Funemployment AKA Paycation

Thread started by
petr0lb0mb at 04.5.10 - 2:03 pm
It seems that a large percentage of Ridazz is funemployed these days.
Myself, I have been on paycation for about 5 months now.
Just wondering who else is in the same boat.
start the ride already, i love riding during the day and my work is more time off than on. I'm sure there are tons of no jobies like me
onemanstrash04.5.10 - 2:40 pm
Two and a half years, baby!
It's starting to get to me, but on the other hand, I've cycled more in the last 2 years than I have in my life. Done a lot of groovy rides and met lots of friends.
Creative Thing04.5.10 - 3:18 pm
"Funderemployed" thank you very much.
If you need photography, Djing, sound system rental, yard work, graphic design, and/or art/ photography instruction , let me know.
trickmilla04.5.10 - 3:35 pm
How do you stay on it for 2 years. Longest I could ever get was 6 months.
buckchin responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
04.5.10 - 3:48 pm
He didn't say specifically that he was collecting a UI check.
However, to answer your question, Obama has made it so that UI can be extended up to two years for approved cases.
petr0lb0mb responding to a
comment by buckchin
04.5.10 - 4:53 pm
Two years?!?!?!
Damn, I don't think I could last two weeks without any work.
It's just that when I am working, I feel more healthier due to the fact that there's a given purpose to be putting in those miles for a paycheck.
When it's a period of no-work, you sort of have to force yourself out of the abode.
But then again, it's probably easier to deal with in an area where the weather doesn't suck and there's more to do.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
04.5.10 - 4:59 pm
That's right.
I've had some hit and miss graphic design work and sold my mother-in-law's coin collection to keep afloat, and my most recent U.I. extension has just run out, but I kinda expect to get another few months. I've worked my whole adult life (30+ years) without a break until now.
That said, I've been ready to go to work for a long time now, but there just isn't much happening for a guy my age (hint: old).
My artist friend said I should look at this a an unofficial "grant" from the government to be an artist for a while, so I've enjoyed that too.
Creative Thing responding to a
comment by petr0lb0mb
04.5.10 - 5:00 pm
You get used to not working, pretty quickly. Sometimes after I have breakfast at 2:PM, I just go back to bed and think of something to do after the sun goes down. :)
petr0lb0mb responding to a
comment by bentstrider
04.5.10 - 5:09 pm
More like stay in bed all day, go outside and see how brutally windy it is.
Right now I'm glad to be employed and by November, my "other" prospects may or may not shine.
When the "shit really hits the fan" as far as local employment goes, I'm throwing essential gear on the bike and pedaling my ass to the next work locale!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by petr0lb0mb
04.5.10 - 5:14 pm
18 months.
i actually just got a part time job but gotta keep the UI flowin
I have been pretty productive with my time off and try to write/draw/shoot/make raging techno music every day
while unemployed i have-
flown about two dozen times
traveled to 5 different countries
swam in the atlantic, pacific, caribbean, mediterranean gulf of california, gulf of mexico
ridden huge chunks of miles on my fixie, roadbike and tallbike
moved to LA
met some of the radest people in the world
had the most beautiful/skullrattling/inspiring/amazing moments i have ever encountered
painted, fucked, bled and photographed in more cities than I care to remember right now
The New York department of labor has enabled me to have the most incredible two years of my life. for certain people, unemployment really is an artist grant from the government.
quit paying rent, get rid of all your shit, grab your bike and get the fuck out before you have kids, a car payment and a mortgage
newarkhouse04.12.10 - 10:24 pm
yo paycation is when you get paid to be on vacation
monovsstereo04.12.10 - 10:26 pm
Ive been on it for 6 months.I've got about a year or so left. Its fun having to find stuff to keep me entertained! Better than being @ a job I don't like..
Debut21304.12.10 - 10:54 pm
Dude, I need to get off my ass and do more. I thought
I was having fun. After reading your response, I now feel like I haven't done sheit with my paid time off. Haha!
petr0lb0mb responding to a
comment by newarkhouse
04.12.10 - 11:05 pm
Woah Newark! Those were the wisest words I've probably heard in my entire life, in regards to what I want to do before I settle.
Alfredo responding to a
comment by petr0lb0mb
04.12.10 - 11:17 pm
I saved up a load of money once from my 9 - 5 job designing websites, and then spent 5 months learning to program ... and have been doing that since 2007 :D
braydon04.12.10 - 11:25 pm
before you have kids, mortgage, and a car payment .
With my ass-demeanor, that's guaranteed to never happen.
I've got a better chance of passing college algebra than those ever occurring .
bentstrider responding to a
comment by newarkhouse
04.13.10 - 12:36 am
Funemployed here. Two months since my company folded.
On the plus side I get a lot of beach-side rides in.
Chochacho04.16.10 - 11:38 am