Let's be Careful when we ride
Thread started by
Wild Johnny at 10.11.11 - 7:43 am
Here's a shot of a little road rash inccident at Ciclavia...watch out for obstacles in the road...
Thats what happens when you grab a handfull of front brakes
crossbones10.11.11 - 8:10 am
Thats what happens when you ride downhill with only 1 hand on the bars.
barleye10.11.11 - 8:59 am
That was all front brake!! He hit the bump and naturally squeezed the one hand he had holding for a tighter grip and grabbed a lot of front brake... :/ Hope he heals up quickly :D
FIXMYLIFE10.11.11 - 9:24 am
ugh that just hurts to watch, i feel bad for the guy, that really sucks
at the same time though, he did not look to be even looking at the road! you really got to keep your eyes open riding around in this city, it came as a shock to me too being from a small town up north but the city of los angeles has some of the worst streets i've ever ridden in, there are obstacles everywhere! ...this is one of the reasons i don't like to drink much at all while riding around here! it's just too easy to get distracted for a split second and all of a sudden you're on the ground bleeding everywhere
...it does look like he grabbed that front brake as well though, damn it just hurts to watch and think about either way
natefrogg10.11.11 - 2:03 pm
yes, he told me he was taking a picture and not paying attention to the road...then along comes the obstacle and ended up squeezing the front brake. he's fine. just a little road rash.
Wild Johnny responding to a
comment by natefrogg
10.11.11 - 5:44 pm