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There has been a lot of talk on this forum about bad drivers who harm cyclists. Many times motorists who hit cyclists are under the influence of alcohol and or drugs. Why do many ridazz seem to have such a cavalier attitude towards cycling under the influence?
because though both situations are illegal and plain wrong... there is considerably less danger to others if you aren't encased in 4000 lbs of a speeding metal box?
Sure cyclists pose far less risk to motorists than vice-versa, but we at least owe it to ourselves and one another to do our part to ride safely. I'm sure we could avoid a ton of accidents by simply waiting til we get to point B to get drunk/high etc.
cascandal responding to a comment by Roadblock
09.8.10 - 3:34 pm
I totally agree, I mean, I don't know how long you've been riding on the rides, but a LOT has been discussed and done over the years to reduce the amount of a-holes who ride out of control drunk.... less or no stops at liquor stores being the number one solution so far.. that being said, it still happens.... which sucks, but what can you do?
Roadblock responding to a comment by cascandal
09.8.10 - 3:47 pm
We know that we are the more vulnerable parties on the roads, so there is all the more reason to keep 100% of our faculties about us. I don't know the literature on drugs, but in the case of alcohol, mental impairment sets in before physical impairment. If an extra bit of sobriety can help make the right judgment call in timing a red light or estimating the distance between us and a car, then we shouldn't gamble with our lives.
@Joe of course I haven't done a scientific study on how many people on the rides are wasted or walked around with a breathalyzer, but we've all seen them. I'm just chipping in my 2 cents. Take it for what it's worth, just trying to make the world a slightly better place.
cascandal responding to a comment by Joe Borfo
09.8.10 - 3:53 pm
See, Im with you on that, cause I always wait til I get to point B to get wasted, but I feel like the adventure lies in getting back to point A.
Sometimes you just create you're own point A, or you start texting former point A's, or you find yourself breaking into your ideal point A (cause you thought it was your actual point A), or you just start mumbling to yourself that you'll never go to point B again, if you can somehow find your way to point A again.
md2 responding to a comment by cascandal
09.8.10 - 4:18 pm
^^ AGain some people can't hold their boooze... Some people also can't talk and lets address that too...I've seen more accidents due to people not paying attention to their riding cuz they are lookin at eachother in full conversation. The drinking/blazin is a way of life to some....Everything is should be fine as long as there is discression and moderation.
People should be responsible for themselves. Right now we're letting them, the assholes, win by not going to stores where alcohol is sold or might or might not have restrooms and other shit riders might want or need. Well, guess what? They still get drunk and act like shitheads on rides anyways. It doesn't matter that the ride itself does not stop to cater to their desires. They're on bikes. Stores that do sell alcohol are not that far away.
Just be more responsible when drinking around others so as to not endanger them as well.
True there.
If the wreck-less brigands slip up and get themselves caught, at least they'll be too far away from the ride to be directly linked to it in any way.
That's good thinking re. liquor stores Roadblock. To be honest I stopped coming to rides, because I was disturbed by some of what I saw a few years ago. Now I've ventured back in. I AM preaching to the choir. I guess we can all just lead by example and each one teach one.
The angle I'm coming from is as follows: We're out in the public eye demanding that our rights be respected. When the public eye is focused on us, I want to appear in the best possible light. We have to have clean hands/conscience when we say that we are using the roads responsibly and demand that others do the same.
cascandal responding to a comment by Roadblock
09.8.10 - 5:48 pm
1) True that, store stops suck! they take too long and ppl please, you know you going on a bike ride for a few hours. Key words Bike ride, and few hours. You know you will need tubes, tools and air. You know you will probably want drinks and maybe food, SO BRING IT! Rides have a meet time and a ride time to give you time to get together all the crap before we ride, so please don't be THAT guy!
2) And more to the point is we need to STOP putting up with bullshit! Call the assholes out! If someone is too f'd up to ride, tell them to get off their fucking bike! Im not trying to be the fun police, but if your so trashed you can't even ride a bike, thats a problem, and if you don't have a problem with that, wait till they crash into you then tell me how you feel. Realize your not at a house party, and there is no couch to crash on. You crash here and you or someone else can get killed, and who's fault is it? All of ours! and really ppl, do you need to get that fucked up to have fun.
3) Under age drinking can not be tolerated! I heard some 17yo kid got so f'd up last Taco Tuesday he crashed his bike and broke his femur! NOT COOL!
OK I got that off my chest no more to see here, carry on.
sort of like the girl who will only let you fuck her ass if shes drunk, most angelenos are ashamed to be on a bike. that is until they are near the point of blacking out. then the sober up in the morning and call you a !@#$? from the window of their car as the pass you.