NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
You're too late, kid. The Westside basically seceded from Midnight Ridazz a year ago.
If you look at the calendar a bit more closely, you might notice the few Westside rides that haven't picked up their toys and gone home: Taco Tuesdays, the Stoner Avenue ride, Westside Fast Ride, FMLY, and probably a few others that have slipped my mind.
But yeah, basically, if you want in on all the Westside rides, they're (allegedly) on Facebook. I refuse to take part in that demeaning spectacle, so I don't know how you find them. Go on some rides, I guess, or maybe hang out at the Bikerowave and someone will "friend" you?
We post a lotta rides on facebook these days, it's just easier and faster to reach out to people. It's not about being exclusive or nasty towards one another, ahem nathansnider!
Here are some of the facebook groups I'm talking about. If you join a group then you'll get sent an invite to the ride, it's really that easy. People are pretty laid back about it!
I'm the guy with a huge soundbike with blinking rave wire glued to the speakers, if you do a ride out here this weekend make sure to introduce yourself! We're a happy bunch. Good luck!
jonnyboy responding to a comment by Troya_13
07.28.10 - 6:13 pm
also the stoner avenue ride is a nice small chill gathering.
last summer, many of the westside rides became so popular that it got out of control. many went underground and stopped listing publicly on the site. some of the best rides are word-of-mouth only, so start making friends!
"some of the best rides are word-of-mouth only, so start making friends!"
I've heard that saying apply to rides city-wide, not just the west side. Truth!
I can't speak for everyone, but as far as why I seceded... I got antsy waiting for updates to this website, but more than anything I got tired of all the naysayers blowing up ride threads with negativity. There was even a point when someone started posting false ride information in an effort to confuse people and diminish turnout of certain rides. With no way to delete the false info in a thread, [needless to say] it became very annoying, very fast.
I don't know if it's still like that cause I don't come here much anymore, but I can assure you- don't miss that at all.
jonnyboy responding to a comment by tortuga_veloce
07.28.10 - 6:58 pm
Like most websites made after the millennium, facebook let's a user take ownership of their thread and let's them police it too.
i.e. if a troll posts false info in an attempt to sabotage a ride, the creator of the ride simply deletes the false info. No need for bothering admins or moderators. And actually people know their stupid comment will just get deleted anyway so they don't even bother. The troll will always lose on facebook... hence no trolls on facebook. maybe that's why so many people here hate it??? ;)
jonnyboy responding to a comment by palucha66
07.28.10 - 7:30 pm
"It's not about being exclusive or nasty towards one another, ahem nathansnider! "
Oh, come on. I love the westsiders. I guess it was a little bit mean for me to say that you'd "picked up [your] toys and gone home." Uncalled for. Totally. Sorry, guys.
But calling Facebook a "demeaning spectacle" is totally called for.