Thread started by
superblueman3 at 11.2.10 - 9:56 pm
come out this friday 11/5, we're gonna be doing a straight to long beach route, with a stop at the blue line there for anyone who needs to take the train back, the riding group will be returning by going through san pedro, around palos verdes, up the coast to the ballona creek and back to midcity. not a HUSTLE pace, if you have wanted to try out a longer milage route but havent had the speed to keep up with most, this may be for you
leaving 8PM SHARP western/venice
Pnut9000511.2.10 - 10:01 pm
shouuld be a sik ride but since all the trouble that Long Beach CM ran into in LB. U think itll be chill for us to ride in LB. cops are hungry for us ridazz down there. :/
JLee11.2.10 - 10:17 pm
I hate riding with a bunch of lil kids..
El_Fredone11.2.10 - 10:39 pm
if you get there 8:01 too bad, catch up.
AIDS6611.2.10 - 11:36 pm
hahahaha pnut..
i have a wedding to attend that day :
godmode responding to a
comment by AIDS66
11.3.10 - 12:28 am
1)cops in LBC were waiting for critical mass down the block from where it started because mashLBC made it all huge and public and shit and tried to advertise it..... we're taking long beach boulevard.... all we have to do is stop at reds and we wont have any problems.
and this wont take 12 hours.... maybe 6
superblueman311.3.10 - 9:58 am
if the full ride is too long for you, just take the blue line back to downtown once in long beach. pussy kids wont come to a ride this serious in length.......
superblueman311.3.10 - 10:01 am
I wish I could ride this one.
Fucking real life always getting in the way of Bike Life.
trickmilla11.3.10 - 10:05 am
I love it when kids .. call out other kids .. on being kids ...
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by superblueman3
11.3.10 - 12:28 pm
the adjective used was "pussy" thank you very much
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
11.3.10 - 1:25 pm
The next person who calls me a Narc, I'm going to kick their ass.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by AIDS66
11.3.10 - 1:51 pm
fucking narc borfo
[puts in gag ball, applies butt butter and waits]
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
11.3.10 - 3:03 pm
That's it... Next time you buy a burro, he is toast!
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by nolikedrive
11.3.10 - 3:20 pm
you could never make it to a ride man lol...
El_Fredone responding to a
comment by trickmilla
11.3.10 - 5:35 pm
come out and ride friday we can party saturday @ FMLY
AIDS6611.3.10 - 5:53 pm
damm wish i can go but got hit by a car and now recovering from it:(
Pedal Feens11.3.10 - 7:08 pm
I'm sure they hate riding with you too pops.
Rage responding to a
comment by El_Fredone
11.3.10 - 9:39 pm
on sunday like at 1 in the morning.
and i was like 2 min away from my house witch suxxs
Pedal Feens responding to a
comment by ericduville
11.3.10 - 9:58 pm
Lol I just turn 23 playboy..I'm not that old..
El_Fredone responding to a
comment by Rage
11.3.10 - 11:37 pm
route posted on facebook and to the right ----------->
PLEASE bring everything to keep you and your bike on the road.
the pace is going to be chill to slow, remember we're trying to finish the 100. It's not Wolfpack.
AIDS6611.3.10 - 11:50 pm
i hope it's warm like this tomorrow night. we'll be fucking set.
superblueman311.4.10 - 9:23 pm
the route:
i know i said the ride is 100 miles but the route only shows 75. the rest of the milage will be made up once back in LA, we're going to go eat breakfast so that should push us over the top.
call (323) 251- 1950 Sam, if you want to catch up or lost.
PLEASE don't fuck around calling that number. only call if you're seriously lost or catching up.
remember we leave 8pm sharp
bring everything to keep you and your bike on the road.
AIDS6611.4.10 - 9:41 pm
Soooo...You're buying breakfast for everyone?... :P
Ninja biker responding to a
comment by AIDS66
11.4.10 - 10:08 pm
yeah because like three people a finishing.
AIDS66 responding to a
comment by Ninja biker
11.4.10 - 10:42 pm
Dood maybe 2...I got this shit I have to host tomorrow at home..idk yet if I'm canceling...
ok if it's 8 pm and I'm not there then Ride out.
I'm still looking for someone to go help me clean out the place...
Ninja biker responding to a
comment by AIDS66
11.5.10 - 2:09 pm
Hey come down dood...
and help me clean the pad!! lol
It was your fellow riders who made most of teh mess! :P
Ninja biker11.5.10 - 4:46 pm
how'd it go?
I'm sure yall tired but post so a brother can live vicariously through you
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by Ninja biker
11.6.10 - 11:18 am
incredible ride, cant feel my legs, haven't tried walking yet, i got home at 6 everyone else much later a fat group stayed to ride back and some couldn't take it, but some were alright. i split from the group in culver city after ballona creek
superblueman311.6.10 - 12:41 pm
for a long ride the turn out was huge 80 people
like 50 made it to Long Beach
30 went the whole way and finished.
2 flats
1 accident mom picked him up Torrance Beach
AIDS6611.6.10 - 12:43 pm
congrats guise, thats a long haul. that pic would have been cooler if root run hadn't done that same picture like two years ago... but props on the ride. what was the average speed.
theshues responding to a
comment by AIDS66
11.6.10 - 12:52 pm
whens the next one im down to rock some 15 mph sessions, lets go to the santa fe dam
theshues responding to a
comment by AIDS66
11.6.10 - 1:04 pm
we were all talking and the group suggested i should do a Misfixed Century or at least a 75 mile ride every month.
AIDS6611.6.10 - 1:13 pm
when are u gonna upload the photos?
SxPxHx responding to a
comment by AIDS66
11.6.10 - 2:19 pm
Man, for the fools who couldn't hang, you missed out!
And for the fools who bitched out, you bitched out!
Aids, blueman, good job with the route, and for keepin the ride together.
Most everybody who didn't turn back in LB made it all the way.
Palos Verdes aint got nothin on us.
Let's do a long ride every month cuz that was a good turnout.
For the kid who still has my light, I want that shit back next ride!
And for the kids who wanna get their ass run over, stick to the left net time
Cuz I know i'm not gonna hang around to tell the cops why you got hit, that'd be your bad
Misfixed Century a Success
EwoksRX11.6.10 - 3:15 pm
Im going to have to make Misfixed Elite jerseys next ride.
AIDS6611.6.10 - 3:23 pm
YES long routes once a month.... let me get down on those routes.... i have a lot of fucking sick ones i've been dying to try out
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by AIDS66
11.6.10 - 4:33 pm
we'll lets get on it
let plan one for December
AIDS6611.6.10 - 4:39 pm
I've never seen so much beach in my life.
Rage11.7.10 - 1:05 am
route done friday. after the group exited the ballona creek, the route is guess work as i broke off home from there. i'm guessing they took the straightest and most obvious way back to venice/western. i dont know if anyone completed the century from there. the route back to midcity was about 73 miles.
adrian, i want a spoke card
superblueman311.7.10 - 10:43 pm
yeah i have your spoke card.
AIDS66 responding to a
comment by superblueman3
11.7.10 - 11:07 pm
Wassup playa u got 1 me on a card. Broke off from d group once we made it national n Venice....
Dmaddweeler responding to a
comment by AIDS66
11.8.10 - 6:05 am
Made my way to jeff n main aftr walked in d door at 645. Good route fellas. Will b lookin out for d next 1
Dmaddweeler11.8.10 - 6:09 am