Thread started by
_iJunes at 07.8.10 - 2:53 pm
Looks like a solution in need of a problem.
petr0lb0mb07.8.10 - 2:55 pm
Put some radio-control device on this and let a thief ride off with it.
Hit the "bend" button and watch the disastrous results!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by _iJunes
07.8.10 - 4:52 pm
I would rather have a spring loaded lance loaded into the seat post ready to come through the seat upon being stolen. If the thief doesn't know the secret switch to disarm the device, he gets an instant colostomy.
petr0lb0mb responding to a
comment by bentstrider
07.8.10 - 4:57 pm
until you yourself have a bad day
_iJunes responding to a
comment by petr0lb0mb
07.8.10 - 4:58 pm
swing bikes are better
Gav07.9.10 - 1:26 am
everyone knows cable bikes are easier to cut.
supersano07.9.10 - 11:17 am
Speaking of cables, check out that fancy brake setup. Oh, wait...
I guess that bendiness will come in handy when you have to quickly swerve around a corner because you can't slow down. Also to absorb some of the impact when you crash.
nathansnider responding to a
comment by supersano
07.9.10 - 11:45 am
Yeah, that's what I was about to say! Where are the brakes!?
imachynna07.9.10 - 11:51 am
It has a drag chute and dynamic-braking instead.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by imachynna
07.9.10 - 11:59 am
Coaster break? If it's fixed we don't need no stinking breaks, essay!
Joe Borfo07.9.10 - 12:15 pm
Sweet! Does it come with an ejector seat too? These engineering students, I tell you, they think of everything...
is a student project isn't it? I mean, it has to be.
nathansnider responding to a
comment by bentstrider
07.9.10 - 12:36 pm
nah, it has a chain tensioner. Brakeless single speed FTW
Gav responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
07.9.10 - 2:05 pm
I probably would be an engineering student if my advanced math didn't suck ass so badly.
Dynamic braking is used on AC locomotives to slow them down on steep grades.
Essentially, the traction motors transfer mechanical energy to the onboard generators to turn magnetos in the other direction.
This reverse effect reduces the wear and tear of mechanical air-braking systems and the risk of a runaway incident.
A drag-chute is that thing any high-speed or large aircraft uses to slow itself on a relatively short runway.
A C-17 on the other hand, can just fire its engines in reverse and deploy flaps for short runways.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by nathansnider
07.9.10 - 2:52 pm