Thread started by
Tarmonster. at 04.29.10 - 9:50 am
Friday, May 14th.
9:00 p.m.
Get excited.
Meet up place:TBA
-Raffled Birthday presents!
-Birthday cake Competition- win the "Best Rida Baker" trophe!
-Pin the Tecate on the RBI!
-Dance Party!
-Musical Bikes!
-Piñata Bashing!
-Balloon Animal making Clown!
-Birthday cake Competition- win the "Best Rida Baker" trophe!
I'm going to bake a very large cake, one with enough room for someone to sit inside of!!!
coldcut, I'm going to need you exclusively for this one.
bentstrider04.29.10 - 10:20 am
!!! I need to weld a trophy!!
And call up Bike N' bake gatos.
Tarmonster.04.29.10 - 10:29 am
Tar-mama! This sounds like fun! I'm injured mob, but maybe I can meet up wtih you guys at the end, or something.
Ms. Stephanie04.29.10 - 2:39 pm
Can't wait. Tarsis throws some of the best rides out there.
GodLovesUgly04.29.10 - 4:35 pm
Diggin the theme..
Any ideas of the general area we'll be in??
SnapperS04.29.10 - 4:44 pm
Tarsis, how'd you know the 15th was my birfday? BEST PARTY EVAR.
BMFW04.29.10 - 6:11 pm
The pokemon ride was definitely one of the best rides ive been on!
buckchin responding to a
comment by GodLovesUgly
04.29.10 - 6:16 pm
I loved how the helicopter provided us with much appreciated light that night.
GodLovesUgly responding to a
comment by buckchin
04.29.10 - 6:45 pm
Awwww Godlovesugly.....thanks, you too Buchin <3.
Ms. Stephanie, I could give you a list of the stops, you would want to miss these events.
Tarmonster.04.29.10 - 9:01 pm
Are we pinning the Tecate on a real RBI?
PC05.2.10 - 12:21 am
There will be a baking contest, there will be prizes and a trophy. The Pinata has been recruited and theres a special surprise.
Tarmonster.05.7.10 - 4:46 pm
IT'S THIS FRIDAY!!! Get ready for amazing FUN!
Tarmonster.05.10.10 - 8:36 am
NO! i dont even have my recipe ready! GAAAAAAAH!...
Gizzard05.10.10 - 2:58 pm
i'm gonna repeat this even though i said it in the facebook event,
i've been waiting months to take a ride to genesee park... i've always thought it would be a great spot to start a ride or a have a ride stop there. although it's the only part of the ride i know so far, great job and i am really excited to see everything else you have planned for us :]
superblueman305.10.10 - 3:55 pm
I have a lot of excited things planned! Its a ride for the people, the birfday people. I hope someone dresses in their birthday suit!
Tarmonster.05.11.10 - 10:32 am
What's this route going to be like? Lots of hills? I'm bringing my gf who just picked up a track bike, so I just want to be sure it won't be too crazy for her
general ganja05.11.10 - 10:47 am
Yeah......about that......your gf will be head over heels when she rides with us. :}
Tarmonster.05.12.10 - 8:09 am
Get ready for EFF YOU ENN!
If you are entering the baking contest there will be 5 judges determining the winner of the Bike N' Bake Rida Trophy.
There will be Raffled goodies (All bike related) so bring a dollar to purchase a ticket.
There will be games and silly things plus a FANTASTIC route.
F.Y.I. Bring your birthday suit (Or a bathing suit), we will make it rain.
Please bring brakes or amazing riding abilities.
Meet up at 9:00 at Genesee park. Bring balloons and party stuffs. Bring sparkles in your eyes!
P.S. SPECIAL GUESTS first stop!
Tarmonster.05.13.10 - 9:41 am
Riding out from the Westside! BIRTHDAY SUITS ON FRIDAY!!!
TacoBella05.13.10 - 11:12 am
Tarmonster's got a kick-ass profile. Nicely done.
dudeonabike responding to a
comment by Tarmonster.
