NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
Dude LOST is the SHIT! Im soo going to braingasms and eyegsms on Tuesday XD haha I just want to see wtf is going to happen right! fucking bomb explodes everything now what?
shut up you god damn high school troll. responding to this thread only bumped it you idiot. now go back your trolling on your iPhone your mommy bought you and stay the fuck home and serve your gay ass probation. I heard your ass cried at school when you got arrested.
I bought my iPhone with my own money. I wasn't arrested in school. Just interrogated. I'd figure you bring something like that up because you don't know what to say back. Also borfo bumped this thread. SO STFU YOU STUPID ASS PRICK AND ACTUALLY WATCH A SHOW THAT MAKES SENSE
palucha66 responding to a comment by goosegoose
04.2.10 - 5:01 pm
this show does make sense. your just an idiot not to figure out what is going on. but thanks for bumping this thread yet again to prove how awesome this show is.
have fun staying home on this friday night little boy. your iphone will keep you company for the rest of the night. ;)
An island thathas powers. I watched the first season when I realized how stupid it was. An I dont mind staying here at home. You think that just because I can go on rides that's gonna change my life?? Grow a brain please
palucha66 responding to a comment by goosegoose
04.2.10 - 5:13 pm
How is an island that has powers be any more "stupid" then a show that has super heroes or a show that has celebrities learning ball room dancing. Obviously people don't think it's that stupid for LOST to be one of the most popular shows of this decade.
Interesting you say that bike rides don't effect your life. As I recall, about 90% of your Facebook status' has something to do with cycling and how much your miss bike rides.
and again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for bumping this thread once again. If you were smart enough, you wouldn't post on this thread anymore. Responding to this only would prove how great and awesome this "stupid" LOST show really is.
Go ahead Edson, hit REPLY and respond and try to think of something witty and mature to type on your iPhone.
i wish kate would just die already! ever since the end of season 2 she's been pretty lame.
As for sayid... :( yes that made me a wittle sad. but what the hell kinda line is: "Sayid! THERE IS NO SAYID!" wtf? really!
maybe im just in a bad mood. i just expected more... maybe i needa watch it again. i dunno...
Gizzard responding to a comment by goosegoose
05.6.10 - 11:32 pm
Sooo is anyone throwing a LOST series finale party? I don't have cable or an attena to watch LOST. I usually go to hulu the next day and watch it but I'd rather watch the series finaly as it comes on and watch itwith a bunch of LOST nerds like myself. Will provide food, beer, and some pot to make our LOST series finale more enjoyable. Maybe even a short LOST ride on sunday before the biggest Television event in the history of time.
I have to miss the finale for a work function, which is completely retarded. How the hell am I going to avoid all of the Lost speak until I get time to bittorrent and watch it?!
I LOVE Lost. I don't have a TV and it ensures that all dumb-asses will be off the roads while I'm out riding. Just kidding, I don't own a bike either, but I do own two pimped out Segways.
I cereally don't know what I will do with the rest of my life. This show was the best thing to have happened to me in the past 6 years. This and the birth of my daughter. Such an amazing ending! Why did it have to end????
I dunno man... I think the last scene with Jack and the dog was beautiful, but I still have too many questions. I think I just needa let that go! Btw did u see Jimmy Kimmel's "Aloha to Lost"? It was a nice lil wrap up!
Gizzard responding to a comment by goosegoose
05.25.10 - 10:16 am
I knew they were not going to answer all the questions..
That's kinda why I liked it more.. For fans to discuss even more theories and questions..
But they did enough to tie in all that needed to be tied in..
It all came down to the characters and the connections that all the people had. There was no better ending they could of chose. I still wish it didn't have to end. I miss LOST already,
I really liked the ending. It was just how I think LOST should have ended. It was the type of show that made you think and wasn't going to answer all the questions, but that is a good thing. I will miss the brain F&ck on Wen mornings trying to figure it out.
Definitely one of the best series on TV and will not be matched for a long time.
PS all those people that hate LOST SMB
Foldie responding to a comment by Gizzard
05.25.10 - 10:57 am
Word! I loved Charlie! The episode where he dies STILL makes me cry! And even though I didn't like Juliette, Sawyer and Juliettes flash back made me cry!
Gizzard responding to a comment by Ms. Stephanie
05.25.10 - 11:19 am
"As Sawyer was trying to get his candy out of the vending machine, Juliet told him about a "trick" she knew, saying, "You have to unplug it and plug it back in." That's actually a really common fix to many of life's problems, namely, my internet router. But also, it applies to the heart of the Island."
