Commuter Snapshots
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lackflag at 12.4.10 - 12:52 pm
There's a homeless lady always sitting at the same bus stop at Reseda and Balboa. It has a roof, and it's a pretty busy stop, so there's usually people around. When I notice her, she's usually watching me ride by.
If you do essentially the same commute every day like me, you probably have things you notice, like my bus stop lady. Share them here if you like.
I cycle to my job teaching H.S. students at a continuation school in Fullertown.
Every morning, I pass an OCTA bus stop where one of my student's is waiting for the bus to school.
I don't want to totally embarrass her by shouting out her name, so I ring my bike bell each time I pass.
Last week when I did this, she blew a whistle back at me!
That made my day.
Creative Thing12.4.10 - 1:12 pm
maybe she'll reconsider waiting for the bus every morning as opposed to cycling and getting to school faster :]
superblueman3 responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
12.4.10 - 1:43 pm
If I'm riding home late, there's this one house where, every once in a while, their car will be in the driveway with the door open. One time there was somebody actually sitting in the car, but more often the car will just be sitting there with its door open, interior lights on. First time I saw it I was tempted to stop and close the door as a courtesy, but now I just trip out a little bit.
lackflag12.4.10 - 2:39 pm
i used to have a buddy who managed a Coffee Bean; so i would call him 10 minutes before arriving in his neck of the woods so he could stand on the sidewalk with an espresso in a to-go container, and i would just snag it as i rode by. he has since moved to hollywood so no more free espressos for me.
there's also another guy who commutes the same time as i do, but the opposite way. when he sees me coming he pops a wheelie on his mountain bike and gives me a thumbs up.
about a year ago, there was also a guy who used to do tai chi in his front yard every morning at 10a.m. sharp. don't know what happened to him.
marzipan12.4.10 - 7:25 pm
There's a homeless guy, a few blocks east of Sepulvida on Santa Monica, that's always screaming at me and the cars. There's also some guy that stands in front of the Jack in the Box on SM in protest
Gav12.4.10 - 9:09 pm
I see the $5 guy around Sunset Junction a lot.
Roadblock12.5.10 - 1:06 am
I've seen that dude at jack in the box a lot...i think his sign reads "jack in the box makes me sick"...
barleye responding to a
comment by Gav
12.5.10 - 12:13 pm
I stop at Jack In Da Crack every Sunday after work.
A morning shake and kick-back as I watch the morning roadie crew try to out-do-do each other along Bear Valley.
bentstrider responding to a
comment by barleye
12.5.10 - 4:14 pm
The Jack in the Box guy is rad. One time as he went by he popped out of the bushes and started freestylin'
"Peloton, Peloton, Tour de France.
Ride that bike like your name is Lance."
There were about 10 of us who nearly all crashed because we were laughing our asses off while in total awe.
chunk responding to a
comment by barleye
12.5.10 - 8:24 pm
as a sub teacher, I sometimes see students going home on their BMX bikes...they get a kick out of it if they recognize me
hitsthepoles_ow responding to a
comment by Creative Thing
12.5.10 - 11:45 pm
i always see the same bum sitting on a lawn chair next to a bus stop on santa monica in century city on my way to work in westwood.
one time he had his pants down, ass sticking out backwards, facing traffic and was spraying shit out as I passed.
i yelled in disgust and excitement, but felt kinda bad.
true story
newarkhouse12.6.10 - 1:18 pm
that dude has been there forever. usually with an umbrella.
i used to see him on my way to work in century city 2+ years ago.
i've never seen him poop.
slowrighthand responding to a
comment by newarkhouse
12.6.10 - 1:21 pm
I don't quite have the same commute as everybody else would have, cause I get tired of the same boring routine as of already. But whenever I commute, I always notice the back of my hand all the time, I never notice it anywhere else (just thought I share).
^olsko*jr712.6.10 - 1:24 pm
Every time i ride i see a homeless man by a donut shop and I always stop to give him a dollar
MidnightGhostrider12.15.10 - 11:39 am