Passing-on-right bill becomes law
Thread started by
mk4524 at 09.29.10 - 5:00 pm
Bicyclists traveling slower than the flow of traffic must ride in a bike lane or to the far right on roads without a bike lane. But when approaching a vehicle stopped ahead in the traffic lane, state law requires a bicyclist to pass on the left side in most situations. That requires leaving the bike lane or shoulder and entering the traffic lane, even though passing on the right is often more consistent with where most bicyclists ride and sometimes might even be safer.
Starting next January, bicyclists can legally pass on the right thanks to the governor's signature on a package of technical changes to state law relating to transportation. Among other provisions, the so-called "omnibus" bill authored by the Senate Transportation & Housing Committee amends the California Vehicle Code's provision that allows for passing on the right under limited circumstances by clarifying that it does not prohibit the use of a bicycle in a bicycle lane or on a shoulder.
how is passing on the right safer? that's how you get right hooked. it's far safer to pass on the left.
coldcut09.29.10 - 5:24 pm
hm. sill not going to do it
Gav09.29.10 - 5:37 pm
I approach these (and other situations) on a case by case basis, but l think most of the time I prefer to pass on the left - better visibility and less chance of getting hooked, doored or pinched.
mr rollers09.29.10 - 6:02 pm
lol. i want that!
left people.........THE BEST SIDE TO PASS ON!!!!
louisiana responding to a
comment by trickmilla
09.30.10 - 12:16 am
There was a neighbor kid about 10 years older than me who had a bumper sticker that said <---- Passing Side
Suicide ----->
For years I had no idea what it meant.
After riding for a while I starting to think about that bumper sticker all the time.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by louisiana
09.30.10 - 12:38 am
I've seen some trailer door stickers on 18 wheelers that emphasized the same thing.
" <----- El Paso || El Cruncho -----> " had a nice ring to it. At least I thought so.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by trickmilla
09.30.10 - 1:23 am
oh I love passing on the left side and then having the car behind me get all butthurt and yell profanities as they're stuck behind me *While I'm doing 18-25mph* then get stuck at another red light.
Also gotta watch out for those morons in prius or similar small engine car with RIMs start revving their engine thinking I'd move out of their way for them if they rev their engines. They really want to drive fast in a really slow car to pass up a bicyclist.
AestheticMynd09.30.10 - 2:11 am
Still being able to pass on the right isn't really going to change much except technicalities with tickets and idiot drivers who right hook us.
AestheticMynd09.30.10 - 2:14 am
Thank you but I feel safer passing on the left.
July09.30.10 - 7:42 am
I pass anyway I like! I own traffic, they know what's up, ask 'em.
^olsko*jr709.30.10 - 9:06 am
this is actually a great law to have in the books even thought no one's behavior will actually change on the road.
the reason is for liability concerns. this makes it that much tougher for the insurance companies' lawyers to try to say you were being negligent when you're trying to get a settlement for a nasty right hook.
onethirtynine09.30.10 - 9:07 am
Good point. There you have it. Plus I've seen plenty people pass on the right.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by onethirtynine
09.30.10 - 9:35 am
This post is confusing, and I'm not sure what the intent is. Maybe to clarify that it's "OK" for cyclists to pass on the right?
People pass on the right routinely, whether it's driving or riding a bike. Common courtesy has typically implied that SLOWER TRAFFIC should move to the right. It's not the case much these days, as I'm constantly coming up on people "cruising" the left lane, i.e. not moving over to the right when faster vehicles approach from behind.
Anyway, although this law is making it "OK" to pass on the right under "certain" circumstances, in general it's still more dangerous to pass on the right - don't do it.
Also, note that "splitting lanes" is legal, which is effectively passing on the right of the cars on the left lanes.
The moral of the story is, TAKE THE LANE.
the reverend dak09.30.10 - 10:07 am
Pass where you want it's for the cars for sure =D
FIXMYLIFE09.30.10 - 3:36 pm
It's pointless and foolish to say that it's always safer to pass on the left OR the right. It depends entirely on the situation--where the cars are, where they're going, what kind of lanes are on the street, where you're going, and where you position yourself relative to the cars when/if you come to rest at the intersection.
It seems like the bill just provides a needed clarification, to wit: making it clear that an intrinsically narrow vehicle like a bicycle may take advantage of that narrowness by filtering through traffic on the right. At the rider's own discretion, of course, and at her own risk.
Correct me if I'm reading the bill wrong.
That "Passing Side / Suicide" sticker is meant for tractor/trailer trucks, by the way. Passing one of them on the right will put you in the driver's blind spot, and if you stay there you will be "in the bight," as we say on the waterfront, if the driver turns right. Nothing whatsoever to do with passing any other kind of vehicle.
PC10.1.10 - 3:19 pm
I love it when PC logs in and brings clarity to many threads.
Foldie responding to a
comment by PC
10.1.10 - 3:22 pm
Protector of Containers.
How are them chassis jockeys treating ya?
bentstrider responding to a
comment by PC
10.1.10 - 4:06 pm
"In 2004, Mike Smith was bicycling in a bike lane along Market Street in San Francisco when he was doored by a passenger exiting the right side of a taxi cab. This seems like a clear violation of CVC 22517, which is California dooring law. In trial, however, the jury found Smith 25% responsible for the crash, because California’s passing on the right law (CVC 21754 and 21755) makes allowance only for “the driver of a motor vehicle” to pass on the right under certain conditions.
Because of this legal ambiguity, the California Bicycle Coalition and the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition asked lawmakers to amend state law to permit bicyclists to pass on the right."
onethirtynine10.4.10 - 11:48 am
I pass on the left only -- and dislike it when people pass on my right or ride up next to me on my right (unless it a massive group ride where no one can help it). It's dangerous! What if I have to swerve in as you're coming up on my right? That space is for emergencies. Plus yelling, "On your left!" -- so gratifying.
et responding to a
comment by mr rollers
10.4.10 - 12:05 pm
I'm with everyone else. If you pass on the right when there are cars making a right turn against a red, you run the risk of getting hooked.
And that first sentence is only true in some cases.
graciela10.4.10 - 4:28 pm