M.R. MARCH 2011?
Thread started by
barleye at 02.27.11 - 5:49 am
So what's up? No ride's posted yet.... Xray? Someone?
I'm already doing a daytime ride on the fifth and a nighttime ride on the 18th.
barleye02.27.11 - 1:27 pm
The Brides of March?
Wear your wedding bridal best?
Say I do.
Joe Borfo02.27.11 - 1:41 pm
cool. Any other BRIDEZILLAZZ interested?
I got music ideas already.
Sean, wanna help with the route ideas again?
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by Ms. Stephanie
02.27.11 - 2:37 pm
You all too chicken to tie the knot?
Who else will be a blushing bride with me?
I'm going to need a show of commitment before I go any further with this...
Joe Borfo02.27.11 - 3:24 pm
Do fries come with that ketchup & beer?
jonnyboy responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
02.27.11 - 5:54 pm
You can supersize it for only 69 cents more.
Going unce, tice...
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by jonnyboy
02.27.11 - 6:16 pm
A bride-zilla fest complete with a smooth-jazz concert.
A muted trumpet, like Chris Botti.
Yeah, my musical tastes tend to switch every now and then.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
02.28.11 - 4:07 am
I'm going do this ride if you guys are gonna come. But you all haveta at make an effort to be a bride or at least wear some lace! okay? No spectators please!
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by bentstrider
02.28.11 - 9:20 am
awesome. I posted it.
People can send me music suggestions. Please.
If people are shy, I was thinking of throwing a bridal shower before hand to get people inspired to get geared up.
It's not everyday that you get to dress up like poof cake and ride. (Be mindful of chain clearance!)
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
02.28.11 - 12:02 pm
I love the idea, I'd like to help plan the route. It'd be like OLD TIMES (yes, I'm old.)
The best idea I have for destinations would be places where people like to take wedding photos. Such as Mulholland Fountain, rose gardens and wherever there are large gazebos.
Everyone should dress up, somehow. I'm kind of tired of "good" themed rides where no one dresses up. What kind of incentives? Beer (sodas for the kids) and spoke cards for those in wedding dresses?
the reverend dak responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
02.28.11 - 12:11 pm
awesome. Sean might still send me ideas and maybe we could work with it. Either way I'm stoked.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by the reverend dak
02.28.11 - 12:18 pm
Three stops: first stop is the bridal shower (where we play bridal shower games); second stop is the ceremony, where we all get married to each other (sort of, I guess, like the Funderstorm Facebookwedding thing); third stop is the reception (where we could have a photobooth set up to take wedding photos).
theroyalacademy responding to a
comment by the reverend dak
02.28.11 - 12:19 pm
there will be many incentives for ridazz to get dressed up.
e.g. - The hottest bride will be able to remove my garter!
Joe Borfo02.28.11 - 12:20 pm
Do you guys want to get together sometime to kick around route ideas and talk about logistics and whatnot?
theroyalacademy responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
02.28.11 - 12:22 pm
getting kinda excited for this.. haven't done a second-friday ride in ages!
let me know if you want another person to scout with... the ideas i have in mind might need to be checked as i am not sure they are friendly for official MR ride (mileage, elevation, city)
Kakihara responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
02.28.11 - 12:33 pm
Sure. I'm hoping to make it to your ride this Wednesday.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
02.28.11 - 12:57 pm
I'm sick, plus I hate meetings. But I've pretty much shared my ideas, and they look liek they'll work or coincide with your ideas for things to do at each stop.
Two other ideas I'd like to present, and will help make sure happens;
One is that we create Clean-up Crews (something we haven't done in a couple years, yes it was done back in the day.) They would have the route and know the stops and be in contact with the ride "leaders". I'm thinking volunteers and recycle bikes. They could/would also double as sweep.
Two, announcements at all the start and stops about respecting the neighborhoods we roll through. Aggro attitudes and other anti-social behavior can go on their own rides, not ours.
the reverend dak responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
02.28.11 - 1:08 pm
WTF! Wedding crashers!
