Thread started by
lloyd at 03.12.10 - 10:23 am
Hi I'm trying to find the youngest and the oldest in MIDNIGHTRIDDAZ! State your age... I'm 15 beat that!
we have one rida who's 12, but he's at school right now. what's your excuse?
tortuga_veloce03.12.10 - 10:26 am
"I'm 15 beat that!"
Sorry, but that is illegal.
md203.12.10 - 10:32 am
no, seriously. school is way more interesting than hanging out on midnightridazz all morning. you won't even get half of the jokes we tell if you haven't taken US History.
tortuga_veloce responding to a
comment by lloyd
03.12.10 - 10:39 am
im sick thats why... no skool
lloyd03.12.10 - 11:37 am
this has the creepy stench of early AOL chat rooms
sancho103.12.10 - 11:40 am
16..... but everyone loves me....
why would you advertise your excessively-young age on a forum of immature trolling adults? =p
it started at 15 but i didn't advertise it......
superblueman303.12.10 - 11:43 am
Have times changed I remember when my parents would send me to middle school or high school for that matter all sick or was that just my parents?
john.13 responding to a
comment by lloyd
03.12.10 - 11:43 am
they should think about sending you back, because your grammar is ATROCIOUS.
ruinedbyidiots responding to a
comment by john.13
03.12.10 - 11:48 am
Addison Quayle. 2 weeks old. eddieboy. 67
barleye03.12.10 - 12:04 pm
"they should think about sending you back, because your grammar is ATROCIOUS."
But he does have a point. I never missed school, not because I wasn't sick or cus I loved it but rather, my parents just didn't want me at home cus they knew I'd probably be out in the streets anyways dicking around with my neighborhood friends. Parents are so fuckin gullible and lenient nowadays. Eff that shit.
GodLovesUgly responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
03.12.10 - 1:28 pm
i can think of some people who are older, but i'd rather not say...
tortuga_veloce03.12.10 - 1:47 pm
I think Mike Kwan might be. He's going to be 70. He's a rad cyclist !
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
03.12.10 - 1:48 pm
twee and stil terable
and yes I ride
and no you can't come over to play
CryBaby03.12.10 - 2:01 pm
barleye responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
03.12.10 - 2:04 pm
We have a 5 year that rides on the SFV ride NoHo to hansen dam and back on his own bike
crossbones03.12.10 - 4:40 pm
was that on the january ride? i honestly dont remember seeing that.... thats so awesome
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by crossbones
03.12.10 - 4:42 pm
That was at the end of summer on a pedal punx ride.There was another time we had two 5 year olds and I think one 6 or 7 year old at the end of the year maybe january
crossbones03.12.10 - 4:52 pm
Old enough to have bought Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band the day it came out-June 1, 1967.
Creative Thing03.12.10 - 5:59 pm
57, also.
I believe that I'm the senior female. :)
alicestrong responding to a
comment by geezer
03.12.10 - 6:29 pm
Im a young 30.It's the green tea
Huey55503.12.10 - 6:57 pm
whats a chynna i bet no one knows =)
im 22 years young!
andres84 responding to a
comment by imachynna
03.12.10 - 9:02 pm
Try 75-76 yrs young, skippy.
J-J actually served in the Korean Conflict!!!!
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
03.12.10 - 9:09 pm