WnC:The Return of Sneaker
Thread started by
Delirium at 05.10.10 - 4:09 am
May 19th.
I'm hoping to see many many moms there,
Sneaker is returning back from Humboldt so lets give show him a nice time!
His B-day was april 1st plus he and I missed the 2 year anniversary celebration.
Wow I fucked up
I said his b-day was april 1st, it was May 1st.
Delirium05.10.10 - 4:22 am
Does anyone have a laminator?
I'll buy the sheets if someone has the machine,
I just hate going to staples or kinkos..
route is being figured out.
Delirium05.11.10 - 3:41 pm
Hey Delirium, sorry I can't help out with anything. I'm taking a chill pill on many of these rides.
braydon05.11.10 - 3:43 pm
You probably already knew that though.
braydon05.11.10 - 3:46 pm
That's alright man, i understand,
Just dont O.D
Delirium responding to a
comment by braydon
05.11.10 - 4:10 pm
I rode to the beach this morning and really overdosed on chill, was much needed. But I know what you mean.
braydon responding to a
comment by Delirium
05.12.10 - 9:23 pm
I'm glad you're keeping this ride going on monthly, your the shit! I have you're bike still, are you going to pick it up before the ride?
braydon responding to a
comment by Delirium
05.12.10 - 9:30 pm
I know someone who does, email me.
braydon responding to a
comment by Delirium
05.12.10 - 9:38 pm
I think im cancelling the ride.
i'll keep you posted..
Delirium05.16.10 - 4:16 pm
Post when you know one way or another. I was sortof planning to stay in LA for this ride.
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by Delirium
05.16.10 - 4:36 pm
dont cancel, at least maybe post pone it.
Huey55505.16.10 - 6:05 pm