fuck you
Thread started by
goosegoose at 07.13.10 - 1:37 am
Two great bikes, a bunch of lights, and now my iPhone.
Thank you thieves, for making me upset once again.
My iPhone was stolen on Monday Night Rehab. I left it charging on a wall at Woodley Avenue Park.
Go ahead everyone, tell me how stupid I am for doing it. I already feel like a piece of shit right now.
My phone is at least suspended now.
100 dollars. give it back. no questions asked. everyone knows me.
I don't get mad. i'm really a nice guy.
also if anyone has a spare AT&T phone laying around that I can borrow that would be greatly appreciated.
is that your number that was up on facebook? or was john's stolen also?!?
godmode07.13.10 - 1:40 am
ahh, fuck.. sorry to hear about this :( you think it was one of the riders that stole it?
godmode responding to a
comment by goosegoose
07.13.10 - 1:41 am
people saw a bunch of riders took off.
goosegoose responding to a
comment by godmode
07.13.10 - 1:43 am
DTA everyone.
Don't Trust Anyone.
I thought everyone was good peeps on MNR. At least the times I went. It got bigger. There reaching 100+ deep. With that there are now thieves on that ride now.
Don't leave your things unattended on any ride. Even a ride that your leading yourself that no one is on. You shit might get stolen as well.
goosegoose07.13.10 - 1:48 am
WORD! shit, even I got my bike stolen at my own ride. Ever since that day.. I don't trust anyone! (except a few peeps)
.. but with larger crowds, there's a little bit of everything..
sucks that it had to happen at MNR though! you'd expect a little bit more respect
godmode responding to a
comment by goosegoose
07.13.10 - 1:50 am
MONDAY NIGHT RIPOFF that sucks when you can't trust the other ridazz you ride with I hope someone took it by mistake and you get it back
crossbones07.13.10 - 7:15 am
This is why i stopped posting rides. fucking dickbags
_iJunes07.13.10 - 7:25 am
I don't suppose you have mobileme. You can track down your iphone with it.
will07.13.10 - 9:42 am
I didn't.
I just signed up for it thinking I can track it that way. However, you have to change the settings on the phone to activate it as well.
So now I have a mobileme account with no iPhone.
goosegoose responding to a
comment by will
07.13.10 - 9:47 am
I have a att phone at the house .. I will give it to you when I get home ...
OsnapsonJC07.13.10 - 10:01 am
Im sure people are going to ride this and start saying my ride is bad .... Leaving anything in any situation unattended ..you run the risk of theft ... I'm sorry this happened but don't throw my ride under the bus because you made the choice to leave a phone unattended around 80 people you don't know....
OsnapsonJC07.13.10 - 10:11 am
Your Iphone has a tracking locater - please call the police and iphone and have it's location tracked to recover it.
I know you feel badly, but honestly, I doubt it was a MR person who stole it. I know there were several people who just dropped in to the ride in progress who knew nothing about the ride or this website.
In big group it's easy for opportunistic thieves to jump in, steal, and jump out. They don't talk to anyone, ask any questions, and then they are there and gone. So they are not interested int he ride per se, just in seeing if there is an opportunity to steal.
So I doubt the person who stole it will even read the "Fuck You" post or ever come here.
It taught me a lesson - I'm keeping my purse on me at all the stops from now on unless it's the small group of *regulars* that I know (and love) and have been with since last winter.
Girl Power07.13.10 - 11:18 am
fuck man...... goose..... your good peps and i wish i had $100 to give you. dont make these incedents make you stop riding. I'll see you soon and we can make fun of people (you know what i mean)!!!!!!
louisiana07.13.10 - 11:44 am
dude that shit is wack! i was sitting next to a group of guys that dipped out right after the phone was stolen.. im not trying to point fingers but ill share all the details i know.. i let those group of kids have my roach before they dipped out..
lowered4point607.13.10 - 1:17 pm
shit happens goose.... take it in stride.... atleast u got the right attitude " fuck you thieves "
Debut21307.13.10 - 1:29 pm
You don't no a damn thing! I bet you were under the influence.
^olsko*jr7 responding to a
comment by lowered4point6
07.13.10 - 3:39 pm
don't worry goose, while these thieves may not be caught with this one it will catch up to them, eventually.
braydon07.13.10 - 4:46 pm
+1 @OsnapsonJC
You can't control who comes on the rides. MNR is one of the best rides you will find. And even if a jerk and his bros stole your phone on an 80 person ride, that means there were 80 other ridazz there who weren't causing problems. It's pretty cool that 80 ridazz will gather on a Monday night of all nights, in the Valley, to cruise around.
Still really sucks someone stole it. I know it doesn't help much in retrospect, but this is a good reminder for everyone not to let anything they care about out of their sight, on rides or anywhere else for that matter.
outerspace07.17.10 - 12:33 pm