman3
04.8.10 - 10:31 am
i'm still dont understand the question in reference to my post..... but it looks like something that would start a disagreement/argument so it's probably best to just drop this topic as it is.........
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by 666
04.8.10 - 2:04 pm
well, hopefully we missed our opportunity too. growth is mostly good, but it's not
always good.. it depends on what the definition of growth is.... and I believe that MR has grown in generally the "right" way. I guess this is the age old battle.... In such a battle, consider me of the Fugazi school of thought....
Roadblock responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.8.10 - 2:23 pm
Why does MR need sponsors? I thought everything was going pretty well without the usage of corporate nonsense.
I find it extremely refreshing to see that all the rides on here are done by ridazz for ridazz, that we can get together via this site or by word of mouth; that we ride for the LOVE of biking, the sense of camaraderie, the sake of riding in groups of 30 to 300, racing down busy streets, the excitement and thrill bring together groups of people who commute on bikes.
I feel as though if we invite sponsors it will tamper if not completely destroy this allure of freedom and friendship. It will invite people who 1) DON’T know how to ride 2) people who are only there to get free things 3) be taken out of the ridazz hands and controlled like marionettes by some company who doesn’t understand our culture/lifestyle 4) just be a chaotic mess.
I went on the Catch me if you can ride that was sponsored by various companies and it was by far the worst ride I have EVER been on, the Nike ride was a disaster as well imho, and you saw how much people on here tore it to pieces.
As I stated earlier, the magic of the midnight ridazz group/family is that we do this OURSELVES, it’s been blossoming over the past few years and turned into this secret but not so secret adventure, something that has grown from word of mouth. Some kid goes on a ride and is instantly hooked and in love with the rides, they finally found their calling, a way to turn their passion for bikes and their bike commuting lifestyle and party/ride with others who think just like them. We ride and are stopped by people in cars, pedestrians who ALL are dying to join us, the Friends of The Friendless ride is also one that gets bikers to join in on the group love.
Midnight Ridazz has been EXTREMELY successful without the use or need for sponsors.. look at is as an escape from the corporate nonsense we are faced with/bombarded with on a daily basis.
If we bring in sponsors it will tarnish everything that we have strived against.
Thegirlinglass04.15.10 - 10:51 am
Is it sponsorships if vendors show up and offer discounts to the riders. Like food or say a MASSAGE? Or is it just Gatorade and Best Buy type of sponsors?
It seems like the fear is of turning a ride into the Acura MidnightRidazz events! Which is not my intention at all. But I if I were able to get 2 for 1 tacos, I'd appreciate that. Is that ok?
coolassmike04.15.10 - 11:17 am
I hope you're able to find a solution to your CAR dilemma. You really seem to want to make your CAR into something exciting and fun, which is understandable. I just think some people didn't like certain aspects of your CAR, not necessarily the CAR itself. You can promote your CAR, its fine, but I think people are saying...well... here's an example, maybe the difference is that your CAR can look like:
or like this:
We don't get down like them clowns and the kids
I'm use to being indigent, who said its all about the Benjamin's?
I wanna fortune, I wanna make music and hit the lottery
Fortunately my music is never watery
That's how its gotta be, as far as I can see
Maybe you should grab a telescope to see my view its like astronomy
It aint all about economy
so the fact that these wack emcees is making G's don't bother me
Honestly, my number one policy is quality
never sell my soul is my philosophy
--Binary Star, Reality Check
md2 responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.15.10 - 11:49 am
it's okay that you'd appreciate that, its not okay that the advertisement of free stuff will bring out kids who just want free stuff and to make trouble in a large group, and dont really care about the social riding aspect of it
find a poor taco vendor in east LA who doesn't get much business and have him set something up. fuck sponsors and corporate shit though....if you want to bring business into rides, make it the businesses that need our help... like going to small mini marts instead of vons or ralphs
i'd come check out your ride if it wasnt mom ridaz 2 year anniversary.... i really am curious to see how it will turn out. but i have a feeling it will be alot of immature youngsters who dont even know what capitalism is and may end up causing trouble....
i never see fights break out on rides with adults..... just the huge group rides that attract kids.... and this ride seems to be a little more younger-oriented.
just my apprehensions
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.15.10 - 11:50 am
have you noticed that if we go on enough rides stopping off at the same spot the people working there usually gives us discounts?!
and a massage!? really dude.. do you need a a massage after riding 30-40 miles at a slow/medium pace????? after a century ride.. yes.. massages are perfect.. but after social rides, you have got to be kidding me, sure it would be nice.. but that shouldn't be the draw of getting people to come on rides.
Thegirlinglass responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.15.10 - 3:53 pm
Best Buy?????? Yeah plasmas and bikes go together real well... Haaaaahahaha
TK421 responding to a
comment by Thegirlinglass
04.15.10 - 4:00 pm
You guys are clueless! I feel like Obama trying to pass healthcare!
I'm trying to expose the community to bike companies and products and vice-versa. And you guys attack me and my name? Not everyone is in prime shape for 30 - 40 miles! MY ride is about bringing out new riders! MOST have not gone 30 miles in there life! SO to assume everyone is a TECH or a regular is RIDER is just snobbish!
If you dont like me or my rides! Dont attend. Continue to hate! and if you see me, confront me!
coolassmike04.15.10 - 4:59 pm
Do your ride the way you want. Just don't call it Midnight Ridazz.
