Thread started by
Limeyfly at 04.5.10 - 12:41 pm
What's happening for the second friday of the month ride???????????? Is there a ride????
Listing for the ride has 0 info. Don't be so douchy!!! that's my job but only sometimes.....
Anyway. Whats up with 2nd Friday rides.....Postings have been late lately.
Foldie responding to a
comment by north_valley_critical_mass
04.5.10 - 12:52 pm
BLAHER responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.5.10 - 12:54 pm
I think the question is specific to the traditional Midnight Ridazz "2nd Friday ride" and not what ride is going on friday.
Foldie responding to a
comment by BLAHER
04.5.10 - 12:55 pm
I know dont care just giving her the option of another fun ride!...
BLAHER responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.5.10 - 12:57 pm
Her???? Uncle Harry?? Silly boy...
Gizzard responding to a
comment by BLAHER
04.5.10 - 1:57 pm
Oh shit!!!! That ain't uncle Harry! My bad
Gizzard04.5.10 - 1:58 pm
Wait... Is it? I'm so confused right now. I thought I was sober...
Gizzard04.5.10 - 2:00 pm
Lol! Thanks foldie! I thought I was going crazy! For some reason I've never seen the "y" in limeyfly
Gizzard responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.5.10 - 2:11 pm
I was referring to the regular Midnight Ridazz second friday ride.
Limeyfly responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.5.10 - 2:21 pm
reply that's a username!
barleye responding to a
comment by Limeyfly
04.5.10 - 2:23 pm
Midnight Ridazz in the valley!!
w00t w00t!
SnapperS04.5.10 - 6:24 pm
i believe it may just be a Valley ride instead of the usual DTLA ride.. not sure though
Thegirlinglass04.7.10 - 9:11 am
Confirmed it is a valley ride! Can't wait to seee ya'll on this side of the hill!!
mattspeed responding to a
comment by Thegirlinglass
04.7.10 - 9:13 am
LA RIDAZZ meet up at pan pacific park to ride to the start! if you really must take the train [and you stiiiinnnkkk if you do] we'll be passing right by the hollywood/highland station on our way
but again, public transit is for l0000zers
superblueman304.7.10 - 10:04 pm
you realize that the main MR ride leaves at 830 so you;ll be a tad late if you hull over the pass
Thegirlinglass responding to a
comment by superblueman3
04.8.10 - 9:18 am
Your ride posting is pretty offensive.
"instead of being little pussies and taking the metro, all riders from the LA-area should meet up with us in pan pacific park and we're gonna roll over the caheunga pass to noho! it's not a really bad hill so dont wussy out and take the train."
Public Transit is not for l0000zers. Many people use bike/bus/rail combo everyday.
Yeah I am sure you are joking but don't be so douchey.
Foldie responding to a
comment by superblueman3
04.8.10 - 9:30 am
well i will most definitely be one of those "loosers" taking the metro up.. the pass scares me (traffic and cars not giving a shit/not expecting bikes)
Thegirlinglass responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.8.10 - 9:54 am
You and me both ... No shame in my game ... I want to show up relaxed not sticky and gross.... I'm game to bike back from the valley ....
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Thegirlinglass
04.8.10 - 10:13 am
Who cares. Stop trying to put in your 2 cents into everything. k thanks.
mattspeed responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.8.10 - 10:30 am
Who made you forum Nazi? You obviously care if you took the time to post here.
Foldie responding to a
comment by mattspeed
04.8.10 - 10:33 am
alls Is hears is
wah wah wah wah wah wah
_iJunes responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.8.10 - 10:39 am
Blah blah blah blah blah. Go ride a bike.
mattspeed responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.8.10 - 10:58 am
Sure ... I see no reason why not .. Im guessing Hollywood and Highland?
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Thegirlinglass
04.8.10 - 12:05 pm
but again, public transit is for 10000zers
That's what Homer J said.
Sexual Harassment Panda mentioned the same thing about the "Island for Misfit Mascots".
bentstrider responding to a
comment by superblueman3
04.8.10 - 12:21 pm
yes,i am joking and i take metro as well, plenty of times.......... no, i dont care about strangers i dont know thinking i'm douchey for something i posted on the internet.......
it's the internet.................
superblueman304.8.10 - 1:49 pm
and that was directed at foldie...... i have nothing against you and i'm sure you're a cool guy in real life but you have come off as a pretty agressive/confrontational person online.....i'm sorry if i offended your feelings ............ i dont want any animosity here........
superblueman304.8.10 - 1:55 pm
Like you said it is just the internet.........
Foldie responding to a
comment by superblueman3
04.8.10 - 1:58 pm
exactly...... i look forward to meeting you in real life someday.......and for the record, i've always wanted a foldie...... :O
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by Foldie
04.8.10 - 2:05 pm
Foldie's da man......................100% keyboarder and way f'n cool in person...sorta sucks at bike polo but hey...
barleye04.8.10 - 2:11 pm
I do suck at polo but that is why I retired.....nothing better than to retire at the bottom.
Foldie responding to a
comment by barleye
04.8.10 - 2:23 pm
What a show!!
Nothing like staring at the hills from the dam and watching fella's play jack-ass with road-caution signs!!
Wonderful night, worth taking off and seeing all the shiny, happy people.
bentstrider04.10.10 - 6:57 am
last night was so much fun!
nothing beats caution sign sledding at the damn =]
Thegirlinglass04.10.10 - 8:58 am