L.A. SHERIFFS now monitoring rides

Thread started by
shotgun_mike at 09.24.10 - 2:06 am

Hello all true Americans and supporters of the Constitution.
I dont know about your rides.......but tonight.....on the lake balboa ride....we had a sheriffs dept car waiting for us at the reseda orange line.....and before we rolled out....and i advised the group on ride policy (not littering, ride route, pay attention to traffic laws)....an undercover sheriff was on the phone broadcasting all info i was telling the group to who knows who........just letting everyone know.......WE ARE BEING WATCHED.......ahh.......aint that america......too funny.....
Gav09.24.10 - 8:00 am
nothing to worry about .. if you're not doing a thing!..
so dont trip
HAPPY 420!
Aktive_42009.24.10 - 8:05 am
Yeah ... I agree .. if your not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about ...
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by Aktive_420
09.24.10 - 9:12 am
Nothing to worry about unless they wanna be dicks...offer them a hit of some ganja :D
FIXMYLIFE09.24.10 - 9:20 am
Don't be so sure,
under the new agenda assembling with out a permit is soon on it's way to being illegal.
Dedicated818 responding to a
comment by Aktive_420
09.24.10 - 10:27 am
i think regardless if your doing anything the police just like to mess with anything thats diffrent and out of the status quo.....
resist62609.24.10 - 11:24 am
When you make a pattern of breaking the law
constantly, law enforcement will start watching you and enforcing the law. If you don't like it, get the law changed. I am surprised it took this long for them to start watching over our shoulders.
I don't like the law either, I think some of our country's laws are backwards relics of colonial, puritanical New England, but I will follow the law (at least in public) so that the police will leave me in peace.
My favorite rides run into the police all the time ... they see us and we are obviously there to ride bikes, not to get drunk and play loud music at 2am and smoke out. And they leave us alone. What a surprise!
So are you worried about your RIDES?
Or are you whining because you want to drink and smoke and make noise in public with impunity?
Behave and they will leave you alone.
outerspace09.24.10 - 12:12 pm
if you are not doing anything wrong don't worry about it? what the fuck is up with that. that is straight up bullshit. It called having rights, which are slowly being eroded away.
I would like you to say that to the many people who have been pulled over multiple times for having a dark complexion. He has every right to be concerned he is being monitored. Just because the lapd is working with many ridazz to foster better relations, does not make shit all hunky-dory.
mechazawa09.24.10 - 12:59 pm
they could ride with the group.
mechazawa responding to a
comment by GodLovesUgly
09.24.10 - 1:35 pm
I think the point is to just avoid trouble with the LA Sheriff. They can be really tough to deal with.
Joe Borfo09.24.10 - 1:35 pm
It is not okay to profile and harass riders on the basis of their skin color.
It is okay to profile and harass riders on the basis that they have open alcohol containers in their drink cages, and tallcans and 40s (not even hidden in paper bags) open in public.
If you are minding your own business and following the law and you get harassed by the cops for no better reason than your skin is brown, I will file a complaint with the department.
If you are drinking in public and the cops harass you and you say it's because your skin is brown, I will laugh as they cart you away. It's because you were drinking in public.
outerspace responding to a
comment by mechazawa
09.24.10 - 1:55 pm
because your skin is brown, I will laugh as they cart you away.
why do you hate brown people?
md2 responding to a
comment by outerspace
09.24.10 - 1:58 pm
Amazingly the only times I've been pulled over without cause, it was always by non-white cops.
Other than, the usual good ole boys left me alone.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by md2
09.24.10 - 2:10 pm
Because I don't know how to love. Not since
she walked out of my life...
[cue noir blues riff]
outerspace responding to a
comment by md2
09.24.10 - 2:13 pm
C'mon, that's way out of context.
In a way I can see this as a good thing, as it might bring back the real focus of these bike rides: riding your bikes!
It just so happens people are more open to socialize with a beer hand, why is that? Or am I way off base with that comment?
GodLovesUgly responding to a
comment by md2
09.24.10 - 2:18 pm
i still havnt gone on this ride.
is it THAT wild?
TORE_81809.24.10 - 2:31 pm
its good fun. Respectable, mellow, and low key. Killer crowd. Give it a try. Johnny Law loves to snoop.
emptyhanded51 responding to a
comment by TORE_818
09.24.10 - 2:40 pm
I did not defend anyone doing illegal actions. i felt it was clear. i feel transparency should be there, If they want to monitor people come on the ride. Lurking about is not cool, it's creepy. I would like the sheriffs to have a better relationship with cyclist. This in no way excuses anyone who still who breaks the law.
I still stand behind=d what i said, no one should be complacent in the belief that if you are not doing anything that it's okay for an authority to watch you.
it's not profiling or harassing if they are actually enforcing the law on people who are actually breaking the law. they are doing their jobs. i take issue on how *some* officers choose enforce those laws.
mechazawa responding to a
comment by outerspace
09.24.10 - 2:49 pm
C'mon, that's way out of context. In a way I can see this as a good thing
Well, Im glad we're on the same page
md2 responding to a
comment by GodLovesUgly
09.24.10 - 3:01 pm
I see you what you're doing here.
Is there a point you're trying to get across?
GodLovesUgly responding to a
comment by md2
09.24.10 - 3:11 pm
It just so happens people are more open to socialize with a beer hand, why is that? Or am I way off base with that comment?
