Hit and Run lic: 3MOG550
Thread started by
Roadblock at 08.3.10 - 2:03 pm
Annie was hit and run Monday night on Hollywood blvd east of Western. plte number 3MOG550 description of driver is white male brownish hair 20-30's age. Annie is a little bruised but ok.
any resources out there want to run a check on this plate would be much appreciated.
Roadblock08.3.10 - 2:08 pm
wont the DMV run the plate if it been involved in an accident.
larsenf08.3.10 - 2:36 pm
yep, they charge a small fee for a lookup. but yes you can get their info
_iJunes responding to a
comment by larsenf
08.3.10 - 2:41 pm
but roadblock aren't you typically the one that advises one should file a police report?
_iJunes08.3.10 - 2:43 pm
anybody got a contact email for roadblock?
ChaosRR08.3.10 - 3:04 pm
yeah extra glad to hear she's ok!
et08.3.10 - 3:41 pm
In case it hasn't already been done, make sure to inform Sgt. Krumer with as much information as you know.
Wouldn't hurt to let Transpo Com Chair Rosendahl know as well as LaBonge's office (since it was in his soon-to-be-former district).
Let me know if you/Annie need any help with this.
Thanks for putting the word out.
dudeonabike08.3.10 - 5:08 pm
BTW. there are some angels in this community...
Roadblock responding to a
comment by dudeonabike
08.3.10 - 5:19 pm
Hugzz annie.
Thanks for handlin' dat shit RB
trickmilla08.3.10 - 5:52 pm
Got him.
This morning Annie and I hit up 3 of 5 potential addresses and found the car parked in front of a house in Burbank. Next step is serving him with a notice to surrender his insurance.
Roadblock08.4.10 - 7:26 am
Happy that Annie is only bruised a little and I hope this ends up with more than the hit and run driver gets his wrist slapped.
mk452408.4.10 - 9:33 am
Nice work!
I know u gotz percjures and chit.
But I fucking would have LOOOOOVED to see that jagoff's face if you and annie had knocked on his door.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.4.10 - 9:35 am
So is the driver going to be charged with a felony hit and run ?
Dedicated81808.4.10 - 9:39 am
so when are you going to let us all know the address?
md2 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
08.4.10 - 10:00 am
Annie, so sorry to hear this. If there's anything you need at all...any help, please let us, the bike community, or more specifically, me and Crespin know. Thanks Roadblock for being so amazing and wonderful.
Wonderdave08.4.10 - 10:36 am
the thanks goes to a certain person out there who provided some key names.... I just provided the googling...
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Wonderdave
08.4.10 - 10:57 am
dont hold your breath. my bet is that he gets something less than a misdemeanor.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
08.4.10 - 10:57 am
Not trying to be a dick or anything, but isn't a felony hit and run an oxymoron of sorts?
Bikekowski responding to a
comment by Dedicated818
08.4.10 - 11:07 am
Well, at least when it involves a bicycle.
Bikekowski08.4.10 - 11:08 am
Well, what's the update? Any justice in this case? Did you at least scratch the car and give it flats?
Tell me somethin'.
jericho1ne responding to a
comment by goosegoose
09.14.10 - 1:39 pm
Yes. Updates please. And what does our local police-cyclist rep have to say about such things?
frumble09.15.10 - 6:53 pm
If a police report was filed than I will be happy to look into the case and provide Annie with an update. Assuming she gives me the o.k. I will be happy to post whatever I discover. If no report was filed than Annie needs to contact me ASAP.
Over the last month I have been contacted by dozens of folks and I can not recall if Annie already dropped me a line on her incident.
Let me know and I will let you know.
Sgt. David Krumer09.15.10 - 8:11 pm