runt bike for 40$
Thread started by
818rider at 05.25.10 - 4:15 pm
i had to share this bike with you all !
not for sale i bought it for 40$ needs some tlc but i am stoked!
818rider05.25.10 - 4:16 pm
is that a trike????
i had a "razor punk" until one of the neighborhood kids adopted it. it definitely needed a smaller rear cog when i bought it. i changed the stem and bars for drops that nearly touched the ground.
tortuga_veloce05.25.10 - 10:53 pm
naw it is two wheels solid rubber full suspention. but yeah need to chage the bars and seat post for some taller ones!
818rider responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
05.25.10 - 11:32 pm