Bike oven closed?

Thread started by
Ninja biker at 11.28.10 - 5:15 pm
Did they move to another site?
seems like they need to pay a hosting bill, i think.
TheDude11.28.10 - 6:16 pm
chicken leather took off with the money for the site.... he's off in Mexico somewhere...
TONIGHT is BIKE In movie.... roll thru...... beer... fresh herbs (for tea of course::: cough:::;)
Bike OVEN Lives on....
WindNature11.28.10 - 6:41 pm
I remember Chicken Leather!
Great guy,he was helping my friend out when his seatpost bolt broke off.
Ninja biker11.28.10 - 9:32 pm
they probably didn't pay their hosting, but they're there just fine.
If there is specific information you need to know, please ask.
the reverend dak11.28.10 - 10:05 pm
Same place Same people. Site temporarily down as Dak says.
Limeyfly11.29.10 - 8:36 am
Yes, yes, yes. I forgot to renew my card details and I don't have any more that I use. So, I'm waiting for a new piece of plastic attached to my account.
Enjoy the godaddy ads in the meantime.
ubrayj0211.29.10 - 7:37 pm
If your website goes down, do you cease to exist?
rev106 responding to a
comment by ubrayj02
11.29.10 - 8:03 pm