Update in RIchie Thomassen from his Mom

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richtotheie at 12.3.07 - 5:56 am
I spoke to RIchie...yeah!
He told me that the motorcycle developed a mechanical problem with the front wheel and within seconds, he and the bike were sprawled out on the road. Thankfully, the roads were inactive at this time of the morning and that two good Samaritans stopped to assist him until police and emergency medical personnel arrived. Whoever they were, I thank them for my son is my greatest joy and I love him so much.
The cat scan showed no brain injury and he is now awaiting word on the fate of his two ankles and left hand. He cannot walk and is in a lot of pain.
I forgot to ask him if he listened to what I always taught him...to always wear clean and hole-less underpants at all times. I will update you on that later.
Richie is in UCLA Medical Center in Westwood.
Please send your prayers, your love, and telepathically send him the message that he had better not ride another $%#$%#%# motorcycle or his beloved mother will die of a heart attack.
Thank God he is going to recover...we can handle anything else!
Glad to hear he'll recover. Our thoughts are with him. Rest assured. You can't spell Cubbies without the ie from Richie :-)
stevo412.3.07 - 6:44 am
how long's he in for? ridazz gotta rally and pay a visit en masse
Sabado Gigante12.3.07 - 7:06 am
Actually, just heard he's being released today. I'm sure he'll update us when he gets home a little later.
stevo412.3.07 - 7:09 am
Hey guys it's the real Richie here...
Thanks to Stevo, i'm home and in great...um good.. um not so bad condition. 2 sprained ankles (1 severe) a Fractured finger and abrasions all around left hand and fingers. Road rash on back. Pics to come soon of course!
the story.
Luckily it was a cold night and i layered up. Traveling extremely fast on the 405 and bike troubles don't go well together. The front wheel violently wobbled back and forth until i could no longer hold onto the bars and had to bail (all in about 1.5 seconds) . As i flew through the air, i saw my poor baby slam the ground and start spinning showering the freeway with sparks. Then my body hit and i am pretty sure for a split second i was skidding just on the side of my face...and that's when i decided that trying to roll would be a good idea. it didn't really work. It took a reallllly long time to stop moving. Then i bolted up and scrambled to the median. The cars behind me had to swerve from hitting the bike but did not cause any other accidents, thank god. The road ate through my gloves and pants. I bled all over myself from my fingers. Touching them caused more to gush out. And that's when my vision started fading looking like snow on an empty tv channel. Totally unreal. The paramedic treating me found half of my phone WITH the sim card WIZZAO!! The new phone i happened to have ordered just a few days ago should be here soon.
In the ER they cut all my clothes off and the worst part (which can be the best for some (FLUFFFERS)) was the prostate check. But it's ok. The Doc said i have "GOOD TONE", whatever the hell that means.
I have no idea in what shape the bike is in..but i do know this will be an ugly bill.
Thanks so much for the support everyone! I love you all!!!
richtotheie12.3.07 - 9:08 am
Motorcycle Accidents = chicks
Cycle Accidents = being made fun of
You got lucky.
Get well soon, we'll need to find a way to get you back on a bicycle asap, pedicab anyone?
franz12.3.07 - 9:21 am
Yeah man. Lose the "murdercycle" and stick with the bike!
I am so glad to learn you pulled through as well as you did.
Creative Thing12.3.07 - 11:09 am