Question about SGV Bicycles

Thread started by
Pariah at 03.29.10 - 11:12 am
Has anyone purchased a bike from
I need a new bike (mine was stolen) and want to buy one for less than $300 from someone that Midnight Ridazz recommends.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Don't do it. You can do better.
I have had good results on Craigslist. You have to weed through the bullshit, but I have purchased 2 bikes with minimal hassles.
SGV dude seems shady and those POS no name fixies he sells are worth $100 max.
Foldie03.29.10 - 11:15 am
That's what I figured. I've been without a bike for 2 weeks and am losing my mind.
I need something cheap with a front brake...that's all I'm asking.
Pariah03.29.10 - 11:29 am
First of all, I was not too impressed. It's an out of the house operation, and he does not seem to know too much about bikes. He doesn't tune or work on the bikes either. He just slaps on cheap handlebar tape, tires and tubes, and tries to turn it around. If he put more effort into it, maybe. At the current time though he charges way too much for what he's offering. Why would I pay him for the things I don't want. He'd be better off just selling them as is for cheaper.
somaroark04.17.10 - 5:03 pm
ive bought bikes and parts from SGV before ,the bikesare clean and solid.Ive seen them personally.
Huey55504.17.10 - 5:24 pm
actually I bought a used one for my cousin.I dont know about the new ones the fancy fixies converstions.Ive bought grips a chain,a seat,and a crank.Im satisfied with them.but yeah the whole In house operation is a hassle/
Huey55504.17.10 - 5:27 pm
ive seen them..they look ok.It will get you from point A to point B .=)
Huey55504.17.10 - 5:29 pm
Ive purchased two bikes from him.. Bikes were in good condition with no problems.
SnapperS04.17.10 - 5:29 pm

If you are willing to pay $650 for this tarck fixie then I have a
fixed speed bike for 350 to sell you.
Foldie04.17.10 - 8:17 pm
Pancakes04.17.10 - 8:45 pm