Racist Cops and Hummers

Thread started by
stillline at 04.5.10 - 11:29 am
Here is a repost from a USC trojan article.
Heres what officer CHo has to say about Jews and Cyclists
This is what Amy wrote.
Police Officer Compares Cyclists to Jews (Not in a Good Way)
Cyclists are just as mean as the Jews who killed Jesus and USC students suck too, a Los Angeles Police Department officer explained in a phone interview Saturday.
Back in April, a Hummer hit a cyclist on a group bike ride, injuring his ankles, according to the Westside Bikeside blog. The police decided that the biker actually ran into the Hummer, not the other way around. After questioning witnesses, the LAPD let the driver go without a ticket.
An Officer Cho on the scene then really pissed cyclists off by saying that, had he been driving the Hummer, he would have hit the cyclist, too. A cyclist brought up Officer Cho's comment again at a transportation committee meeting on Feburary February 24.
This weekend, a man who identified himself as Officer Cho, but who refused to give his first name, called from the LA City Hall phone number and confirmed that he really did say that. He laughed at the memory of that night. He didn't "particularly like" the cyclists he spoke with, he recalled. And he said that I also would have hit the cyclist had I been driving the Hummer (For the record: I would totally run people over if I had to drive a Hummer, but not on purpose). But Cho insisted there was more to the story.
"Just so you know, your cyclist friends were drunk," he said.
The cyclists, who he described as a mob, wanted him to arrest the driver, but he refused. When I asked why, he asked me if I was religious.
"Because the Romans gave into Jewish demands, they crucified Jesus," he said.
He then accused "a lot" of USC students of throwing bottles at him throughout his career. "So I don't exactly have a high opinion of USC students."
Anyway, back to the Hummer. Cho said that the cyclists, a group of about "20 or 30" riders, surrounded the Hummer and threw objects like a bike at it, frightening the driver.
But the Westside Bikeside blog post reported that the cyclists didn't surround the Hummer until after the motorist hit a person and then tried to flee the scene.
On the phone, Cho abruptly said he had to go before answering any more questions. But Hummer drivers everywhere can rejoice that, for possibly the only time in their entire lives, one of their own was compared to Jesus.
What if I'm a Jew for Jesus? Would Cho arrest the driver? I'm confused and getting sleepy.
SKIDMARCUS04.5.10 - 1:01 pm
Fuck it, I'm going to say it anyway.
Represented by a taxpayer-funded Union and given a mandated salary of $60,000/year, not including over-fuckin'-time.
This fuckhead went into his job with probably not much more education than myself(HS diploma) and thinks he could berate college students who are spending more on their education, but will probably only get dick in return???
I say abolish their union, cut their starting salaries by half, and keep all vehicles in the fleet running beyond their "replace by" date.
This way, they'll weed out those who think the local PD is the "good ole boys cunt-try club" from the ones that seek to uphold the actual laws.
Badge, weapons, and high salaries mandated by Unions that don't serve the economy in any way is no incentive to act like a bitch.
bentstrider04.5.10 - 5:09 pm
Just because the officer would not make an arrest it does not mean that the person who was hit cannot file a police report and press charges and sue in a civil court and I suggest they do.
Girl Power04.5.10 - 7:08 pm
Com'on brotha.
I'm not going to be a defender of the police, but you come off as a baby every time a unionized employee is mentioned.
60k is not a "high salary" for a job where you risk your life. I know graphic designers who get paid more and risk only paper cuts, mousing injuries, and pixel-tans.
Some cops are cool, some professional are are ignorant dickheads they all belong to the same union.
Unions exist to level the playing field between workers and employees and employers.
We have a 40 hour work week and better work safety / ethical standards because of employee Unions.
Yes unions do stupid shit. When power is amassed it is abused. The point of a union is that it balances power that would otherwise be held COMPLETELY by employers and their government lakys.
Look to china and other 3rd world countries to see what work conditions would look like without the presence of unions.
