Bike inMovie-Vampyr 1932

Thread started by
veronica at 10.22.10 - 1:59 am

Bike in Movie-Vampyr 1932 and still scary as shit
Im posting it on here first.. well Im not near the Oven's computer and this is got to be posted soon!
We'll be showing Vampyr, we really dig out the good stuff, since we are movie fucken fanatics, no big studio formula bullshit for us. This movie was done indeprndently back in the day as well, it's close to silent and when people talk we'll you might want to cover your ears. Forget this whole new era of vampire you have not experienced anything like this, you might ride home scared to death. Let's start at sun down with the usual antics of chickenleather's movies. He'll have anything you were too busy doing. Ciclovia, tomatoes memorial call up the oven and put in your request then we'll show vampyr from the laserdisc library, no compression kids.
if i ranted a bit much heres the simple run a scary movie at
Bike Oven 3706 figueroa /Pasadena or Marmion.
THe heritage square (we plan to paintball that house anyways, so no worries)Gold line
7pm until 11 or so
popcorn poss donuts and some sort of yummy food cuz bikers get hungry. Oh and completely free. Let me put it out there, I dont hate anyone even you bushkin or what ever your name is. I do this all by my own accord so we can have fun. Really I dont get paid to do this. I just want to get abunch a people that dont know eachother or they could join the family, scream at the screen. This is entirely possible since it's sorta silent. Come and have fun, thats all we ask.