NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Please consider that today 3/4/10 is a call of action in defense of public schools. The budget cuts anticipated for this year will affect K-12 as well as Community Colleges, Cal States, and UCs. EVERYONE is affected.
A demonstration will be taking place today @ 4pm @ Pershing Square, followed by a march to the Governor's LA office. Let's show our unity and strength in numbers!!!
please see for info on events in your area.
What with the staff-cuts and over-crowding going on at both the CC and university levels in this state, it's good to see some sort of collective action.
In a way though, one would think these policies being passed around are a sort of "soft-initiative" to depopulate the state via outward migration.
Make it suck so badly for some that they leave in search of greener pastures.
Too many people put too much blame on the schools for increasing tuition. The state is cutting funding. Someone has to pick up the slack if you want the schools to stay open. The schools have to pass the cost off somewhere. Sadly, it's students, since the government can just shrug and say "nope."
Although, that comes back again to irresponsibly large and inefficient administrations on campus that could certainly cut costs all over the place.
Multiple evil parties working in concert...
Also, there is the capitalism of it all: yes, rates are up MORE than 400% from ten years ago for CSU tuition... but you know what? Demand STILL outweighs supply. You can see it in the overcrowding and the campus expansions.
Yet CA Dept of Corrections and Rehab receives continual funding for overrated/over-compensated/undereducated, glorified security guards and the ineffective incarceration of multi-offenders who don't learn what "wrong" is the first five times around.
More instructors and logistics for schools at all levels, less glorification out of being "locked up".