Roadblock calls the shots when it comes to using that name or promoting when people propose rides on Midnight Ridazz website. The philosophy is different than what you are trying to embrace. Midnight Ridazz is rooted in a
punk ethos and it really does not subscribe to commercialism. Period.
So, do the ride you want to make with sponsors. Promote it on Facebook, LA Fixed. or the like, and the best of luck to you with it!
I appreciate your enthusiasm, and I wish you have success with your ideas.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.15.10 - 5:10 pm
mike.. the thing is doing 30-40 miles seems insane.. but when you do it in a group, you don't even realize how far you have gone.
as borfo said, if you want to go ahead with your ideas, don't associate the ride with Midnight Ridazz, because obviously it's not welcome here and it's not you who calls the shots.. Roadblock does.
Thegirlinglass responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.15.10 - 5:42 pm
Do you see Midnight Ridazz ANYWHERE ON MY RIDE, PAGE, OR WEBSITE?
Really, this is getting out of control!
coolassmike responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
04.15.10 - 5:48 pm
Yeah, I see it near the top of my browser.... weird, maybe you're on the wrong site...
Its not out of control, i think you logged onto the wrong site. Its cool... good luck with your ride... nobody is trying to stop it... just throwing their two cents about sponsorship.... thats all.
md2 responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.15.10 - 5:55 pm
I have take everyones feedback into consideration. There wont be "sponsors" but I will negotiate discounts on behalf of the attendees of my rides. For example;
Orange 20 has agreed to extend a "RIDE TIME' only discount and "SHORT FOLLOW UP TIME" window for the rider to return within 2 weeks to get a partial discount.
SCOOPS has agreed to give the attendees of the CoolassRIDE the Refill price of $2.00 for there initial order VS $2.75. This gets people to try there product and the small shop will now potentially gain 10 new customers for life. 2 riders might even fall in love over a similar scoop combo because it fit there budget.
This engages both the riders and the shops with an incentive to do so. A WIN WIN from where I'm sitting.
coolassmike04.22.10 - 12:02 am
I sponsor my own rides. Try it out instead of looking for a handout.
rev106 responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.22.10 - 9:21 am
i think he partially did with t shirts, spoke cards, stickers
666 responding to a
comment by rev106
04.22.10 - 9:50 am
"HANDOUT"?! Thats HILARIOUS! I have spent close to $800 out of my own pocket for this project launch. In the process I listened to the feedback and am continuing to do it my way, which includes the consideration of the community of which I consider myself apart of.
We wont agree on all things. BUY I will listen to those around me and make my own decisions.
%50 of the profits will go DIRECTLY towards buying bikes for kids in Foster Care. EVERY BIKE AND KID will be viewable on 1000.com and TheCoolassRide.com
coolassmike responding to a
comment by rev106
04.22.10 - 12:43 pm
whoa... how are you generating a profit? I want in now.
md2 responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.22.10 - 12:45 pm
hell yeah what's up with the profits? do I get a cut for facilitating the publicity through this site? ;)
Roadblock responding to a
comment by md2
04.22.10 - 12:49 pm
When I sell shirts there will be profit. With that profit %50 of it will buy bikes for kids. The other %50 will buy ,more shirts and stickers and spoke cards and OTHER SHIT which cost.
Since I travel to NY often, I intend to take the ride to NY and do it there as well! So I am building an infrastructure to do so.
This is REAL people! Dont HATE PARTICIPATE!
This is not going to pay my bills. It will allow me to design nice effective and useful clothing like I'd like to see.
Build a RIDE like I'd like to see it built.
To announce something on MR does not imply any type of MR endorsement. And NOWHERE in my material do you see any mention of MR. Although I want MR's endorsement, I have not used it in ANYWAY! I was under the impression this was an open forum and website to list bike rides. I have simply asked questions which lead to open debate and list my ride under the RIDES section of the site.
I believe I have been pretty compliant thus far.
coolassmike04.22.10 - 1:14 pm
This is not going to pay my bills. It will allow me to design nice effective and useful clothing like I'd like to see.
so this ride will fund your clothing line?
I dont get it...
You want to sell CAR clothing, which in turn will pay for kids bikes and more clothing, and repeat?
Can you elaborate on the bikes for kids program? And why cant you do a Coolassride, and let everyone know about the kid bike program? Two different things. If its a legit program, maybe you'll get donations without having to sell stuff.
This isnt hate... thats just an easy excuse to write off what people say in response.
md2 responding to a
comment by coolassmike
04.22.10 - 1:25 pm
Because I am doing this for the kids. It's MY program! I am doing it BUY kids mikes direct. I will partner with LOCAL BIKE SHOPS to commit to buying a certain number of bikes at a stripped down price.
The t-shirt "line" is a way to make this vision happen. Im not one to ask for and wait for HANDOUTS. I'm a do'er! If and when donations come in, they help meet the goal of 1000 bikes. Then it's on to the next objective! Bikes for someone somewhere else!
Like "Johnny BICYCLE Seed" <--- That shit was funny! just saying...
"This is not going to pay my bills. It will allow me to design nice effective and useful clothing like I'd like to see."
I do MANY OTHER THINGS to pay my bills! This is just another BILL as of this point! But i like my vision and am willing to invest in it to make it happen. I have many more plans.
coolassmike responding to a
comment by md2
04.22.10 - 1:35 pm