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It's always shocking at first when you realize that you're nothing more than a slave
to the power elite, but you will get over it. You've gone this long and been ok.
I always feel a sense of pride, and at the same time, a sense of jealousy, for a newly awakened soul.
As someone posted above, such material will take you on a great, even spiritual journey.
For, questioning authority or the going story of our "reality" is very important to the propelling of evolution, in physical AND consciousness terms.
As you go through this journey, you will find a general consensus through out the conspiratorial community . . . then you double back, and find research that questions these general consensuses . . .
Green Propaganda, and New Age Mother-Earth Worship as means to a Power-Elites’ end?
That end being that Control Grid we fear-so?
A true skeptic must, MUST, question, too, the skeptic's theories to find a holistic view - contradictions as truth - living in grey, NOT IN THE BINARY!, not in the dialectical schema.
Then you find a laughable irony in just about any advocacy at this present moment.
Maybe, just maybe, our questioning authority through “green movements,” “veganism,” “cycling vs oil,” and any other so-called advocacy, is part of the original algorithm equation . . . our “defiance” is but a pressure release valve, cause we’re so miserably hopelessly wired into this matrix, that actual change from the sheeple can never, ever come. It may be that only when the Power Elite decides that a revolution is necessary, that a revolution may be had. Wow.
Also, I, personally, as a devout Atheist for the whole of my life (literally, as early as I could remember, I conjured up the idea that there is NO GOD) (it just didn't make sense to me), I have found myself closer to God, as I got into the physical and metaphysical nature of this reality . . .
Weirdly enough, it started with me researching 911 and ended in Pancake Realities, Gravity Membranes, General Relativity vs Quantum Physics vs Unifying Theory, and Energy as elementary particles that resonate in such ways, that all things are possible, all at the same time . . . whew. Energy = God? (There’s that New Age shiat, sucking me in.)
I'm just saying, good luck on your journey, dude.
If you dooz it right, you will find peace.
If you dooz it wrong, a straight jacket may be in your future.
And! Remember to smile!
It’s quite disarming, as you enter drunken debates on such matters.
Being crazy is the whole idea behind Alex Jones.
When the truth is being told to you by a crazy person you will tend not to believe it.
Some think Alex Jones is a shill for the NWO on there payroll.
The Illuminati followers of Satan must tell you what they are going to do to you.
This is part of there religion that when you have been shown and willingly go along
they become more powerful. Sort of a mass Human Sacrifice.
I don't think anyone truly knows anything outside of the physical, nor the actual existence of anything outside of this until you experience an out of body experience.
I used to be a hardcore atheist until the first night it occured to me. Since then, ive been a agnostic..
cause i simply dont know and I dont think anyone in their right minds, does either
godmode responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
07.13.10 - 2:15 am
"A Balkanization of epistemology is taking place. There is no longer a commonality of understanding. For some people quantum physics provides the answers. Their next door neighbor may look to the channeling of archangels with equal fervor.
It is accompanied by a related phenomenon which is that technology, or the historical momentum of things, is creating such a bewildering social milieu that the monkey mind cannot find a simple story, a simple creation myth or redemption myth to lay over the crazy contradictory patchwork of profane techno-consumerist post-McLuhanist electronic pre-apocalyptic existence.
Into that dimension of anxiety created by this inability to parse reality rushes a bewildering variety of squirrelly notions, epistemological cartoons if you will.
Conspiracy theory, in my humble opinion, is a kind of epistemological cartoon about reality. Isn't it so simple to believe that things are run by the Greys, and that all we have to do is trade sufficient fetal tissue to them and then we can solve our technological problems, or isn't it comforting to believe that the Jews are behind everything, or the Communist Party, or the Catholic Church, or the Masons. Well, these are epistemological cartoons, it is kindergarten in the art of amateur historiography.
I believe that the truth of the matter is far more terrifying, that the real truth that dare not speak itself is that no one is in control, absolutely no one. This stuff is ruled by the equations of dynamics and chaos. There may be entities seeking control, but to seek control is to take enormous aggravation upon yourself. It's like trying to control a dream."