I laughed so hard reading that.
That was an awesome article. Explained it perfectly.
goosegoose responding to a comment by Ms. Stephanie
05.25.10 - 11:32 am
I wondered if the "butt plug" of the island looked like and was, in fact, a Lingam Stone? I was Tracie would have noticed that and have expounded her great knowledge of it's significance and things like that to us.
The results on Wikipedia are pretty satisfying though.
Ride Yer BIKES!!!
Joe Borfo responding to a comment by goosegoose
05.25.10 - 11:40 am
It's funny because when LOST was on.. I never really watched it on Tuesday nights. I would watch it the next day on hulu. I usually have don't have work Wednesday. I would wake up and that's the first thing I would do. So I squeeze in my rides like Taco Tuesday that night, However I tried not to use my iPhone to go on Twitter/Facebook because I didn't want to read any spoilers.
I still feel there were too many questions left unanswered that should have been addressed. I think it was also part of the intent of the writers to leave so many loop holes for their viewers to do a little more "thinking" and come up with their own ideas, sort of making us work as we enjoyed the episodes.
Be honest with yourself ... did you really think a six year long show that confused the hell out of people ... would end with every loose end accounted for in a single 2 hour show?
Of course not. I'm just going to have to go back through each episode and scrutinize it until I come to a level of understanding that makes sense to me. Maybe that's the whole purpose of the show: to keep people going back (like one of the recurring themes) until they're satisfied and ready to move on.
Maybe that's the whole purpose of the show: to keep people going back (like one of the recurring themes) until they're satisfied and ready to move on.
I 100% agree with you! I think that was the beauty of
the show. The many different interpretations that you can take from it. Hence the fact that the writers were always so vague. Or perhaps they were just as confused as well.
Btw. I completely forgot about Kate and the horse. What season was
that 1? Wasn't that the first few episodes? Dang I can't even remember!
Gizzard responding to a comment by Bikekowski
05.25.10 - 2:42 pm
It would be a comedy show of the many adventures of Hurley and Ben on the island. Starring, Vincent the dog, and there annoying old sweet neighbors, Bernard and Rose.
well we could get lost and try to find our way home
or we could go to an island - there are several - like echo (park not the character)
smoike monster - too obvious
we could split into two packs (representing the tailies and the regs or the group and the others) and then have two routes that crossed over eachother mulitple time
we could go to the beach, find a cave or a light house
i am sawyer btw - i usually time travel anyways
bamboo forests, cemetary, hospital, LAX?
im sure we could incorporate something with the numbers - like streets taken or otherwise
fire starting compeition - at the beach
bring fruit
best costume
best/most accurate doppleganger (self serving because i am sawyer)
Holy shit!!!!!!!! Let's do it!!!!!! Spoke cards could the dharma symbols!! With a bike in the middle! Ill make them! Let's make this happen!! I wonder if that church is real in the final scene in LA? That could be our last stop or something...
goosegoose responding to a comment by nolikedrive
05.26.10 - 9:16 am
i will look again at the church. the prefinale episode said only like 3-4 scenes were filmed off of the hawaiian islands. I thought there were more in la though.
i used to live on oahu so there is a chance i might be able to recognise it if i looked again.
Some scenes of this "church" are filmed at Sacred Hearts Academy (Academy of the Sacred Hearts), 3253 Waiʻalae Avenue in the town of Kaimuki, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi,
So that would be an interesting ride across the Pacific.
Foldie responding to a comment by goosegoose
05.26.10 - 11:44 am
Please please please don't make this ride til after a month from now... PLEASE!!!
Ps I'm already planning out my smoke monster costume!!! Omfg this could be so fucking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!
PS. have you ever thought that if riders were to ride in formation and who had certain pieces of cardboard or your choice of material, that when riding in this formation could resemble a plane? Eh? Someone could be the nose of the plane, riding out in front. There could be wings on the two opposite sides. A COCK pit. The TAIL. etcetcetc.
Bikekowski responding to a comment by goosegoose
05.26.10 - 12:04 pm
6/25 is one month after the season finale and a friday. does this conflict w- LACM?
The next day, one month and one day later is Saturday 6/26 - a full moon
We can even work a LACM within the ride? Maybe we try to find each other in LACM and once we got everyone we go into our untitled LOST ride... Sorry if that's doesn't make sence.. I'm really really high now.
because I'm reduced to watching old episodes of LOST and seeing stuff and understanding more about what's going on and making it more enjoyable then every before..