Sadly its never going to happen in LA. Maybe places like WeHo or Mar Vista etc etc but not in Central LA
palucha66 responding to a
comment by Gav
09.21.10 - 7:06 pm
it'd be great if it spreads. It really fucking annoys me when cars pass me at like 35mph when I'm on narrow residential streets
Gav09.21.10 - 7:08 pm
I always thought 20-25mph was supposed to be the norm for residential streets.
If not bicycles, then little kids, elderly folks that can't handle the traffic noise.
We just had an area up here where some punk was hauling ass through a residential area on a quad and hit some dude trying to get him to stop.
Now the fool got caught and he just got sentenced to 7 yrs in state.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Gav
09.21.10 - 8:11 pm
7 years in State??? for that??
And the hit and run got 90 days community service...go figure.
maybe he had priors?
Ninja biker responding to a
comment by bentstrider
09.21.10 - 9:10 pm
He did actually, hate-crimes, meth-running, felon in possession of a firearm, the list goes on.
As for the hit and run, one could wonder if there was some political power at play.
The name sounded vaguely Persian and that brings to light issues of political asylum and pleas of "don't send us back to that hell-hole where she would get stoned(literally)".
But we'll save that debate for a political board.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by Ninja biker
09.21.10 - 10:26 pm
Mind you this is only 20km/hr (those weird Brits and their right side driving) which means no more than 13mph... that would never go. I see people going over speed humps/bumps faster than that.
TacoBella09.21.10 - 10:28 pm
Make them a little steeper and at closer intervals, knock some heads.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by TacoBella
09.21.10 - 10:31 pm
Yeah, I figured it meant 20 KPH, too, but I just listened again he does say 20 miles an hour.
Gern responding to a
comment by TacoBella
09.21.10 - 10:37 pm