NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.
since I DO belive we have NARCS on this website. I say we should make a member only section like other fourms. Only registered ridazz on this site can post etc. It will keep NARCS from just brown nosing. Just a thought.
Its obvious that we are being watched.
Its probably been like that for years.
I think its great that Sgt Krumer posts here, because it is a constant reminder that even if they aren't posting the PD and others are watching.
Be smart.
To talk/brag about illegal shit in public (true or not).
Don't post things you wouldn't be comfortable saying in front of a cop.
MRDC is a beautiful public space, but it is public space after all.
There is no expectation of privacy here.
Nor would their be, if we had a "private users only space".
If MRDC is to be free than anybody can sign up for multiple ac counts.
I think for the most part, most of us are insignificant to the authorities.
But for people stupid enough to continuously talk about illegal shit here and do illegal shit, eventually, if they are significant enough, it will catch up to them.
Stay away from stupid people who do stupid shit.
When they get caught, thats typically who the cops target to become narcs/ snitches/ lying informants.
of course there are narcs on this website, you think they just show up at the start of rides on accident? Im pretty sure they know we arent really doing any thing too illegal. Being monitored does reek of 1984 though...............
slang : a person (as a government agent) who investigates narcotics violations
Variants of NARC
slang: a person who is part of law enforcement whom investigates undercover
narc also nark
Origin of NARC
short for narcotics agent
First Known Use: 1967
Now why would there be any NARCs here undercover when it's the internet and it's a PUBLIC forum where all information is available freely... Seriously...
Now why would there be any NARCs here undercover when it's the internet ?
With Obama's revision of the Patriot act, the Dept of Homeland Security, DHS can
detain, arrest, and inprision anyone who is suspected of possibly commiting a crime
in the future. Even if no crime has been commited, just expressing thoughts is grounds. Or if you are deemed a possible enemy of the state or dissident.
Just assuming the presence of narcs, secret agents, undercovers etc. throughout our society, why would they give a fuck about anything that goes on on night time bike rides?
Does anyone really think that the FBI, DEA, NSA, CIA etc. really give a shit about some dudes smoking weed and drinking beer in the park @ 3AM?
lapd has to babysit cyclists and people in long beach have to apply for permits to ride in the street. cycling is a joke. no wonder no one takes you guys seriously.
they do. the more that groups of people organize and assemble in the streets the more likelyhood that said people begin to mingle and organize around other issues which can threaten the status quo - which is the illusion that the people have to ask permission from the government to assemble in the public space.
Roadblock responding to a comment by cascandal
11.3.10 - 1:19 pm
This might be a bit off topic but I recently discovered that traffic cameras will pretty soon be able to detect motion, and eventually recognize motion patterns such as people "dropping off a suitcase". It really does seem like some one some where wants to be able to monitor as many people as they can.
The only thing MR is a threat to is commute times for cars. When cyclists start riding for issues other than alcohol and weed the cops might get interested.