I'm in.
BATMAN!02.28.11 - 1:55 pm
Brazilian music for the victims of the brazil critical massacre
BATMAN! responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
02.28.11 - 1:58 pm
can I suggest a few locations?
The fountain at Riverside & Los Feliz has wedding parties taking photos every week could be a cool stop/ ride by.
Also there is a string of
same day wedding chapels in DTLA, it would be cool to ride by them
trickmilla02.28.11 - 3:03 pm
Start gathering your wedding gowns now, my fellow ridazz!
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by trickmilla
02.28.11 - 3:12 pm
Get your wedding dresses at your local thrift store / st. vincent du paul / out of the closet / goodwill/ etc.
Those old retro polyester dresses work great in the cold. ( Marino, Rambod and I should know)
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by trickmilla
02.28.11 - 4:37 pm
Let's get married to our BIKES!
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
02.28.11 - 4:47 pm
Will do.
I hope you dress up for this one!
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by BATMAN!
02.28.11 - 5:24 pm
and you can hijack this thread...
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by dudebra420
02.28.11 - 8:39 pm
hows it going! just 1 thing I would like too say too u !
when entering bike pads MAKE SURE that the ridazz wit u stick to the right hand side
don't just take it upon your selves to take both lanes!
On your Bridal Ride they where two Ridazz that Crash into You! when they where clearing the Cut! they seen ur lights And like usual they expected of u or any Ridazz to stick to ur Right's And there you have it!
One Rider Up the road Passed out from severed Head Concussion and the paramedics had to come pick him up! thanks to god hes find now.
the only message here is too Please!
1. Travel in the right hand lane.
2. Pass on the left.
3. Announce your passing to other path users.
4. Move off the path when stopping.
5. Pay attention to the other path users.
ule420 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
03.12.11 - 10:40 am
i seriously have no idea what you just said, im not the spelling patrol but that shit is fucked up. i think i kinda understand what your saying but not really. also, MR ridezz are getting more and more unsafe, its mostly the morons who dont know about riding and dont understand that its their responsibility to know their limits and to ride safe. i was cut off lots of times even when announcing myself. thats the nature of these rides, not everyone is ready to rock the TDF so you gotta kinda work with them.
on the subject of people going in ambulances: if you fall and hurt your head and then proceed to get on your bike and start riding, your an idiot. also, wheres the fucking helmet? and why did you single out the borf? what did he do besides looking amzing all night, those titties were on point. i think this is a simple issue with inexperienced riders, and lack of proper safty equipment.
theshues responding to a
comment by ule420
03.13.11 - 2:45 pm
Perhaps I should bring out the bullwhip next time this goes down.
4-5 years into this and the reports of general behavior come back more negative each time.
As much as I **sort of** miss coming down to rides, these on-going incidents have probably made my attitude about missing them lesser of an issue over the past couple of years.
It was cool to witness the first 10-20 times, but even then someone like myself gets a little sleepy from it.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by theshues
03.13.11 - 3:48 pm
On the one hand, you're absolutely right. It's a dick move to be taking up the whole path. Of course.
But, on the other, as they passed those of us in front, we did most definitely warn your friends to slow down and be careful because there were many people behind us. And, really, 100 people in white, with lights, on a well-lit section of the bike path, are not that difficult to see up ahead, are they? I was/am a little confused as to why they were not able to stop in time, regardless of what they expected as they approached.
theroyalacademy responding to a
comment by ule420
03.13.11 - 5:32 pm
I am glad to hear that they are okay though. It really sucks when our fun hurts someone else, even if only mildly.
theroyalacademy responding to a
comment by ule420
03.13.11 - 5:33 pm
On this note, we should probably have more of the louder horn/brighter lights up at the front to give discreet warning to anyone on a tight path going the other direction.
Perhaps if we were to start acting as a train on the paths, collisions with outsiders might go down just the same.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by theroyalacademy
03.13.11 - 5:42 pm