05.13.10 - 2:26 pm
If you've been to my house before and would like to come and take a dip in the pool tomorrow before the ride you are more than welcome to do so. It'll go on from 11-5pm. If I don't know you I would seriously need someone to vouch for you as I've had problems arise in the past. Bring whatever you want to eat and no beers, sorry, house rules.
July responding to a
comment by dudeonabike
05.13.10 - 10:15 pm
Happy Birthday Mike Kwan!!!
May 15th!!!
Limeyfly05.13.10 - 10:22 pm
anyone from downtown -> ktown going on this ride?
tekmo05.14.10 - 4:02 pm
i can not describe how amazing the raffle prizes are! for $1 you can go home with an amazing prize. seriously! AMAZING! tarsis has dedicated serious time and money to make this ride happen.
$1 raffle ticket can equal a fucking awesome prize for you!
coldcut05.14.10 - 4:21 pm
anyone got a spare bike? or some working 700c wheelsets? for my buddy akzend?
ill buy you a 6pack :)
tekmo05.14.10 - 4:22 pm
700c or 27 :) srry didnt knwo the info till u asked :D
tekmo responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
05.14.10 - 4:42 pm
Happy Birfday Matt!
alec05.14.10 - 4:47 pm
oo.. the guy is 5'6.. help me out to get my buddy on the road again :) I'll return the bike or wheelset whatever we borrow and buy you booze :) hahaha
tekmo responding to a
comment by Gizzard
05.14.10 - 4:49 pm
the guy is Aksendz 5'6, got his bike stolen awhile back, just want to get his lazy ass on a ride once again!
tekmo05.14.10 - 4:50 pm
i have a bike its in mar vista ish.. hit me up if u want to get it.
six6one threE se7en thre3 five se7n 9er seven
Jeff Yess responding to a
comment by tekmo
05.14.10 - 4:56 pm
i got no car to pick it up O_O, i can only ride there :(
or bus it..
tekmo responding to a
comment by Jeff Yess
05.14.10 - 5:00 pm
This will be my first group ride brakeless because my caliper thread wouldn't reach through my new fork. Anyone have a front caliper to loan me? I'm scared of mashin downhill without brakes in such a big group. Email me
general ganja05.14.10 - 5:08 pm
dont mash and take it easy going down :)
666 responding to a
comment by general ganja
05.14.10 - 6:55 pm
i know tarsis enough to know there will be incredibly awesome downhills tonight so if you see one coming please dont endanger the rest of us and walk it or wait for the mass to pass then try riding down
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by general ganja
05.14.10 - 8:09 pm

Thanks Tarsis, for rolling through my neck of the woods. It was nice to see/ be apart of a group of people rolling through Inglewood.
i was surprised that IPD were really chill tonight.
i hope everyone is continuing to have a happy birthday.
mechazawa05.15.10 - 2:19 am
Shortly after Ryan and I split from the Birfday Ride and headed for home, we stopped on Aviation Blvd to watch a plane fly in. We were standing near a fenced-off lot, and the next thing we knew, this crying kitten on the other side of the fence was running after us. He seemed desperate to get to us and even squeezed through the chain link fence (I totally thought he was gonna get stuck and we'd need to call someone to cut him out of the fence, but he made it)! He was tiny and adorable and clearly not feral (maybe somebody dumped him there?) and we couldn't leave him. So, we found a cab that was willing to take us, our tandem, and a crying kitten home.
Unfortunately, Ryan's allergic to cats, and we can't have them at our apartment anyway, so we can't keep him. We just couldn't leave him. Any Ridazz interested in a free black kitty with a Ridazz origin story? You gotta let us know ASAP, because otherwise I'm taking him to the West LA Animal Shelter (8 am). We'll keep an eye on his number while he's there to see that he gets adopted and not euthanized, but if someone wants to take him before then, that would be cool. Otherwise, we can give you his info so you can adopt him from the shelter.
E-mail us at
Team Creanberry responding to a
comment by mechazawa
05.15.10 - 2:44 am
tonight was amazing, thank you to everyone who made it possible!
