Thread started by
LouisAve at 05.14.10 - 9:37 am
you can ride around the island and what not
anyone up for it? maybe in july?
I'm interested .. why not end one vacation with another one ...
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by LouisAve
05.14.10 - 10:39 am
why not!
we can ride all over the island!
its 66.50 for a round trip on the catalina express
plues acmping is 18 bucks a person
LouisAve05.14.10 - 10:52 am
don't you need some ridiculously pricey permit to ride in areas other than Avalon?
tfunk40805.14.10 - 12:31 pm
you do
you need permits (which i believe are expensive) to bike anywhere outside of the city of avalon i believe..... which otherwise would only give a half mile radius of riding at most.....
this has been discussed in multiple threads.... i dont feel like using the search button to find them
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by LouisAve
05.14.10 - 1:22 pm
i know i've been saying lets go to catalina for awhile now
but this time lets do it
shit we need a permit for every ride that we do now lol
eff the permits
LouisAve05.14.10 - 1:24 pm
To get out of Avalon, you need a permit from the Conservancy. I think they're $50 for an annual permit. They don't they allow road bikes outside of Avalon so bring a mountain bike with kobbies. I've been up to do this for a long time.
mk452405.14.10 - 3:32 pm
Urgh. If this was a different weekend I would be sooooooo into it!! I wanna go to Catalina SOOO bad!
sinaphile05.14.10 - 3:56 pm
lol someone posted this ride already haaha
LouisAve05.18.10 - 10:43 pm
This has been going around since at least 2007, but no ones actually gone... UNTIL NOW...
I caught it on Facebook, and the leader seems to really have the plan together... I've heard about the annual pass, but there's no mention of it in the post.. Maybe El Capitán can shed some light here... I'm so PSYCHED to finally go!
SKIDMARCUS05.18.10 - 10:57 pm
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by SKIDMARCUS
05.19.10 - 1:26 am
Did this a few times years ago.
July - Sept are best because you will need minimal gear for camping.
There are camp sites on the opposite side of the Island at Two Harbors
Yes a permit is needed to go into the interior, and at that time you needed
to use the Express out of San Pedro to bring your bike.
The Airport served Buffalo burgers, and there are wild Buffalo roaming around
the interior, No firearms / no hunting allowed. BYOB no stores, schrooms suggested.
So it will easily be a $100.00 plus some adventure
There are day lockers in Avalon if you wish to stash some fresh clothes.
Dedicated81805.19.10 - 11:34 am
One time we arrived late and secretly camped commando style in the bushes
at the Golf Course till daylight. It's somewhat of a climb out of Avalon to get
to the entrance of the interior. The terrain is very similar to dirt Mulholland.
Dedicated81805.19.10 - 11:47 am
So, technically you were an illegal...
I liked camping at Shark Harbor. West side across from the Isthmus.
I need to go back again.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
05.19.10 - 11:57 am
Catalina Island Hella ya... Can we get on the Glass bottom boat? Eat at Armstrongs?
ImHiFucU05.19.10 - 12:29 pm
@Dedicated818 -
"Yes a permit is needed to go into the interior"
Is this the bicycle permit, or is it for everyone who wants to enter? How much is it? Is this the same as the insurance/annual pass?
" and at that time you needed to use the Express out of San Pedro to bring your bike."
El Capatan works at a Marina place and seemingly has access to a boat. Its going to be cheaper than taking one of the boats! Are you excited yet?
SKIDMARCUS responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
05.19.10 - 1:26 pm
Not sure about the permit thing, when I went they were issuing day passes.
I heard that had changed.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by SKIDMARCUS
05.19.10 - 1:31 pm
Is the bike permit need for road riding or is it just off road, like a hiking permit?
ToddAlmighty05.20.10 - 6:57 am
Here is a possible route.
URL for this route is:
Be advised the roads (what few of them there are) are not in the best condition and the terrain is mostly hills. A MTB with fat tires and gears would work best. Also starting this in the late afternoon ending back in town right after sundown would be better as street lighting is almost non-existent.
ToddAlmighty05.20.10 - 7:20 am
just saw that there is a catlina island critical mass tomorrow!
wow! that is so cool, hope there's a good sized turn out!
well have fun everyone, the ride out of avalon to the top of the mountain was a serious workout for me! it was such a blast though, can't wait to go back but tomorrow isn't happening for me
natefrogg07.23.10 - 10:08 am
duh @ me, the 23rd is today! have fun and be safe to all out on the island!
natefrogg07.23.10 - 10:09 am
I have no idea, a lot about the posting seemed suspect to me; no Facebook page to contact him as indicated we could in his post, I wrote the guy with some concerns, questions and suggestins but did not hear back, and then there is the part about hauling all our gear over a dirt bike-only road (Catalina rules apparently) just seemed *off* to me.
It seems like after he posted it he did not get many (any) takers and maybe he just forgot to delete it or cancel it. But I did write to him and never heard back.
Girl Power responding to a
comment by nolikedrive
07.24.10 - 5:13 pm
I went on a day trip to Catalina last Thursday. I rented a mountain bike while I was there ($25 for the day). Here's the deal, you cannot ride a road bike in the interior, it's impossible (only one road is paved and torn up, the others are thick dirt and sand). You need an annual pass to bike in the interior (beyond just the port city of Avalon), and it's $35. I'm pretty sure this is non-negotiable. (They won't sell a day pass. The pass is actually a Conservancy membership--and frankly it's worth it to help maintain the island, INMO.)
danceralamode responding to a
comment by Girl Power
07.24.10 - 10:38 pm
To ride outside the city of Avalon or Two Harbors you are required to have an annual bike permit ($35).
So, I'll throw this out there, I'm planning a bike camping trip for Labor Day weekend, and while I'm doing this with myself and some friends, if others are interested in having a larger campsite, I will post details about where to meet us up, etc. But it will definitely be a get yourself there, bring your own gear kind of thing. Although I will be vetting info for the trip and happy to answer questions. contact me at
danceralamode responding to a
comment by ToddAlmighty
07.24.10 - 11:01 pm
Thanks for sharing that info. Who do you get the annual bike permit from?
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by danceralamode
07.25.10 - 6:32 am
The Catalina Conservancy. When you get to the Island, you just ask anyone where the Chamber of Commerce or Conservancy office is. It took me 5 minutes to get the bike pass.
danceralamode responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
07.25.10 - 12:17 pm
does it take 5 minutes to bike around the town? is the island really small? probably huh? i never been.
Antranik08.1.10 - 11:40 pm
If you are biking in Avalon, yes, it takes 5 minutes to go from one end to the other. The island is about 8 miles wide, maybe 50 miles long. When I went into the interior, I logged about 35 miles going across and back. There's plenty of good mountain biking to be had (again, it's not possible for road bikes or even hybrid tires--the roads are dirt, not even packed dirt).
danceralamode responding to a
comment by Antranik
08.2.10 - 6:39 am