Water Ballon "attack" after Glow Ride

Thread started by
Velocipede at 06.21.10 - 2:13 pm
So I'm riding home from the Glow Ride on Jefferson, through Culver City at about 1:30am on Sunday morning. I was really enjoying the peaceful ride with the wind in my face and that beautiful sound tires make on smooth pavement. I thought "This is was cycling is all about. Damn I love riding". Then I hear a car speed up next to me and feel something hit me in the shoulder and left leg. I quickly noticed that they were water balloons when they burst on the ground. That's pretty lame when they just bounce off and didn't even get me wet. Of course my assailants sped off into the night. I wasn't mad, just really confused. Of all the things someone could throw or hit me with while riding water balloons are pretty benign. Had it been a hot day I probably would have welcomed such an attack. I laugh when I think about some idiots sitting at home filling up water balloons thinking "oh this is going to be so great!" The Glow Ride was a very good ride overall, but I did notice a few times where people were hitting cars and generally antagonizing both motorists and pedestrians. It is unlikely that these incidents were related, but if you want to piss people off on rides, think of the consequences. The person you piss off might do something hostile (or incredibly stupid in this case) to another cyclist in the future.
Imagine a Water Balloon Fight Ride.... That'll be sick
Oh! Oh! and with girls too! That would be sick + ILL timesxinfinite and beyond!!!!
^olsko*jr706.21.10 - 2:33 pm
ahhhh imagine all the rust
_iJunes responding to a
comment by ^olsko*jr7
06.21.10 - 2:36 pm
guys, please think of the environment.
use only water soluable baloons please.
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by _iJunes
06.21.10 - 2:39 pm
imagine all the water balloons in the gutters on their way to the ocean toward the soon to be dead bellies of hungry fishes and other aquatic life.
md2 responding to a
comment by ^olsko*jr7
06.21.10 - 2:40 pm
Imagine? I've seen the Raiders play a few times.
md2 responding to a
comment by coldcut
06.21.10 - 2:50 pm
aluminum is real
666 responding to a
comment by _iJunes
06.21.10 - 3:10 pm
what if a hipster claims to be a hipster???
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by _iJunes
06.21.10 - 3:19 pm