- Terence McKenna in 'Dreaming Awake at the End of Time'
Gee wiz.........
with all that dialog you forgot to mention the Reptilians.
Some say that they are the ones who are truly running things.
Forced to retreat to the center of the earth during the war with the Greys,
after there home Atlantis was destroyed. They have become masters of
shape shifting and are now among us in leadership positions.
There Reptilian form can be scene with special sunglasses.
Then you find a laughable irony in just about any advocacy at this present moment.
Maybe, just maybe, our questioning authority through “green movements,” “veganism,” “cycling vs oil,” and any other so-called advocacy, is part of the original algorithm equation . . . our “defiance” is but a pressure release valve, cause we’re so miserably hopelessly wired into this matrix, that actual change from the sheeple can never, ever come. It may be that only when the Power Elite decides that a revolution is necessary, that a revolution may be had. Wow.
--well in a poetic way, sure, okay, wow.
but a laughable irony is only laughable if you can somehow bring the imagination down to the realm of facts -- then it is funny. Most can conjure up suggestions about how the *ahem* matrix "is", what it "does", and the like (if you want). The laughable irony is that the supposed awakened ones separate themselves from the said "sheeple" and claim a kind of awakening when their so called "awakening" begs the question of whether their new found enlightenment is just part of power elites *ahem* original algorithm equation. deep stuff. I love running in circles.
I love the idea that the so called power elite have been exposed via youtube and the internet... but maybe that was just part of the plan (?). They just weren't too powerful for the internet thing.
spoooooky, right?
straight jacket > consciousness
md2 responding to a comment by SawTomorrow
07.13.10 - 2:06 pm
You might be running in circles because you are, in fact, a part of the "Power Elite." If you live in the U.S. and your income is equivalent to the poverty rate for a 1-person household ($10,830 in 2009) then you're one of the 13% of wealthiest human beings on the planet. If you make, lets say, $35,000 (pretty close to the median income for a household in this country) then you are in the top 5% of wealthiest human beings on the globe. Not to mention that if you're a U.S. citizen you're able to exercise quite a bit of global political authority since the government you elect has undue military and political policy influence over several other regions/nations in the world. Something to chew on.
See where you are on the Global Rich List:
md2, have we met?
We gotta get a beer . . . ever roll with the 5fix2?
I read what you wrote twice . . .
Seemingly, you agree with what I'm saying, though it may have a rebuttle'-ish tone.
Can we confirm your standing - you like running circles with me?
On the LaFixed Conspiracy Thread, I posted this on the OP:
"What the fuck is any of this?
Sometimes it's hard to tell.
But one thing is for sure, discussion of such issues, at the very least, helps along the evolution of individual consciousness, if not revolution.
But, maybe, just maybe, as you get in to such subject matter, you'll find that this reality is nada but projection of our inner schisms.
So, maybe the revolution, in fact, starts within you. And, only you.
And, I still tightrope along these lines - that consciousness is all, and the observer can manipulate his/her own consciousness, if nothing else . . .
Facts? Hmph, as you mentioned before.
How do facts tie into all of this?
I've come to find that the deeper and deeper the questions go (by deeper, I mean, the most elementary assumptions of what ALL THIS IS), the more these so-called facts are but assumptions - going theories that lie dormant till someone else disproves them . . . (think 5th Grade, when you learned about the scientific method).
Imagine that? Our basis, our foundation of reality, nothing but assumptions . . . wow, that, too.
So, as you get into a unifying theory (still assumptions), you ask, why not gravitate (no pun intended) towards certain assumptions as opposed to others? If my life, my current state is nothing but projection, why not change the self, and project something new? And!, why not? Why can't conspiratorial research be used as a catalyst toward that end, that enlightenment?
I'd say, it kinda worked for me.
Or, rather, I'm trying to make it work for me . . .
I also don't agree with the Illuminati conspiracy theory, but I don't really disagree either. In a way it's a non-issue for me. It usually reads or sounds like a bunch of imagining about things seen and draws conclusions that are founded more on imagining what those signs could / do mean. Nothing wrong with that I suppose, but the conclusions become so extravagant that you wonder: how the hell did you get to these conclusions again?
