Thread started by
goosegoose at 06.26.10 - 2:04 am
Yes I said it.
Making LACM so awesome. Thank you LAPD again. Wow. What a difference a month makes.
Thanks for posting this because once I got home I fell asleep. Can I borrowz 360??
palucha6606.26.10 - 2:11 am
You're right, it was awesome!
mk452406.26.10 - 2:50 am
Definitely Ridazz of the Week.
Let's keep the love fest going. Let's make it something for the LAPD to look forward to getting bike detail every month. Let's get LAPD on our side across all precincts.
Roadblock06.28.10 - 9:10 am
A turning of the tides...long awaited. It feels good to come back to L.A. and get this kind of news.
kryxtanicole06.29.10 - 2:29 pm
I was just telling a friend about how much I hated LACM because of the riders vs. police tension. This makes me take everything back and now am looking forward to going next month and bringing people! I hope this friendlier CM attitude stays. Hope.
ScooterHayes06.29.10 - 2:46 pm
It takes more than hope. Coming to the ride representing a positive and safe aspect to CM will make the difference. Telling your friends to do the same will make it work even better.
It's very easy for CM to fall into conflict with the police in any city.
I have been posting how harmonious Chicago CM has been, and then this just went down last last Friday. CHECK THIS OUT.
This is a reminder that we need to continually work at transforming Critical Mass as well as other large group rides in our city. We all have a stake in how it goes. This is OUR ride, this is OUR cycling community.
Actively discuss and implement towards change for the betterment of bicycle transportation in LA.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by ScooterHayes
06.29.10 - 2:55 pm
This also means we need to continue developing a better relationship with the LAPD.
It's not just a one time deal.
We have to work at this daily from here on out.
Joe Borfo06.29.10 - 3:01 pm
Not that Im defending the use of force but ... resisting the police can result in this ....
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
06.29.10 - 3:14 pm
I will give the LAPD my respect when they respect me! I cant count how many times ive been pulled over on my bike for no violation at all, handcuffed and harassed. When that stops than maybe ill smile and wave at an LAPD officer, till than NEVER!
P.S. yes a few of the times i was a shit head and in the wrong (ie Ran a red, or merged without signaling, yes my fault, ill own up to that, but being pulled over for "not having lights" when i clearly have two knogs on my rear 2 in the front and little LED's on both my hubs. pure power trip i.m.o
rub_my_crank06.29.10 - 3:15 pm
I don't know if you were at LACM last Friday but the LAPD showed a really good attitude and treated everyone on the ride very respectfully. I was really impressed.
They definitely are trying to show a good face. I hope we can keep this up.
We can begin to recognize this and work together at being cool with each other. In my opinion, this is not a matter of considering - it's pretty much crucial to recognize and work towards for CM to survive.
Yes, we recognize that Police have gone too far in the past. Can we at least recognize that they are trying to work with us and we can do the same? I don't see how else things will work.
Don't let PC get his way.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by rub_my_crank
06.29.10 - 3:27 pm
NYC critical mass is a joke. there's so much tension and animosity between NYPD and the cyclists, it makes me wonder why people even come out to ride. brooklyn is a little bit more chill, but what's happening right now in LA should be the standard.
Cutter07.4.10 - 3:03 pm