Feel good story ...
Thread started by
OsnapsonJC at 11.8.10 - 11:34 am
So this women in my office had her little girls bike removed from her garage by a neighborhood bike thief..... After turning in the serial number from the bike, going through the entire report process and checking in on craigslist .... she is driving down the street this weekend with her son and notices a bike that looks the same ... all the stickers are gone are but she is positive its her daughters bike ... she pulls over .. Confronts the person riding who says they paid 50 bucks for it ... calls the police who match the serial number from the report and bam ... a little girl has her bike back ....
That's a daring thief. Crack-headed I s'pose.
^olsko*jr711.8.10 - 1:42 pm
I feel a little bad for the person if they really paid $50 for it... on the other hand, they should have known something was fishy paying $50 for a bike in good working condition.
outerspace11.8.10 - 2:07 pm