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Thread started by goosegoose at 11.29.10 - 11:09 am
Brilliant. Wish LA had this.
Had your morning cup of Haterade? Get ready to have it flushed out. A team of bicyclists / engineers have assembled what might be the best thing to happen to the bicycle since Lance Armstrong, with the (currently unnamed) pole-climbing bike lock created for Germany's own Conrad. There's no word on if (or when) this fancy contraption will go on sale, but we know at least one Dutch inhabitant that'll be parting ways with as many Euros as necessary in order to take one home. In short, this device straps around a nearby light pole and then carries your bike high into the air (and thus, faraway from the hands of thieves) via a remote control. The only problems? For one, it's huge, and should prove worrisome to carry around. Secondly, you'll be in a whole heap of trouble should some other prankster decide to hike his / her bike up the same pole beneath yours.
The heavy duty bike lock you see on the front tire is included in the contraption. All the rider needs is their own u-lock and it's fashioned in such a way that various sizes of u-lock will work.
Notice there's also a lever going through the rear tire's spokes. And the frame is locked into place, picture doesn't show it, but this baby ain't going nowhere.