You will also find that Non-Unionized, underpaid police departments, are WAAAAAAY more corrupt than LAPD. In may places it is EXPECTED that you will need to cough up bribe money EVERY time you are stopped by cop. More if you are guilty and less if you are innocent.
Its clear to everybody who has followed your rantings over the years that you are simply bitter that you couldn't get a job as a LEO. Its OK, be bitter. But don't waste out time with misguided ranting about unions. It has nothing to do with it.
My mailman is unionized. He is friendly, professional, and well paid.
He does his job well and earns his wage. I'm happy he has an organization looking after his interests as an employee.
OFFICER CHO on the other hand IS A DICK
he'd be a dick if he was an underpaid non-union rent-a-cop, or a school teacher, or a bus driver, or a bike messenger. The dude is a dickhead and it has nothing to do with him being in a union a union.
I know that if you had made it into the force you'd have acted professional and reasonable toward cyclists, even if you had a union at your back. Right?
Let's stay on topic.
I'm saying this out of love Ben.
Its way past due to give the off topic union ranting a rest.
bicycle hugzz,
trickmilla responding to a
comment by bentstrider
04.5.10 - 7:17 pm
Its all in action. As well as confronting the cop in city council meetings.
buckchin responding to a
comment by Girl Power
04.5.10 - 7:35 pm
Well, they're still giving me a shit after I cursed out one of their reps cold-calling me about some bullshit charitable organization asking for donations for scholarships for retired LEO's.
I don't want have anything to do with them and told them to go dig the money out of someone else's ass.
I don't get it trouble and if I end up getting my ass in a bind, I'm fending for myself and not requesting their assistance.
And all hope isn't lost on being involved in law-enforcement.
I could always go to school and become the Medical Examiner.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by trickmilla
04.5.10 - 7:41 pm
And lets cross our fingers that this Officer Cho guy eats a bad doughnut, or gets caught doing something that gets his POST certification revoked.
For all we know, he's a closeted
responding to a comment by trickmilla
04.5.10 - 7:45 pm
they are giving you shit?
the person you cursed out is likely a non-union tele-marker, contracted by a charity org. who gets underpaid to make cold calls and try and pressure people into donating to a charity.
BR have you have been berated for no reason by a person who is fucking annoyed at the people you work for ... its kin do like that.
on another note if I was ever gonna be a piggy it would probably be as a crime scene photographer. I think I could hack the blood and guts, but dealing with cop culture full time might be a bit much for me.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by bentstrider
04.5.10 - 9:42 pm
Nothing wrong with blood and guts, in fact I find being a doctor who analyzes the dead being 10 times less stressful than the MD assigned to ER duty.
But as far as the cold-callers, they called four times a month from 06/08 to 05/09 until I told them off.
As far as me being bitter about it goes, am I supposed to just hold all anger in until it turns into a brain tumor or something?
Perhaps I should take up boxing and get myself into one of those "squash the beef" programs where I could train up and kick a cops ass without being arrested.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by trickmilla
04.5.10 - 10:06 pm
Hey, didn't I just read an article about a crazy racist cop? Anybody feel like doing something to force this guy into a desk job for the rest of his career?
I see a win-win coming on.
tortuga_veloce04.5.10 - 11:36 pm
I say since this glorified nightwatchman loves Hummers so much, he should get an "under-desk" job instead.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
04.6.10 - 12:48 am
I expected a little more response to this thread. Is anyone interested in getting another really big storm the Bastille day going again? When is the next big city council or transpo committee meeting?
stillline04.8.10 - 2:02 am
Sounds like a hit.
SBSO are a bunch of blowhards with thick skulls, let us test the will and testamenticles of these mongrels.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by stillline
04.8.10 - 7:40 am
I can't find the actual story online. I've searched the Daily Trojan and can't find it. Do you have a link?
gregb responding to a
comment by stillline
04.8.10 - 9:09 am