good for the mini knog frog lights and bicycle computers
and good for sticking it up your butt
66608.5.10 - 9:38 am
they are also perfect for LED throwies.
gac08.9.10 - 10:30 am
Bike shops could make a killing reselling these.
They go for 2 for $5 at the store!
thats aout an 88% savings!
trickmilla08.9.10 - 10:45 am
My local 99 store cousin sells them for 99 each...
alicestrong responding to a
comment by trickmilla
08.9.10 - 11:36 am
Some computers use these for the CMOS, too
Oh, I saw what you did there...;)
alicestrong responding to a
comment by 666
08.9.10 - 11:39 am
i'm glad someone got it ;]
666 responding to a
comment by alicestrong
08.10.10 - 9:46 am