LOL! Ride
Thread started by
RickDarge at 05.20.10 - 9:14 pm
I'm bored and want to ride.
Meeting up at the Walgreen's parking lot at Pico Blvd. and Robertson Blvd.
I'll be there at 10:20PM - Leaving sharp at 10:30PM.
Westside, Beverly Hills chill ride
Music is provided.
You guys really missed out on the LOL! Ride. There were close to 100-500 ridazz and all so last minute. We broke the street in half.
RickDarge05.21.10 - 4:08 am
There were too many ridazz. I got my favorite TT spoke card jacked. Too much spandex!!!! :(
el sabroso05.21.10 - 7:47 am
aww, missed out. I live right there
Gav05.21.10 - 9:19 am
are those pics of you guys at Oki Dog???? That's my favorite place!
secretragingcow05.21.10 - 11:00 am
you guys need a tripod!
KiMS105.21.10 - 11:28 am
Was this the ride that had police escorts and the chopper lighting the way? Cause I heard about that. Guiness book of records status!
Tyrito05.23.10 - 3:40 am
the W hotel is in hollywood blvd near vine. LOL!
bicikilolers! LOL! ride
el sabroso responding to a
comment by Tyrito
05.23.10 - 12:19 pm
KiMS1 responding to a
comment by el sabroso
05.23.10 - 8:53 pm
yeah my cousin called to complain about "your stupid bicycle friends" because he was stuck in his car behind 200+ of you LOL! riders and was late to Iron Man 2. what the helll, guys.
ezzie05.23.10 - 9:09 pm
Wow, you guys really missed out on an awesome ride tonight. Being our 8th ride so far, we had about 25 senior citizens show up in a bus. Some modified their wheelchairs into bicycles so that was pretty bithcin to see. I highly suggest that you suggest us to your suggest for the next suggest. Mildred is baking browneyes.
RickDarge05.24.10 - 2:18 am
so lol!
cant believe jeff goldblum opened his doors so we could watch earth girls are easy with him!! he was so awesome!!!
then we rode down rodeo and did wheelies down the street 4000 ridazz deep... fuck so nice to see all those blinky lights!
Jeff Yess05.24.10 - 4:52 pm
ah rick, wish I could make the LOL tonight but I just got an email that I gotta get to the rocket in alamogordo new mexico ASAP or i'll lose my seat, have fun storming the castle! WTF??!!
PeterR07.2.10 - 8:29 am
WTF is on the hunt for the lol
BATMAN!07.2.10 - 12:55 pm
count me in, hey rick should i bring those bullhorns? (handlebar)
billy sanchez07.2.10 - 1:20 pm
Yes sir - We can test them out in the parking lot to see if its a good fit
RickDarge07.2.10 - 1:29 pm