NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
This cat is soft spoken but wreaks of style and flavor. Having seen his production facilities I can say this cat is grade A punk rock DIY for the new millenium. The man has run MidCity Mis-Fixed for over a year, screen printed shirts, patches, created amazing rides with punk bands at each stop and has even put on one a Midnight Ridazz ride with some of the illest spoke cards seen in a while. Bravo rida RIDE ON!
you should all get to know aids...he one the dopest,
punkiest, sexy, hard riding, midnight ridaz out there
it about time the punx got so recognition !!!OI!!!
how did you find out about Midnight Ridazz?
in 2008 i was searching for a road bike (gears) on the inter webz. did a search on yahoo and one of the links that popped up was MR so i clicked it saw some of the pics, read the about the ridazz section, so I had to try it. my first ride was Ride Arc Sep 08. But lurked MR since May 08
what's you favorite ride besides your own?
2nd friday rides are always awesome. Kushtown once you get to know everyone they're not bad people.
where do you see bike riding and group rides in Los Angeles 5 years from now?
way more riders and Midnight Ridazz documentary.
CONGRATS MAN AND RIDE ON!!! but first questions to answer....
1. whats for breakfast?
2. whos your best friend???
3 In a room fool a people could you spot a hater?
4 Is Roadblock a player hater???(no needed answer yes he is)
5. Would you ride free wheel no brakes???
You are loved. We are all loved. (except for that hater Andres*.) We are all part of this insane family called Midnight Ridazz. Trolls. Nerds. Jocks. Dickheads. Policy wonks. Lawyers. Politicians. Ecovillains. Bike snobs. Posers. Crooks. And even cops. Fuck it.
The entire city is changing. Slowly. Like a glacier. But we all have more energy than they do. Worse yet for them, we operate in less than a shoestring budget we could give a damn caUse we found free fun in the city. We are going to do this city right. Big time.
Hell yeah! Adrian is a chill cat... Allowed me to re-route one of his rides with one day notice... Thanks for trusting me! Although we still got hit up by Veteranos, almost killed everyone with d East Los hills, went through a check point, & had a stray dog chase us (but then again that's normal for East Los). Haha, good times...