Thegirlinglass05.15.10 - 4:31 am

so on the way back from the birfday ride i got bike jacked . across the street from my house. got chased by the car for three block ending with them jumping me for my bike.
*pink motobecane 1975 frame
*black deep v rims, quick release front.
*pink tire back, black tire front.
* white team pro classic brooks.
------ the white brooks I've only seen mine and my brothers on the rides. I now some one who has one but his is the $350 version. mine is the $200. so if you see a white brooks drop kick them for it. i'll post the serial number later.
Sorry for spamming
AIDS6605.15.10 - 4:38 am
What a truly awesome ride! LAX was totally fun! Awesome raffle prizes!
Thank you, Tarsis!
Sorry to hear about your bike, AIDS66. Best of luck getting it back.
petr0lb0mb05.15.10 - 4:42 am
As I said above, I'm taking him to the West LA shelter. Technically, "our" shelter is the South LA shelter, but I wanna give this guy a shot at a good life and I figure he'd rather be adopted by someone on the Westside :)
Team Creanberry05.15.10 - 7:30 am
SWEET ROUTE! LAX bit was legit. Hoping birthdays doesn't only come once a year. THANKS TARMONSTER!
TacoBella05.15.10 - 9:27 am
Just woke up and I'm still thinking...
That ride was awesome!
The music was kickin'. Everybody was happy. No accidents. We covered 30 miles and it only felt like we did only 3.
Seriously, it was one of those nights where you could just keep riding all morning.
petr0lb0mb05.15.10 - 11:35 am
Don't know half the handles here on MR anymore but that was a great ride with everybody, thanks Tarsis, once again!!! LAX was so much fun! Didn't get much sleep but I'd do it again with the same circumstances!!!
Only minor comment is, and it's always the same on these types of rides, we should re group early, take a look behind to see if anyone got stuck at a light and wait at the next maybe. Otherwise a great ride!!!!
This ride gives me faith in the ability to have fun without getting out of control.
Limeyfly05.15.10 - 12:09 pm
Trust that I wanted to run a brake, but I couldn't miss out on this ride. Anyway, I survived those hillls regardless...a few close calls from sudden stops though. Good times!
general ganja responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
05.15.10 - 12:13 pm
I'm so sorry to hear that Aids666, thats terrible!! I'm really sorry. I sincerely apologize, oh man! All the best of luck to you and finding your bike. Oh man....I'm so sorry.
I'd like to thank you for everyone showing support. Thank YOU!! Also special thanks to Harry, Dylan Boroczi, Marcus, B-rad, Gern, Geo, Chynna, Linden, Daniel Atkinson & Alec. With out you guys it wouldn't have been as fun and enjoyable ride. Thanks guise for an awesome time.
Tarmonster.05.15.10 - 2:31 pm
that was my best birthday ever!
Jeff Yess responding to a
comment by Tarmonster.
05.15.10 - 3:36 pm
More rides going through Inglewood!!!!
And i might come back out :)
theladiesman05.15.10 - 4:00 pm
My happiest birfday ever! Where were the Birthday suits?
LadyDash05.15.10 - 4:07 pm

~HAPPY BIRFDAY MR~THA Ride was cooL~LAX was cool tha pinata was cool~~Piece outtt~
Fromthaghetto05.15.10 - 4:56 pm
LAX was insane. Seriously the entire time we rode through, I felt like my mind had left and launched in an airplane a million times over. The swimming was worth it, no, targato? Thanks a lot, the ride was WAY amazing. Except the part where I bought FIVE tickets and didn't win anything. But I guess that's what I get for assuming I'm lucky and smart and being greedy.
imachynna05.15.10 - 5:47 pm
One of the best rides ive been on in a long time. Really awesome route... LAX was definitely the highlight.
THANKS TARSIS for organizing the whole thing... your the sheeit!!
SnapperS05.15.10 - 7:10 pm
You bought 5 tickets .. man .. I bought the first one and my gut said . buy another one so I did ... and sure enough the 2nd one was a winner ...
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by imachynna
05.16.10 - 1:20 am