STOLEN in Venice!

Thread started by
Lady Sadie at 07.20.10 - 4:48 pm

My bike got stolen Sunday night from my friends shop in Venice, along with another road bike. It was in the back of a fenced in patio area, with several people around. The person left a crappy blue mountain bike.
My bike is a vintage peugeot mixte, burgandy with lime green deep v's and a white crank set. I'm offering a nice reward.
Help a sista out, MR family!!!!!!
If you see her, call me asap (310) 401-7237
Got my bike back!! Yeah! A happy ending..
Lady Sadie07.28.10 - 8:49 pm
what happened? did someone find it? just curious. I always feel like if I lost my bike or it got stolen I would lose all hope. Damn kids in L.A.
Lancey responding to a
comment by Lady Sadie
07.28.10 - 10:56 pm
That's awesome! This sort of thing doesn't happen often enough.
How did you get it back?
petr0lb0mb07.29.10 - 1:43 pm
Its pretty crazy how I got it back..
So crazy that I don't even really know how it got back to me, because I wasn't trying to ask a lot of questions.
Basically here's how it went..
When my bike was stolen, the thieves also left their (tag) name all over a wall and the name of their crew (not the smartest thing they could have done). Luckily, I grew up in Venice and have a lot of friends and was able to find out about them and their crew and who they know etc. So after all this, I was able to contact old friends, people I went to high school with etc. and tell them to keep an eye out for my bike because a lot of them had mutual friends with the thieves. So word spread and low and behold my friend called me and said, "I have your bike, you can come pick it up whenever". I just thanked him profusely, didn't ask too many details or who done it..
Just glad to have her back.
Lady Sadie07.29.10 - 6:19 pm
Yeah, under those circumstances, you probably shouldn't expect to get the story. It's cool enough that you got your bike back though.
petr0lb0mb responding to a
comment by Lady Sadie
07.29.10 - 11:25 pm
the thieves also left their (tag) name all over a wall and the name of their crew
that was very nice of them. i'm so happy to hear you have your bike back!
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by Lady Sadie
07.30.10 - 12:24 pm