LACM public forum on Kill Radio's Bike Talk
Thread started by
trickmilla at 12.3.10 - 11:03 am
This will happen this month on an upcoming Saturday (TBA) between 10a-12a
Hey all. We are in the midst of organizing a public forum on Kill Radio's Bike Talk. The show will also be archived for the ages on
The point is to have an intelligent discussion about the future direction(s) of LACM.
This will be a long form discussion with some historical context and and input from lots of different people (hopefully you).
Unlike every other ride in LA. LACM is owned by the people, but for real democracy to really work, people need to be informed.
I'm hoping that this is something that can bridge the gap between, in person meetings, conversations, forum discussions, and blog posts. To allow us maximum accessibility and a dynamic conversation, while archiving everything in a single package that can archived for future generations.
If you are interested in participating, either by:
- call in
- coming in person to the station
- or posting a written comment here to be read on air (we'll post a thread here several hours before we go on air).
Please get involved.
We will do everything we can to make sure that this is a fair discussion that explores as many viewpoints as possible about what LACM can and should be. But only you can make sure that your views are included.
Some goals for the discussion include:
- respectful dialog / discussion
- a diverse range of voices from as many perspectives as possible
- historic context for understanding CM and LACM
- exploring what future Critical Masses will look like in LA
I encourage everybody who has strong opinions about Critical Mass to brush up on your arguments, research your facts, and join the conversation!
I would rather listen to a radio series on:
Fuck you, Dingo!
Sexy David
md212.3.10 - 11:18 am
ah come on! You like to yap. You should call in! I'm looking forward to this show.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by md2
12.3.10 - 11:25 am
but they want a respectful discussion.
md2 responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
12.3.10 - 11:30 am
Thats no way for the All City Toy Ride to talk. but thanks for the suggestion, but if I get pissed off by Revolution or LACMsux, then Borfos balls will pay (and Im not clipping my nails)
md2 responding to a
comment by All City Toy Ride
12.3.10 - 11:47 am
just make sure that under age kid that like da piggly's wiggly list!!
n da 4 LEADERS that thoat it was a good idea to invite the pigs list!!
n that one dude that made a route for LACM list! who was that again? oh yeah the piggly wiggly sucka!
fixie4life12.6.10 - 8:28 pm
Hello all.
This is happening this saturday! From 10a-12n on
You can particpate by:
- tuning in
- calling in
- posting your comments here to be read on air
- or coming in to the station for live discussion (by appointment)
we will do whatever we can to have an intelligent wide ranging discussion with as many diverse voices as possible.
trickmilla12.14.10 - 9:02 pm
Yo User1 how's your arm? Will you be riding SFCM like the other old farts?
palucha66 responding to a
comment by fixie4life
12.15.10 - 12:20 am
It would be really good to hear from people who experienced or witnessed any bogus tickets/ arrests. If this is you please post a detailed account or call in to the station: 213.252.0998 during the show.
trickmilla12.15.10 - 10:44 am
palucha is just jealous he didn't get a permission slip to leave town for the holidays.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by Oiler10
12.15.10 - 7:34 pm
trust me i can go to SFCM. I just dont choose to. Whats the point of going to another city to "change" ours. I take it LA always has to sniff SF's ass when it comes to LACM.
palucha66 responding to a
comment by trickmilla
12.15.10 - 8:06 pm
Tune in this morning at 10
call in or comment here and we will broadcast your thoughts on critical mass.
trickmilla12.18.10 - 6:55 am
dude, i just woke up... can you remind me what my stance is again?
Hey are the Baka Boyz hosting this thing? Can I freestyle?
md2 responding to a
comment by trickmilla
12.18.10 - 9:48 am
You can jump in Killradio's Hotchat here
or join #killradio on
Mook12.18.10 - 10:31 am
We are on right now right now.
Call in or txt me if u can't get though and well call u back
My number is (323) 793 5668
Kill radio number is listed above.
trickmilla12.18.10 - 10:50 am
where is all the Wu-Tang?
trickmilla lied to me, just so I would listen
md212.18.10 - 11:54 am
dirt magurt was our spiritual guide.
thanks for calling in.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by md2
12.18.10 - 2:38 pm
CRAP! i totally forgot about this.
coldcut12.18.10 - 3:03 pm
eddieboyinla12.18.10 - 6:33 pm
We were having some serious tech issues with the phone.
Nick has agreed to do another LACM public forum on Jan 29, the morning after the Jan Ride.
We will include interviews from the rides and hopefully organize the call in better.
Thanks to everybody who called in (or tried to call in).
I'll be posting up the archive soon.
trickmilla12.18.10 - 7:31 pm
i hope we can have you on air next time.
trickmilla responding to a
comment by palucha66
12.29.10 - 8:40 pm