SEPT. MR 2010
Thread started by
SnapperS at 07.5.10 - 1:28 pm
I was just curious to see if the 2nd friday ride in September was still available?? I noticed it says "reserved for trickmilla" but i know he's leading MR next month...
If the slot's still open... I CALL FIRST DIBS!!
Barleye was kind enough to switch with me.
That's why I have august.
trickmilla07.5.10 - 1:43 pm
Alright post it up barleye!!
...Before I do
SnapperS responding to a
comment by trickmilla
07.5.10 - 1:50 pm
Still figuring out the details of the September ride. If I don't hand it off It's gonna be a westside ride. I have a route I've wanted to do for a long time. Ideas being accepted. post here or email me at barleye @
barleye responding to a
comment by SnapperS
07.5.10 - 3:05 pm
calling all pregnant nuns....
barleye07.8.10 - 12:04 pm