The NEW Ride

Thread started by
superblueman3 at 12.7.09 - 5:24 pm
So due to the good vibes and fun felt and had at the new ride pilot, I'm deciding to start doing these on some kind of bi-weekly or monthly patterns! I'm starting a new thread so that i could have a good and fully descriptive first post of my ride's mission statement.
The NEW ride (don't ask about the name.... was stoned and couldn't think of anything better) meets at 8PM in Pan Pacific Park, down by the playground and covered eating tables
and leaves at 9PM
If you like to party it up on rides but also like to do REAL riding on them, then roll with the NEW ride. We ride moderate to party paced, so it will be easy to keep up, but make sure you'll be able to last with miles and hills. We are more of a workout than most party rides in terms of total route length and occasional hill climbing. Every ride there will be pre-set fun destinations with at least one liquor stop. I plan every route so that we tour different neighborhoods and usually fun hills. What's interesting about the routes, you ask? Well, we've all seen the big boulevards in our fine city, but i try to route us on alternate and more fun residential or other types of streets. we're touring neighborhoods for god's sake, right? Why not see the actual neighborhood for once? All stops are at parks, and the routes total at least 20 miles by our return to pan pacific, usually more. We usually have at least some hills, so be ready to tackle them (for awesome downhills you need to be able to do some uphills too... just pointing it out). the routes are always fun intoxicated routes :)
bring your tools, lights, tubes, beers, blunts, and buds! get ready to party and do a fun ride!
I'm planning NEW RIDE TYPE B to be this saturday, the 12th. We'll be visiting hollywood, los feliz, silverlake, echo park, downtown, east LA, and koreatown(possibly more depending on how we feel. stops at echo and hollenbeck parks with one liquor stop before each. starts and ends t pan pacific park. see ride posting (coming soon)for more details
thats what i was planning on changing the ride name to after going through 26 new rides, each one being lettered a-z.
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by _iJunes
12.7.09 - 5:35 pm
crap, didnt check calendar, 12th is no good. will pick a better day and update later.
superblueman312.7.09 - 5:53 pm
superblueman312.9.09 - 9:09 pm
If you can talk the Red Line into running past midnight I'll consider it. Live in SFV, can't keep driving out for rides. It's like commuting...
outerspace12.14.09 - 10:13 pm
yeah, metro last trains really suck when you belong to to a community like this. i'm not sure if you are aware or not, but there is actually a 24-hour metro bus line that runs over the cahuenga pass (156 and i believe it's line 656 at late-night). it starts at santa monica and highland and that gives you the option of getting off at the top of the pass and riding downhill into the valley. just an idea though.
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by outerspace
12.14.09 - 10:23 pm
if i would have checked the ride calendar sooner id be going....I left my back at home and now im at work and im not off till 6.30 :( no way i can get to covina and back in time.
Volta12.21.09 - 3:02 pm
This ride sounds very well thought out and put together. I'm going to try to make it.
GodLovesUgly12.21.09 - 3:25 pm
thanks, i'm trying to make it a fun ride for all so you should enjoy it
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by GodLovesUgly
12.21.09 - 4:29 pm
yo that shit was bomb
Xray12.22.09 - 2:08 am
u guys rock! even when my tire(s) went flat..*tisk tisk* next time i bring some common sense and equip for sure. thanks for the support..and of course...the ride. i owe u
l.a.dee12.22.09 - 6:42 pm
i'm gonna just probably so this on saturdays for a while.... seems like more people show up
fun at echo and elysian parks...... next time maybe some culver city exploration? whoo knoooowws
and alex, monday would've been nothing without you
oh wait
superblueman312.22.09 - 9:37 pm
hope to see you guys out in the valley this month!
SnapperS responding to a
comment by superblueman3
04.16.10 - 6:52 pm
aww boo.. well maybe next month you can drag the moms out here with you.
SnapperS04.16.10 - 7:11 pm