Thread started by
Jet-son at 05.3.10 - 2:20 pm
NEWSFLASH: shit was dead before you got here.
_iJunes05.3.10 - 2:37 pm
i came on right at the right time!! ive been saying this for a long time. la and the whole scene just kills you. everyone has nothing better to do than bring everyone down. that pretty much is what MR stands for.
got lots of catching up to do too. i'm off today cause of a docs opointment. ;)
Krazy Penis05.3.10 - 2:39 pm
how can you "midnightridazz.com is dead" when you're posting things. y'all can talk about whatever you want how ever often you want here. it's not dead hahaha crazy wack fuck. boohoo. krazy penis is a boohoo too. y'all are so silly this site is pumpin all day long with good stuff and bad stuff. midnightridazz is dead hahaha so much angst and nerve where do you get it... oh probably from reading everything you see here. don't read it all!
meow05.3.10 - 4:16 pm
Foldie05.3.10 - 4:19 pm
read more of that and donate some money to make up for the death you donate here.
meow05.3.10 - 4:19 pm
SHOOT I ADD FIRE TO THE FIRE UH OH! i'm sorry "jetson", i don't want to be mean, but it's too much BAM BAM BLAH BLAH all over here all the time so i get excited and say things that's why it's not dead because i'm still excited. see?
meow05.3.10 - 4:28 pm
I was honestly hoping that this thread would just sail down the line and die ....
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Foldie
05.3.10 - 4:29 pm
just cuz the first thing on the thread is dumb doesn't mean we can't make it dumber
meow05.3.10 - 4:32 pm
i just thought he meant today when I read it.
md205.3.10 - 4:37 pm
haha! one week strong woo!
meow responding to a
comment by coldcut
05.3.10 - 4:55 pm
I thought it meant: rest in peace.
md2 responding to a
comment by Foldie
05.3.10 - 4:57 pm
i wish you guys could see what a city is like that believes in bicycles. the change is like night in day to where im at now. LA just sucks the life out of you.
Krazy Penis05.3.10 - 4:57 pm
if you let it.... some can and cannot hang. The strong (or wealthy) survive. You're just letting us know L.A. chewed you up and spit you out.
md2 responding to a
comment by Krazy Penis
05.3.10 - 5:08 pm
Thats what my homies tell me all the time! hahahaha im cool with it. no biggy at least im looking ahead at a good future.
btw no one can ever remember a shooting or knifing happening on a ride here.
Krazy Penis responding to a
comment by md2
05.3.10 - 6:00 pm
...because a Calendar, used to announce the time, date and start of a ride, and a Forum, used to discuss future and past rides, has a lot to do with what actually happens on rides.
It could be the Photo Gallery, some of those pics can drive people to violence.
the reverend dak responding to a
comment by Krazy Penis
05.3.10 - 6:24 pm
i forgot i posted this..haha..sorry no trolling intended...i was just bored....and no one was on here...midnightridazz <3
Jet-son05.3.10 - 6:30 pm