Members Only 818
Thread started by
9foxtails at 02.4.11 - 1:58 am
Desperate for attention much?
Does the stop if you pass the leader.Do we have to follow the person with the orange bandana.Does the ride stop if were going to fast.In another words do you have a 100 rules that must be followed to ride on this ride.........TNS is the only ride on the west side that doesn't have rules to follow.If the answer is no then I will see you tonight.Haven't rode with you guys since 2 months ago on sfvcm
crossbones02.4.11 - 6:39 am
Ill answer it in the following question.
No, you can pass the leader but expect to be passed by the leader. No you dont follow orange bandada, just the flow of traffic. Ride wont stop until someone REALLY gets left behind. And we have 100 reason why to BREAK the rules.
So the answer is no.
9foxtails responding to a
comment by crossbones
02.4.11 - 2:35 pm
why do people always want to be pass'n the leaders anyways!? if YOU find yerself passing the leader may be time fer YOU to start yer own ride - yeah? Ultimately, if you pass the leader and do not know where the leader plans on leading you to - YOU pass the necessary street and then end up making the ride look sloppy OR...losing the whole ride because they decide to turn down a street you are unaware of JUST TO: teach you a lesson! :0 We draw our safety in numbers and the more closely we stick together - the more fortified our number becomes! If you have 50 people on a ride and they are spread out over a 2mile stretch - SLOPPY! Come on guys...lets keep it together OR...maybe just ride alone?
katnip02.4.11 - 2:54 pm
Maybe Members only8181is a fast pace ride. F.U.N. rides are a different story, people who don't respect ride leader(s) should be left, teach them how to keep it turtle and in formation.
^olsko*jr7 responding to a
comment by katnip
02.4.11 - 3:36 pm
Thanks to all who showed up, really appreciate it :]
9foxtails02.5.11 - 1:27 am
He's talking trash about the nightstalkers ride. The 40-50 weekly (wintertime) riders and 90+ (summertime) riders all followed the rules. I dont think when i brief the crowd before we ride i am being an asshole.
This is what i tell the crowd every time.
1. follow the orange bandanas....they know the route.
2. stay together for safety
3. no rider left behind for minor repairs.
4. hold your line.
5. stop at reds/ no corking etc.
6. no stealing/ or littering.
7. have fun and meet people.
If you cant follow these simple rules, dont come. we dont want dumb jerkoffs anyways.
thanks for your support , now go start your own ride.
shotgun_mike02.7.11 - 8:58 pm
yeah he is, plz dont take this towards us. we dont know him.
9foxtails responding to a
comment by shotgun_mike
02.7.11 - 11:47 pm