Conspiracies worth reading about: Sarkozy versus L'Oreal
Gotta love rich people.
md2 responding to a comment by SawTomorrow
07.14.10 - 1:03 pm
"...if you're a U.S. citizen you're able to exercise quite a bit of global political authority since the government you elect has..."
I don't want to write an essay or anything here (I don't know enough to contribute much anyway), but keep in mind that we are operating within a two-party system, and both parties are subject to the same broken system of corporate / profit-minded politics. Regardless of what implications may be inherent in it, the fact remains that Obama - Mr. People's Interest, the supposed stark contrast to the Republican's Big-Money image - had Goldman Sachs at #2 among his campaign contributors. With that in mind, how much political authority do YOU, as an individual US citizen, have to exercise? The only thing you're exercising is your right to choose which face to put on the machine that is eating the world.
Indeed, I definitely wasn't trying to imply that the U.S. political system is ideal ... far from it. I was just trying to point out that the decisions we make here carry a lot of weight in the rest of the world. The Iraq war is a good example. Most Europeans were against it but several European nations ended up participating because maintaining a close economic relationship with the U.S. was more important than following the opinion of their people. That's even more true in places like Africa or Central America, which are even more dependent on the U.S.
I don't think the democratic process in the U.S. is completely broken though. Unfortunately, a lot of people have given up on any kind of civic involvement or civic responsibility. The recent June 8th is a good example of both. Voters defeated Prop. 16, which was almost completely funded by PG&E, and Prop. 17, which was almost completely funded by Mercury Insurance. Both were attempts by private companies to change the laws and make them more favorable towards their respective industries and both failed. Unfortunately, only 33% of registered voters and a much smaller % of eligible voters decided to vote. That means that the vast majority of the populace couldn't be bothered to at least mail-in a vote even though the propositions would've affected pretty much anyone who pays for car insurance or pays for utility services.
Hallucin8 responding to a comment by outerspace
07.14.10 - 10:33 pm
I just had to chuckle seeing this thread title... you know like someone out there just found out about the illuminati conspiracy, got freeked out and yet was so kind as to let everyone else out there know the secret that was just revealed...
"...we need more production, more efficiency, more incentives. That means building a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants in this country. It means making tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development. It means continued investment in advanced biofuels and clean coal technologies. And yes, it means passing a comprehensive energy and climate bill with incentives that will finally make clean energy the profitable kind of energy in America." -B. Obama State of the Union 2010
With BP being a major investor in green energy technology wouldn't it seem in there
best interest to promote a envirionmental disaster that involves oil production ?
These propositions will eventually pass.
Relabeled, re identified, the corporate interests will trump all . . . no question about that.
It's happened countless times, when the working man and /or "middle class" (of which look like rich bastards to me) have risen up against something, only to have that warm feeling of success and accomplishment make invisible the newly incarnated prop.
This system, this machine has nothing to do with human interest . . . not anymore (and some may question if it ever really did, when citing our forefather's plans).
It is not I who has steered America to this current locale.
And, if you've studied such material, some may say that our current interests / system had a couple creation dates within 1913. After establishing the Fed and the Income Tax, the Power Elite had succeeded (though they had failed many, many times before).
And!!!, that!!! has nothing to do with me and my interests . . .
And!!!, that!!! is the true nature of why our foreign and domestic policy is such.
America, the ideals of America do not exist anymore, and hasn't for a very long time. For you to compare me at a wealthy elite is redonkulous.
I am a slave, as you are, as we all are.
You know, the people of Goshen, a lot of them, didn't have completely miserable lives.
Chew on that.
Yes, I do prop up the power elite, but, there is no choice in the matter.
To, moreover, say that I am part of that Power Elite is not just stupid, but egotistical, too (kinda like saying, human beings are responsible for global warming).
You may know what I'm saying.
Or, you may not.
So it's true ? the illuminati does have a secret underground base below downtown.
Bomb shelters conected by a series of tunnels. The major movie studios who are
owned by the illuminati also have underground shelters. It's said that the Reptilians
prefer the warmth and darkness the underground city's offer.