I do all my socializing with snapple in my hand!
buckchin responding to a
comment by GodLovesUgly
09.24.10 - 3:18 pm
I just began dancing with a snapple in hand.
GodLovesUgly responding to a
comment by buckchin
09.24.10 - 3:25 pm
A representative from the LA County Sheriff contacted me and indicated that the Sheriff's Department would be interested in reaching out and establishing a relationship with the cycling community. He wrote that he has been reading about our efforts and wanted to mirror some of LAPD's programs.
He seemed enthusiastic and supportive. The cycling community has the attention of LA CITY (Mayor of LA, the LAPD) and now it may be able to reach COUNTY as well. I would view this as an opportunity for positive change.
Sgt. David Krumer10.3.10 - 11:12 am
Thanks Sarge. I just found it a bit weird that a LA sheriffs dept car was waiting on the bus line for us, then (as i stated earlier) a plain clothes man with glasses approached the group (on the other side of the fencing) and was talking on a cell phone (giving group size, etc)...as i was briefing the group on rules/route. Came off very 1984/ KGB/ CointelPro to me.,, If they want to talk to me, come up to me and talk to me, dont be so pervy and creepy about it. They have guns, why are they so afraid?
shotgun_mike10.3.10 - 4:47 pm
Yeah ... I agree .. if your not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about ...
Please move to another country. You're not helping.
PC responding to a
comment by OsnapsonJC
10.4.10 - 1:18 pm
If you are drinking in public and the cops harass you and you say it's because your skin is brown, I will laugh as they cart you away. It's because you were drinking in public.
Really? Not possibly because "you" were drinking in public *and* were brown? That never happens in Los Angeles? Where are you from, again?
PC responding to a
comment by outerspace
10.4.10 - 1:20 pm
eventually the Police will tire of babysitting bike riders. It's like asking a doctor to clip your toenails.
Roadblock10.4.10 - 1:40 pm
I dunno... i agree with a lot of what people are saying here however much of it is contradictory. I believe that rides can continue to function if they work hard and keep their riders in-line as concerns the rulezzz of the ridezzz.
However the current trend seems to be spiraling towards the wrong side of the law, I.E. the fracas after the RWNN and the constant disregard for general safety on the rides.
If the rides are to continue I think ride leaders need to start privatizing their rides and stop making them public events.
If it continues the way its going things are going to get worse and that will mean (even more) strongarm enforcement by the police.
The problem is that as we get more and more police attention the only riders willing to ride with us are those willing to break the law.
That's a great way to get in trouble with the cops. If we don't do something to stop the wanton violence (AKA Taco Tuesday) and disregard for the law the police will have more than enough reason to crack down on our illegal behavior.
Some really stupid and violent bullshit happened at the Venice Skatepark and it puts us all in danger of being attacked by gangsters and the police. The people responsible are playing possum and as a result the entire community suffers.
stillline10.4.10 - 5:13 pm
damn straight that needs to get handled. whom ever it was that was involved you need to handle that shit properly because its fucking it up for a lot of people on the west side who just want to enjoy riding their bikes on group rides.
handle it before some innocent rider get seriously fucked up. find a way to make peace and resolve it.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by stillline
10.4.10 - 5:38 pm
Yes, they do. I talked with a friend of the dude who got beat up and pepper sprayed at the Venice Skate park. The guy said he didnt want any sort or retaliation , but his homies in V13, basically said fuck that. Fix geared riders and group riders should be very cautious in the venice area. There is a green light on you guys.
shotgun_mike responding to a
comment by stillline
10.4.10 - 5:43 pm
Um, maybe somebody who knows what happened in Venice could start a new thread with non-cryptic details and a warning so that innocent riders know what to look out for and where?
PC10.4.10 - 7:11 pm
Not to sound like a smart-ass, but is the reason for lack of TT shirts being worn a sort of preventative measure against random gang retaliation as of late?
Just wondering.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by stillline
10.4.10 - 10:51 pm
All im saying is that the dude who got beat up was an ex-pro skatboarder and some fixie crew was hangin out and he told them to leave and it was a problem.....this is from the guy to my friend so......you know how that goes.....he said his homie got beat down and pepper sprayed.....this dude is old school V13......like i said before....he didnt want action on this......but the G's are out for the crew and anyone riding fixie style bikes. Who ever has first hand info from the bike crew, start a thread, and give your side....i might be able to get heads together and solve this BS. I need to have first hand info on this from a rider that was there............or meet with them face to face....my email is dvml@mail.com.......but from what i was told V13 has a green light on the fixie bikes......and like i said before .....watch out in venice and santa monica......shit probally even culver......
shotgun_mike10.5.10 - 1:07 am
well, if the LAPD or LASD or FBI wants to show up to any of my rides, you'll be most welcome. i simply ask that you not be creepy and hang out in the shadows. say hi. be a friend. we don't bite.
tortuga_veloce10.5.10 - 2:10 am
"from what i was told V13 has a green light on the fixie bikes"
Death of the fixie. 10/10
TheDude10.5.10 - 2:59 am
This should be a new thread... Could you create it and repeat your words?
Roadblock responding to a
comment by shotgun_mike
10.5.10 - 3:05 am
I invite the LAPD, CHP & LASD to ride on all of my rides. They can ride undercover if they like. I have only one condition - protect & serve us! Imagine the looks on drivers' faces when they get stopped and cited for all of the terrible things they usually do to us with impunity when they think no one is looking!
liquidpremium responding to a
comment by tortuga_veloce
10.5.10 - 7:25 am