tall bike help!!!
Thread started by
gosbud at 09.13.10 - 4:49 pm
So I have two bmx frames, and I have some ideas and I been looking on the internet how to build it but, It will be nice if someone can help me out building it will be great.... If anybody have some xtra time on helping me out....??? We can work something out!!!
Making all these threads will not help your cause, I can tell you that much.
July09.13.10 - 4:51 pm
My bad for all those threads!!! Am doing it by my phone and my phone is acting crazy I apologize !!!!!!
gosbud responding to a
comment by July
09.13.10 - 5:54 pm
Don't ask Larsen.
alec09.13.10 - 6:55 pm
I'd be glad to help in trade for your life for one day. That day would be October 31st, I could use someone to help load tires and all the other crap for my ride, afterwards we can weld up your tall bike. I know it's a ways off but if you still need help by then let me know
Atomic Cycles
rev106 responding to a
comment by larsenf
09.24.10 - 9:03 am
What up paul!!!! Thanks for the offer but I start my bike last week hopefully by today ill be done,, some foo next to my job he has a few tall bikes and choppers so I ask him if he can help me out... But if you need some help let me know and ill be glad to help you shoot me an email and we talk about it gosbud@att.blackberry.com thanks for offering on helping me out!!!!
gosbud responding to a
comment by rev106
09.24.10 - 11:10 am